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A Seminar on Dynamic WSNs for real time safeguard of workers exposed to physical agents in constructions sites

Presented by Kunal S Khandelwal ME (E&TC), VACOE


1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey


3. Proposed MWSN Architecture 4. Sensor Node Scheme 5. Selection of Physical Sensor 6. Selection of Microcontroller and the Radio Card 7. Realization Scheme for Antenna 8. Design of SN with auto-rechargebale capability 9. Conclusion 10.References

WSN have been already deployed in
technological areas

environment monitoring
healthcare applications

home domotics
traffic control logistic industrial automation and management.

Literature Survey
Over exposition can cause DNA mutations that could result in a skin cancer or other cellular proliferative diseases. Exposition to dust particles leads to "dangerous" diseases As loss of lung function due to cumulative respirable dust exposure Autoimmune diseases like scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis related to silica dust exposure.

MSWN- to monitor the safety conditions of workers employed in the building sector, in particular the exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays and micro dust particles.

Proposed MSWN Architecture

MSWN is composed of mobile sensing units, gateways and a remote unit . The sensing unit, must be wearable, light in weight, small, robust, as much washable as possible, but also extremely cheap. The SN is used to detect the physical phenomenon, process it numerically and transmit it to the gateway (GW). SNs applied to workers employed in closed or indoor environments are connected through a 2.45 GHz or 868 MHz ZigBee standard. With the ZigBee, the system is robust, covers less area ,transmission power required is too high. While using an ad-hoc standard it is possible to reach long distances with less power. The drawback is that the antenna is larger. The GW receives the data from all the sensing units and then retransmits them to a central server

Proposed MSWN Architecture

Fig. 1. Wireless Sensor Network scheme: devices are worn by the builders, independently on their working duty, local gateways collect the information and report to a remote station by standard connection

Sensor Node Scheme

The core of the MWSN is the SN. It is composed of: a physical sensor used to detect the phenomenon, a microcontroller and radio (hosted by one single chip), an antenna, a battery, a suitable energy harvester able to work both in indoor and in outdoor locations, a charging circuit. The device is composed of an harvesting part (left), which can be realized either with a microsolar- panel (top left) or a thermoelectric generator (bottom left), a microcontroller (top center), a textile antenna (bottom right), and a physical sensor, which can be either a UV sensor (top right) or a dust sensor (center right)

Sensor Node Scheme

Fig. 2. Sensor Node scheme.

Selection of Physical Sensor

UV Sensor: SGLux TOCON-ABC1 Nano UV sensor is chosen:power consumption of 2.4 mW, the output voltage is proportional to the sun radiation a sensitivity of 280 mV /(nW cm2) . Dust sensor :

GP2Y1010AU0F sensor is chosen:effective in detecting very fine particles. power consumption of 60 mW. sensitivity is 0.5 V/( 0:1mg m3) .

Selection of Microcontroller and Radio Card

Amber Wireless, AMB8420 :integrated transceiver module containing microcontroller and the radio card.

Operating frequency decides power requirement , at 868 MHz power required is 135 mW at 2.45 GHz power required is 75 mW.


Realization scheme for Antenna

Antenna design characteristics:the need to combine compact sizes, folding adaptability, low manufacturing costs and massif production with efficiency and washability. Realization:a standard microstrip trapezoidal design, optimize to work either at 868 MHz or 433 MHz. Dimensions length 11.13 cm, patch width 12.68 cm, aramid thickness 2.2 mm, polypropylene thickness 20 m, ground plane size 12.45 cm x 14 cm.

Fig. 3. Realization Scheme for antenna


Design of SN with Auto-rechargeable Capability

Need of Energy Harvester :All SN components are chosen in order to minimize power consumption, but an energy harvester is added to extend the operating life of the sensor. a thermoelectric - indoor locations a photovoltaic -outdoor. The thermoelectric harvester (Micropelt, MPG D751) Based on the Seebeck effect, with the hot side of the device in contact with the human skin and the cold one exposed to the external environment. The difference of temperature between the body, normally larger than 10C, is sufficient to generate electrical energy and charge the battery. The photovoltaic harvester (Ixys, SolarMD600H10L) is optimal in outdoor construction premises, as the situation is typically favorable to maximise the efficiency of the solar modules.

Design of SN with Auto-rechargeable Capability

The energy harvesters are interfaced with the batteries (Infinite Power Solution, Thinergy MEC 201) .

Dedicated charging circuit (Maxim, MAX17710) that controls the state of the battery and that allows the current flow when necessary.


Realization of a wearable device suitable to monitor working conditions of builders engaged in tough locations. The preliminary tests demonstrate the applicability of the concept. In particular, the chosen manufacturing process is reliable, efficient, inexpensive.

Allows a general protection to the device, allowing also its washability.


[1] T. Takoro, N. Kobayashi, B. Zmudzka, S. Ito, K. Wakamatsu, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Korossy, S. Miller, J. Beer, and V. Hearing, Uvinduced dna damage and melanin content in human skin differing in racial/ethnic origin, The FASEB Journal, 2003. [2] A. D. Oxman, D. C. Muir, H. S. Shannon, S. R. Stock, E. Hnizdo, and H. Lange, Occupational dust exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic overview of the evidence, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 1993. [3] C. Parks, K. Conrad, and G. Cooper, Occupational exposure to crystalline silica and autoimmune disease, Environmental Health Perspectives, October 1999. [4] H. Adnan, Energy harvesting: State-of-the-art, Renewable Energy, pp. 26412654, October 2011.


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