Introducing ISO 220000:2005 - The Easy Way To Certification: From 22000foodsafety

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Introducing ISO 220000:2005 The Easy Way to Certification

From 22000foodsafety

Who are ISO ?

The Internationa Organi!ation for Standardi!ation "ISO# $as esta% ished in &'() and is an association of &5) mem%ers* $hich each re+resent their o$n country, ISO em+ oys a system of Technica Committees and Wor-ing .rou+s to de/e o+ Internationa Standards, 0ritish Standards Institute is the 1ationa Standards 0ody that re+resents the 2nited 3ingdom at ISO $$$,%sigrou+,com


What is ISO 22000:2005?

ISO 22000:2005 is an internationa standard that s+ecifies re4uirements for a food safety management system $here an organi!ation in the food chain needs to demonstrate its a%i ity to contro food safety ha!ards in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consum+tion, ISO 22000:2005 is a++ ica% e to a organi!ations in the food chain* regard ess of si!e* that $ant to im+ ement systems that consistent y +ro/ide safe +roducts, ISO +u% ished ISO 22000 on Se+tem%er &* 2005,
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What is ISO 22000:2005?

ISO 22000 is designed for the certification of esta% ished Food Safety 5anagement Systems and so an organisations FS5S can %e certified as com+ iant $ith this standard %y an inde+endent %ody, 6n organisation can %e in com+ iance $ith ISO 22000:2005 $ithout %eing forma y certified %y an accredited %ody, 6n organisation can a++ y the food safety management system and state that the FS5S com+ ies $ith ISO 22000* ho$e/er* the system is i-e y to ha/e more credi%i ity $ith customers if it has %een a++ro/ed %y an inde+endent %ody,
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What is ISO 22000:2005?

In order to com+ y $ith ISO 22000 an organisation sha :

an* im+ ement* maintain and u+date a food safety management system to su++ y +roducts that are safe for the consumer 8emonstrate com+ iance $ith a++ ica% e customer* statutory and regu atory food safety re4uirements 8emonstrate com+ iance $ith recognised industry codes of +ractice Effecti/e y communicate food safety issues to su++ iers* customers and re e/ant +arties in the food chain Conform to the stated food safety +o icy 8emonstrate such conformity to re e/ant interested +arties
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What is ISO 22000:2005?

ISO 22000 integrates the +rinci+ es of the 9a!ard 6na ysis and Critica Contro 7oint "96CC7# system de/e o+ed %y the Code: 6 imentarius Commission $ith +rere4uisite +rogrammes, 9a!ard ana ysis is the -ey to an effecti/e food safety management system, ISO 22000 assists in defining the system re4uirements to gather the information and -no$ edge in order to esta% ish an effecti/e com%ination of contro measures, ISO 22000 re4uires that a ha!ards that may %e reasona% y e:+ected to occur in the food chain* inc uding ha!ards that may %e associated $ith the +rocess and faci ities used* are identified and assessed, 8uring ha!ard ana ysis* the FS5S ensures ha!ard contro %y com%ining the +rere4uisite +rogrammes* o+erationa +rere4uisite +rogrammes and 96CC7 + ans, 6


What is ISO 22000:2005?

ISO has de/e o+ed additiona standards that are re ated to ISO 22000, These standards are -no$n as the ISO 22000 fami y of standards: ISO 22000:2005 ; Food safety management systems re4uirements for any organi!ation in the food chain, ISO TS 2200<:200) ; Food safety management systems for %odies +ro/iding audit and certification of food safety management systems, ISO TS 2200(:2005 ; Food safety management systems ; .uidance on the a++ ication of ISO 22000:2005, ISO 22005:200) ; Tracea%i ity in the feed and food chain ; .enera +rinci+ es and %asic re4uirements for system design and im+ ementation, ISO 22000 can a so %e c ose y incor+orated $ith the 4ua ity management system of ISO '00&, 7


ISO 22000:2005 3ey E ements

ISO 22000 com%ines genera y recogni!ed -ey e ements to ensure food safety a ong the food chain :
Interacti/e 96CC7


7rinci+ es 5anagement +rogrammes




ISO 22000:2005 3ey E ements

Interacti/e Communication C ear communication a ong the food chain is essentia to ensure that a re e/ant food safety ha!ards are identified and ade4uate y contro ed at each ste+, This im+ ies communication of the needs of the organi!ation to organi!ations %oth u+stream and do$nstream in the food chain, Communication $ith customers and su++ iers* %ased on the information generated through systematic ha!ard ana ysis* $i a so assist in esta% ishing customer and su++ ier re4uirements in terms of feasi%i ity* need and im+act on the end +roduct,


ISO 22000:2005 3ey E ements

System 5anagement The most effecti/e food safety systems are designed* o+erated and u+dated $ithin the frame$or- of a structured management system and incor+orated into the o/era management acti/ities of the organi!ation, This +ro/ides ma:imum %enefit for the organi!ation and interested +arties, ISO 22000 is a igned $ith the re4uirements of ISO '00&:2000 in order to enhance the com+ati%i ity of the t$o standards and to ease their =oint or integrated im+ ementation,



ISO 22000:2005 3ey E ements

96CC7 7rinci+ es ISO 22000 com%ines the Code: 6 imentarius 96CC7 "9a!ard 6na ysis and Critica Contro 7oints# +rinci+ es and a++ ication ste+s* de/e o+ed %y Code: 6 imentarius* $ith +rere4uisite +rogrammes, It uses the ha!ard ana ysis to determine the strategy for ha!ard contro ,



ISO 22000:2005 3ey E ements

7rere4uisite 7rogrammes The effecti/e +roduction of safe +roducts re4uires a detai ed 96CC7 + an and the integration of t$o categories of 7rere4uisite +rogrammes: Infrastructure and maintenance +rogrammes O+erationa +rere4uisite +rogrammes Infrastructure and maintenance +rogrammes address %asic hygienic re4uirements and acce+ted good agricu tura * manufacturing* storage* trans+ort and /eterinary +ractices of a +ermanent nature, O+erationa +rere4uisite +rogrammes are im+ emented to contro identified food safety ha!ards in the +roduct or +rocessing en/ironment
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6%out ISO 22000:2005

ISO 22000 is a food safety management system standard that ays do$n the re4uirements needed to demonstrate the contro food safety ha!ards in order to ensure that food is safe for consum+tion, The re4uirements of this ISO 22000 are generic and so ISO 22000 is a++ ica% e to a organi!ations that are in/o /ed in the food chain* regard ess of si!e and com+ e:ity that $ant to im+ ement systems that consistent y +ro/ide safe +roducts, Organi!ations that are direct y in/o /ed that $ou d %enefit from ISO 22000 certification inc ude feed +roducers* farmers* +roducers of ingredients* food manufacturers* retai ers* food ser/ices* catering ser/ices* organi!ations +ro/iding c eaning and sanitation ser/ices* trans+ortation* storage and distri%ution ser/ices, Other organi!ations that are indirect y in/o /ed that may %enefit from ISO 22000 certification inc ude su++ iers of e4ui+ment* c eaning agents* +ac-aging materia s* and other food contact materia s,
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ISO 22000 8efinitions

Food Safety The conce+t that food $i not cause harm to the consumer $hen it is eaten according to its intended use, Food safety is re ated to the occurrence of food safety ha!ards, Food Chain The se4uences in the +roduction* +rocessing* distri%ution* storage and hand ing of a food* inc uding its ingredients* from +rimary +roduction to consumer, This inc udes the +roduction of feed for food;+roducing anima s and for anima s intended for food +roduction, The sco+e of this definition a so inc udes the +roduction of materia s intended to come into contact $ith food, Food Safety 7o icy 6 statement of food safety intent forma y e:+ressed %y senior management,
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ISO 22000 8efinitions

Food Safety 9a!ard 6 %io ogica * chemica or +hysica agent in food"inc uding a ergens#* or condition of food* $ith the +otentia to cause an ad/erse hea th effect, In the conte:t of feed and feed ingredients* re e/ant food safety ha!ards are those that may %e +resent in and>or on feed and feed ingredients and that may su%se4uent y %e transferred to food through anima consum+tion of feed and may thus ha/e the +otentia to cause an ad/erse human hea th effect, For +roducers of food chain +ac-aging materia s* c eaning agents and simi ar +roducts* re e/ant food safety ha!ards are those ha!ards that can %e direct y or indirect y transferred to food %ecause of the intended use of the +roducts and thus ha/e the +otentia to cause an ad/erse human hea th effect, 15


ISO 22000 8efinitions

?is?is- is defined as the com%ination of the +ro%a%i ity of occurrence of harm and the se/erity of that harm, The term @ha!ard@ is not to %e confused $ith the term @ris-@ $hich* in the conte:t of food safety* means a function of the +ro%a%i ity of an ad/erse hea th effect and the se/erity of that effect $hen e:+osed to a s+ecified ha!ard, F o$ 8iagram 6 f o$ diagram is a schematic and systematic +resentation of the se4uence and interactions of ste+s



ISO 22000 8efinitions

End 7roduct 6 +roduct that $i not undergo any further +rocessing or transformation %y the organi!ation +rior to de i/ery to the customer>consumer, This may %e a ra$ materia to the ne:t organisation or consumer de+ending on itAs +osition in the food chain, Contro 5easure 6n action or acti/ity that can %e used to +re/ent or e iminate a food safety ha!ard or reduce it to an acce+ta% e e/e ,



ISO 22000 8efinitions

Critica Contro 7oint "CC7# 6 ste+ in the +rocess at $hich contro can %e a++ ied and is essentia to +re/ent or e iminate a food safety ha!ard or reduce it to an acce+ta% e e/e , Critica Bimit 6 critica imit is the ma:imum or minimum /a ue to $hich a +hysica * %io ogica * or chemica ha!ard must %e contro ed at a critica contro +oint to +re/ent* e iminate* or reduce to an acce+ta% e e/e , Critica imits are esta% ished to determine $hether a CC7 remains in contro and the +roduct is safe,



ISO 22000 8efinitions

7rere4uisite 7rogramme "7?7# 0ase conditions and acti/ities that are necessary to maintain a safe en/ironment for the +roduction* hand ing and +ro/ision of safe end +roducts, These are infrastructure and maintenance +rere4uisites that an organisation has decided are the minimum +re;conditiona hygienic conditions,



ISO 22000 8efinitions

O+erationa 7rere4uisite 7rogramme "O+erationa 7?7# 6 +rere4uisite +rogramme identified %y the ha!ard ana ysis as essentia in order to contro food safety ha!ards in the +roduct or in the +rocess, 6n o+erationa +rere4uisite +rogramme is a s+ecified +rocedure"s# or instruction"s#* s+ecific to the nature and si!e of the o+eration* that enhances and>or maintains o+erationa conditions to ena% e more effecti/e contro of food safety ha!ards and>or that contro s the i-e ihood of introducing food safety ha!ards and their contamination of or +ro iferation in the +roduct"s# and +roduct +rocessing en/ironment, Ty+es of o+erationa +rere4uisites inc ude: 7hysica contamination contro s " e,g, 5eta detection# Chemica contamination contro s "e,g, C eaning contro s# 7re/ention of cross contamination "e,g, 6 ergen contro s#
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ISO 22000 8efinitions

Contro 7oint "C7# 6ny +oint* ste+ or +rocedure at $hich contro can %e a++ ied so that +otentia 4ua ity deficiencies can %e +re/entedC e iminated or reduced to an acce+ta% e e/e , The oss of contro may not ead to an unacce+ta% e food safety ris-, 5onitoring O%ser/ations or measurements to assess $hether contro measures are o+erating as intended, Correction The action ta-en to e iminate a detected nonconformity and +otentia y unsafe +roduct, 6 correction can %e ta-en in con=unction $ith a correcti/e action, E:am+ es inc ude re+rocessing* dis+osa * and a ternate use, 21


ISO 22000 8efinitions

Correcti/e 6ction 5easures ta-en to rectify conditions ad/erse to 4ua ity and safety, It inc udes action ta-en to +re/ent recurrences of the +ro% em, Da idation The +rocess o%taining ade4uate e/idence that the contro measures managed %y the 96CC7 + an and %y the o+erationa 7?7s are ca+a% e of %eing effecti/e, Derification Confirmation through the +ro/ision of o%=ecti/e e/idence that s+ecified re4uirements ha/e %een fu fi ed,
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ISO 22000 8efinitions

2+dating 6n acti/ity to ensure a++ ication of the most recent information, 1on;Conformance 6 deficiency in characteristics* documentation or +rocess im+ ementation* $hich means +roduct re4uirements ha/e not %een achie/ed, 96CC7 96CC7 stands for 9a!ard 6na ysis and Critica Contro 7oint, It $as de/e o+ed %y the Code: 6 imentarius Commission, 96CC7 is a system used to identify* +re/ent* and contro food safety ha!ards,
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ISO 22000 ; 96CC7 7rinci+ es

6 96CC7 system is %ased on ) +rinci+ es that identify s+ecific ha!ards and im+ ements measures for their contro : 7rinci+ e & 7re+are a f o$ diagram of the ste+s in the +rocess, Conduct a ha!ard ana ysis %y identifying +otentia ha!ards, 6ssess i-e ihood of occurrence of these ha!ards and identify contro o+tions 7rinci+ e 2 Identify the Critica Contro 7oints in the +rocess using the decision tree 7rinci+ e < Esta% ish Critica Bimits for each CC7
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ISO 22000 96CC7 7rinci+ es

7rinci+ e ( Esta% ish a monitoring system to ensure contro of the Critica Contro 7oint %y schedu ed testing or o%ser/ations 7rinci+ e 5 Esta% ish the correcti/e action to %e ta-en $hen monitoring indicates that a +articu ar Critica Contro 7oint is mo/ing out of contro 7rinci+ e E Esta% ish documentation concerning a +rocedures and records a++ro+riate to these +rinci+ es and their a++ ication 7rinci+ e ) Da idate and Derify that 96CC7 is $or-ing effecti/e y
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ISO 22000 96CC7 7 an

96CC7 7 an The 96CC7 system is used to de/e o+ a 96CC7 + an, 6n 96CC7 + an is a document that descri%es ho$ an organisation manages and contro s its food safety ha!ards, 6n 96CC7 + an contains:

contro +oints "CC7s# ii,7rocess ste+s $here the CC7 a++ ies iii,9a!ards that $i %e contro ed at each CC7 i/,Contro measures that $i %e used at each CC7 /,Critica imits that $i %e a++ ied at each CC7 /i,7rocedures that $i %e used to monitor CC7s /ii,Corrections that $i %e ta-en $hen critica imits are e:ceeded
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ISO 22000:2005 Standard

The ISO 22000:2005 Sections: Section &: Scope Section 2: Normative Reference Section <: Terms and definitions Section (: Food Safety Management System Section 5: Management Responsibility Section E: Resource Management Section ): Planning and Realization of Safe 7roducts Section F: Verification, Validation and Improvement of t e Food Safety Management System



ISO 22000:2005 Standard

The ne:t fe$ s ides sho$ ta% es that match our ISO 22000 food safety management system document tem+ ates to the c auses of the ISO 22000:2005 Standard: Section (: Food Safety 5anagement System Section 5: 5anagement ?es+onsi%i ity Section E: ?esource 5anagement Section ): 7 anning and ?ea i!ation of Safe 7roducts Section F: Derification* Da idation and Im+ro/ement of the Food Safety 5anagement System



ISO 22000 Standard ; Section (: Food Safety Management System summary of t e IS! ""### compliance



ISO 22000 Standard Section 5: 5anagement ?es+onsi%i ity



ISO 22000 Standard Section ): 7 anning and ?ea isation of Safe 7roducts



ISO 22000 Standard Section ): 7 anning and ?ea isation of Safe 7roducts



ISO 22000 Standard Section ): 7 anning and ?ea isation of Safe 7roducts



ISO 22000 Standard Section F: Da idation* Derification and Im+ro/ement of the FSG5S



ISO 22000 Standard

ISO 22000: uses a simi ar structure to the ISO '00&:200F 4ua ity management system standard, This shou d ma-e it a %it easier for ISO '00& certified organi!ations to achie/e ISO 22000 certification, !ur document $M ##" Food Safety $uality Manual Summary s o%s t e connections bet%een IS! &##' and IS! ""### and o% t e IS! ""### manual is compliant %it bot ( ISO 22000 has a structured a++roach to com%ining the 96CC7 + an $ith +rere4uisite +rogrammes and o+erationa +rere4uisite +rogrammes into a sing e integrated food safety management system, 7rere4uisite +rogrammes "7?7s# are acti/ities and +ractices that must %e +erformed in order to esta% ish and maintain a hygienic en/ironment and are often referred to $ith terms such as H.ood 5anufacturing 7racticeI,
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ISO 22000 Im+ ementation

The +rocess of im+ ementing ISO 22000 must start $ith Senior 5anagement as defined in section 5 management res+onsi%i ity, The standard re4uires senior management to demonstrate commitment to the food safety management system "FS5S#, This needs to %e su++orted %y food safety +o icy and o%=ecti/es, These shou d ead to the + anning and de/e o+ment of the FS5S,



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation

The fo o$ing s ides sho$ the ty+ica ste+s in de/e o+ing a FS5S com+ iant $ith ISO 22000:2005,



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation Senior 5anagement ?es+onsi%i ities

i, ii, iii, i/, /, /i, /ii, /iii, i:, :, :i, :ii,


8emonstrate a commitment to food safety Issue a food safety +o icy Esta% ish food safety o%=ecti/es 8efine the sco+e and %oundaries of the FS5S, 7 an the esta% ishment of the FS5S, 7ro/ide ade4uate su++ort to esta% ish the FS5S, Ensure there is ade4uate infrastructure and $or- en/ironment, 6++oint a food safety team eader 6++oint the food safety team FS5S res+onsi%i ities and authorities are documented and communicated Esta% ish food safety communication systems 7ro/ide the resources re4uired to esta% ish* document* im+ ement* maintain and u+date the FS5S,

ISO 22000 Im+ ementation 5anagement ?es+onsi%i ities

Im+ ement training and a$areness +rograms, :i/, Ensure +ersonne are com+etent +articu ar y in terms of food safety :/, Ensure that systems are in + ace to manage +otentia emergency situations and accidents, :/i, Esta% ish* im+ ement and maintain infrastructure and maintenance +rere4uisite +rograms "7?7s# to contro food safety ha!ards :/ii, Esta% ish * im+ ement and maintain o+erationa +rere4uisite +rograms "7?7s# to contro food safety ha!ards :/iii, The food safety team descri%e +roduct characteristics are descri%ed for ra$ materia s* ingredients and +roduct contact materia s "such as +ac-aging#, 3ey information shou d %e documented usua y 39 food safety in s+ecifications and ega re4uirements identified,


ISO 22000 Im+ ementation Food Safety Team ?o e

The characteristics of end +roducts are descri%ed and documented ::, The intended use of the end +roduct is descri%ed inc uding /u nera% e grou+s ::i, F o$ diagrams are +re+ared for a +roducts and +rocesses inc uding a the ste+s in the +rocess ::ii, Food safety contro measures are identified ::iii, 7erform a food safety ha!ard ana ysis ::i/, Identify and document food safety ha!ards ::/, S+ecify acce+ta% e e/e s for each ha!ard ::/i, 6ssess the food safety ha!ards ::/ii, Se ect and assess contro measures for each food safety ha!ard ::/iii, 8ecide if contro measures are to %e +art of o+erationa +rere4uisite +rograms or the 96CC7 + an, 96CC7 00( 96CC7 Ca cu ator aids this +rocess,



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation Food Safety Team ?o e

Esta% ish the o+erationa 7?7s :::, 7re+are the 96CC7 + an :::i, Identify critica contro +oints "CC7#s for each food safety ha!ard :::ii, 8etermine the critica imit for each CC7 :::iii, 8etermine and esta% ish monitoring +rocedures and records for each CC7 :::i/, 8etermine the corrections and correcti/e actions to %e ta-en $hen monitoring resu ts e:ceed critica imits :::/, 6 ocate res+onsi%i ity and authority for monitoring and recording* corrections and correcti/e actions :::/i, 8ocument the 96CC7 + an :::/ii,Da idate that the contro measures and com%ination of contro measures are ca+a% e of achie/ing the intended e/e of contro of the food safety ha!ards,



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation


management team ensure a staff are com+etent and ade4uate y trained in the re4uirements of the +rere4uisite +rogrammes* o+erationa +rere4uisite +rogrammes and the 96CC7 7 an :::i:, The food safety team u+date the +re iminary information %ased on the 96CC7 + an and +rere4uisites +rogrammes and amend the o+erationa 7?7As and 96CC7 + an if necessary :, The management esta% ish a +roduct tracea%i ity system : i, The system is used to identify and correct nonconforming +roducts, E/a uate data and ta-e correcti/e actions,



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation

: ii,

: iii,

: i/, : /,

: /i, : /ii,

6 system is +ut in + ace to contro +roducts that are +otentia y unsafe inc uding $ithdra$a +rocedures 6 system is +ut in + ace to contro monitoring and measuring methods and monitoring de/ices Systems are +ut in + ace to contro FS5S documents and records Systems are +ut in + ace to /erify that the FS5S is im+ emented effecti/e y inc uding interna audits The food safety team e/a uate the resu ts of /erification acti/ities The senior management team carry out food safety management re/ie$s



ISO 22000 Im+ ementation

: /iii, The

: i:,

senior management team im+ ement actions to continua y im+ro/e the FS5S The food safety team u+date the FS5S as necessary %y re/ie$ing data co ected and information inc uding customer feed%ac-* audit re+orts* resu ts of /erification acti/ities and management re/ie$ out+ut and decide if the ha!ard ana ysis* design of o+erationa 7?7s and the 96CC7 + an need re/ie$,


The ISO 22000 Interna 6udit >.a+ ana ysis Chec- ists su++ ied as +art of the ISO 22000 manua +ac-age $i assist in im+ ementing a FS5S or integrating ISO 44management 22000 into an e:isting

ThatAs the end of this +resentation

Than- you for attending,

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