Moral Presentation Confucius

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He said of himself; I am a humble man when young; I was not born with knowledge, but I am fond of antiquity and quick seeking knowledge, and how dare I be called a sage or a humane man. In short, he is saying that he is just an ordinary man, not a representative of God.

He advised his disciples not to speculate on what ghosts and spirits might do and what could happen after death. He concerned in reality and life.

Born in the ancient state of Lu (modern Shantung), in 551 BCE. Died on 479 BCE. Married at the year of 19, bear a daughter and a son. The father of Confucianism.

His teachings are amalgation of Buddhism and Taoism. He travelled the countries to spread his teachings.

The four holy books: 1.Chung Yung or the Doctrine of the Mean 2.Lun Yu or the Analects of Confucius 3.Meng Tzu or the writings of Meng Tzu (371-289 BCE) 4.Ta Hsueh or the Great Learning

Father to son Husband to wife Elder brother to younger brother Ruler to ruled Friend to friend


A young man should be filial to his parents at home and respectful to his elder brothers out of doors. He should be cautions and trustworthy, love the multitude extensively and be close to those who are humane. If there is energy to spare, he can study the classics

Indicates the stages of a young mans efforts at self-cultivation, To begin by loving ones parents and brothers and then to go forward to love the multitude are steps towards ones acquisition of humanity

This perspective on life reflects Confucius view on family life and family education. The family was very important in his eyes because generally people spent their early years with their parents and formed their characters under their influence. Thus the family influenced the direction of their lives.


Rule by virtue- moral qualities of the ruler and measures he uses in governing his state Rectification of namessocial status and political must be properly founded humane governmenttreatment of populace

-behavior and speech must be in keeping with ones status, ethical codes
-his words can be convinced


Confucius and his students were united on the basis of the Way which the master formulated. They worked for the same objective and cause-the propagation and realization of the Way.

Confucius showed deep concern for and loved his students, always ready to answer their questions, and gave them instruction and criticism. His students, in return, were unreservedly loyal and reverent towards him; some of them accompanied him on his journey through the states, sharing with him all the attendant difficulties and dangers.

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.

ba de (Eight Virtues)
xiao : filial piety - A love and respect for ones parents and ancestors - Among all the good deeds, filial piety comes first.

zhong : Loyalty/Faithful - Relationship between prince and minister/friend - Be loyal to others[13.19]

ren : humane - Fundamental quality of man and fundamental virtues. ai : Love - Love the population - Love the people extensively [1.6]

xin : Trustworthiness - Trust, faithfulness and sincerity yi : Rightness - Criterion for his conduct and behaviour - The gentleman knows what is right; the small man knows what is profitable.[4.16]

he : Harmony - The gentleman favors a world in which a multiplicity of diverse views and phenomena exist in harmony. ping : justice - I teach everyone without making distinctions.[15.39]

(xiao zhong)

loyalty to ones people and country, parents among one another promises of peace in the world

- kind and caring

(ren ai)

- can be trusted, keeps

(xin yi)

- fair to all for the sake

(he ping)

From virtuous individuals to universal peace.

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