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Reading 800/3
Presented by: Mdm. Audrey Koh Sui Ean B. Education TESL (Honours) UK

Reading Carries the Highest Weightage.. 40%

6 Sections x 45 questions x 1 hours: 1. One passage with graphics (Non-Linear) 2. 5 Comprehension passages

Question types: 1. 3 option objective questions 2. 4 option objective questions

3-Option MCQ
This questioning technique is introduced to really challenge candidates reading ability.

1.True 2.False 3.Not stated

Read very carefully before choosing the right answer. * Do not use your general knowledge to answer the question, if it is not in the passage, dont assume you know the answer by choosing the one that is logically right. Select NOT STATED if it CANNOT BE FOUND in the passage or stimuli.

Information Transfer Tip No. 1:


Information Transfer Tip No. 2:

Learn the vocabulary commonly used in information transfer exercises.
Rise Go up Gain Increase Improve Escalate Incline Fall/Drop Go down Loss Decrease Depreciate Deteriorate Decline

More than Higher than Most Highest Largest

Less than Lower than Least Lowest Smallest

Constant Stable Equal

Steady Gradual Slight Maintain Minimum Marginal

Sharp Drastic Steep Strong/Weak Maximum Record High/ Record Low Doubled/2 Times Tripled/3 Times Quadrupled/ 4 Times

Erratic Fluctuating

(+) Profit Growth Production Increment () Loss Claims Expense Expenditur e

Cost Spent Incur Paid In Paid Out Trade Invest Import Export

Start/Beginning Mid/Middle End/Ending Quarterly (1/4) Half (1/2) Weekly Fortnightly (2 Weeks) Monthly 1st Quarter (Jan-Mar) 2nd Quarter (Apr-Jun) 3rd Quarter (Jul-Sept) 4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) Annually (1 Year) Biannually (2 Years) Decade (10 Years) Century (100 Years)

Reading Comprehension
Usually the difficulty level of the comprehension passages will increase with each passage. For each passage, there will be 7-8 questions that cover: 1. Content 2. Vocabulary 3. Critical Thinking

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 1

Answers usually follow the sequence i.e. Read the passage carefully as the answer for the 2nd question is usually found between the answers for Q1 & 3. eg. If the answer for Q1 is in LINE 5 and Q3 is in LINE 20, then the answer for Q2 is most likely around LINE 6 TO 19.

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 2 Use the anaphoric (before) or cataphoric (after) referencing technique to find the answer.

Anaphoric reference (before the word):

A study was conducted on 200 Malaysian respondents. The researchers conducted the survey by giving them questionnaires to answer.

1) The word them refers to a) the study b) the respondents c) the survey d) the questionnaire

Cataphoric reference (after the word):

It is one of the most common sleep disorders and a major health problem. In fact, insomnia affects normal rest patterns and as a result insomniacs find it difficult to fall asleep.
1) The word It refers to a) sleep b) health c) insomnia

Reading Comprehension TIP No.3: When you cannot locate the answer directly you need to infer, i.e. make intelligent assumptions.
Eg. Many people bought the product. Profits increased due to high sales. All of the following statements are false except: a. The product was a failure. b. The product was a success. c. The product was expensive. d. The product was easy to use. * Pay attention to words like except and not as it may trick you into choosing the wrong answer. Other common phrases used include: Which of the following is true?

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 4

For Vocabulary: Eg. The word ___ in line 3 refers to 1. Eliminate impossible answers. 2. Identify the root word. 3. Identify prefixes and/or suffixes. 4. Use anaphoric or cataphoric referencing. 5. Select the most likely answer.

Can you break this word down?

forest root word de to remove -ation noun to show process ie. Deforestation is the process of removing trees from the forest.

Now can you figure this word out?

grade (level of quality) root word de to remove -ation noun to show process ie. Degradation is the decrease of quality of something.

Now can you figure this word out?

saline (salty water) root word de to remove -ation noun to show process ie. Desalination is the process of removing salt from water.

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 5

For Prediction: Eg. A suitable title for the passage is ______. Read the text carefully before selecting the best title. Drawing Conclusion: Eg. It can be concluded that ______. Read the entire text carefully before summing it up.

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 6

For Writers Style: Eg. The writer develops his ideas using A compare and contrast B problems and solutions C cause and effect D timeline You need to read the text carefully to see the writers line of argument.

Reading Comprehension Tip No. 7

For Writers Tone: Eg. The writers purpose is to A support B inform C go against D persuade You have to think about the writers main intention of writing the text.

The ONLY ways to improve are: 1.READ, READ & READ SOME MORE. (read at least 1 newspaper a day &1 book a week) 2.PRACTISE, PRACTISE & PRACTISE EVEN MORE. (do each reading comprehension test TWICE, 1st time without referring to dictionary or friends, 2nd time with reference. Logically, the 2nd try will be higher than the 1st or there is something wrong with.YOU!

If you do well in reading, half the battle is won! Good Luck!

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