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History of Advertising

Presented byAditya Mayank & Abhinav Dayal MBA-3rd semester

Origin & growth of advertising in the world

Not used untibbbl about 200 years ago The upsurge in advertising came after the development of printing in 1450s

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In 17th century, newspaper started appearing in various part of the world Newspaper advertising began to develop First newspapers had the large numbers of ads At the end of century, great number of commercial newspapers were published in Europe

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Around 1840, several people were selling space in newspapers in New York & other cities Space-brokers, who later on developed into ad agencies. Came into existence Competitive advertisement came into existence later in 18th century

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Advertising marked a great expansion 1840s manufacturers began using magazine ads to reach the mass market In 1841, in the USA the first advertising agency was started In 1871, Bates set up the 1st ad agency in US which offered creative services 1888, the first ad journal Printers Ink was launched in US 1893 Coca Cola registered its trademark
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Development of modern advertising

America are the forerunners of this but it has its root in England Industrial revolution plays an important role After World war 1st, the era of salesmanship arrived In 1920, radio emerged as a powerfull ad medium Great depression came in 1930 due to wars

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TV broadcasting was introduced in 1941 at the end of world war 2nd The period between 1940s-50s was the period where consumer started improving their standards of living In the 60s image era started In the 90s comparative marketing appeared

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History of Indian Advertising

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Pre Independence
Press advertisements largely imported goods which had reached Indian shores. Dattaram , the first agency , was found in 1905. it released the first ad for West End Watch Co., Mumbai in 1907. In 1920, the banner ad was put on trams.

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The talkies and radio emerge as media.

2nd World War Famine Fight for Independence In 1941, Leela Chitnis became the first Indian film actress to endorse Lux soap

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Industrial revolution in the Nehruvian era Burmah Shell propagated kerosene by advertising on Vans Cinema advertising began In 1956, Kolkata gets the privilege of Indias first ad club In 1957 government launches Vividh Bharati Leading ad agency - Press Syndicate
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Indias first Advertising Convention (1960) Advertising to to be Indian in thought and content Shift to marketing orientation Professionalisation within agencies 1st Asian Advertising Congress at New Delhi Research data generated

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MRI (Market Rating Indices) Shop Audits National Readership Survey(NRS) I and II Creativity was emphasized Photography find increasing use Social marketing

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Media boom Special magazines 2nd Asian Advertising Congress at New Delhi Lifestyle studies, positioning Rural marketing In 1978 India's first TV Commercial goes on air

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Indianisation of western advertising Public sector advertising Expansion and diversification of agencies Aug 15th 1982 Colour TV introduced Radio commercials introduced(1982) NRS III by IMRB Colour Printing more popular

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Regional broadcasts, expansion of radio Formation of Indian chapter of International Advertising Association Formation of Advertising Standards Council of India(ASCI) Concept of sponsored programmes on TV

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NRS-IV ( 2 surveys ORG and IMRBMARG) Niche magazines Emphasis on Direct marketing Satellite TV(1991) CNN 1st channel to be beamed to India Star bouquet Zee bouquet(1992) DD Metro to counter satellite channels
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DD Audience surveys Movie channels and pay channels FM Radio Emphasis on Brand Equity Internationalization of Advertising NRS V-VI & IRS survey in 1997 Consumer Tracking and Satisfaction studies

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Internationalization of domestic agencies Net Advertising The role of the advertising agency changing to that of a marketing consultant

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Different Stages Of Advertising In India

1st stage (1900-1947)

Advertising products originated abroad Minimal Indian production Economic growth was negligible Investments in market was very low Most indigenous products are comodities, required no advertising

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2nd stage(1947-1977)
India started on the path of self-reliance Press commission in 1953 Total spent on ads in India was Rs.5 crore
3.5 crore on print ads 1.5 crore on hoardings

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3rd stage(1977-2000)
Second press commission, 1983 At this point, ad revenues touched Rs200 crore Increase in revenue was phenomenal, almost 40 times 1982 was a trademark year because colour TV came in, changing the Indian lives completely TV reached to 70 % of the Indian people

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