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How to write a double article critical response essay Mark Jones Style

Essay Structure


Background information about the topic Details about the article: - Title of the article - Name of the author - Year - Name of the publication Thesis statement

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

Useful sentences for introductions

PUBLICATION DETAILS In the articles NAME OF THE ARTICLE 1(YEAR), published in the NAME OF THE PUBLICATION, written by NAME OF AUTHOR 1 and NAME OF THE ARTICLE 2 (YEAR), published in the NAME OF THE PUBLICATION, by NAME OF AUTHOR 2, the issue of (NOUN PHRASE) is addressed.

The aim of this essay is to critically respond to the views of each author. This essay will critically respond to both points of view.

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

Summary Paragraphs
Only summarise the points of the author that you are going to CRITICALLY RESPOND to Make sure you refer to the author in each sentence Use the reporting verbs list you have been given You should summarise - The point made by the author - The example / support given by the author in making their point

You should use the present tense

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

Critical Response Paragraphs

Your essay needs 3 CR paragraphs to achieve a good score Each paragraph needs a clear topic sentence The topic sentence should state clearly which authors idea is stronger The paragraph must explain why you think their idea is strong / weak You should use your own examples At least one of your paragraphs should compare the authors differing views of a particular point

Example Topic Sentences

If you are ONLY commenting on ONE authors idea - Smiths idea that health care should be free is convincing. - Smiths opinion that health care should be free is persuasive.

- Smith makes a good point when he states that health care should be free.

- Smith is unconvincing in his argument that healthcare should be free. - Smiths stance that healthcare should be free is weak.

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

Example Topic Sentences

If you are commenting on an idea that BOTH authors have DIFFERENT opinions about - Smiths idea that healthcare should be free is more convincing than Nguyens. - Although Smith may have a point that healthcare should be free, Nguyens argument that the government needs to invest in the countrys infrastructure is stronger. - While there may be some truth in Smiths opinion that health care should be free, Nguyens argument that investment in infrastructure is more important is more persuasive.

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

State which author you believe (generally) has the stronger position. Briefly summarise the topic sentences of each CR paragraph Give your own thought on the topic

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam

Example Conclusions
In conclusion, Jones view that mobile phones should be banned at university is stronger than Kalishs. While Kalish has a persuasive point that students need their phones in case of an emergency, Jones stance that students need to pay full attention to class and ring tones distract other students outweigh it. If students turn their phones onto silent mode, they should be allowed have cell phones at university. In conclusion, this essay has clearly shown that Jones view that mobile phones should be banned at university is very convincing compared to Kalishs. His stance that students are often distracted by their cell phones and that these devices have made it easier for learners to cheat in examinations persuade the readers that mobile phone use should be banned in educational environments. Due to the difficulties in imposing a total prohibition on mobile phones, strict restrictions on their use and tough punishments for those who violate the rules is the best initiative to solve this problem.

RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam


Other things to consider.

You CAN NOT use contractions You CAN NOT use personal pronouns (me, I, you, we, us ) Always proof read your work and check it carefully for: - Subject / Verb agreement - Plural nouns after quantifiers - Bare infinitive after model verbs - Spelling

- Verb Tenses


RMIT University16/11/2013

RMIT International University Vietnam


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