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We Think and operate globally

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Fiber Communication

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Session Objective
Topics to be covered in this session : Transmission Medium Optical Fiber Cable OFC Types Optical Fiber Advantages Total Internal Reflection Optical losses Numerical Aperture

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Transmission Media
The means through which data is transformed from one place to another is called transmission or communication media. There are two categories of transmission media used in computer communications. Guided Media Unguided Media

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Guided Media
Bounded media are the physical links through which signals are confined to narrow path. These are also called guide media. Three common types of bounded media are used of the data transmission. These are Coaxial Cable Twisted Pair Cable Optical Fiber Cable

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Fiber Cable

Based on the principle that light in a glass medium can carry more information over longer distances than electrical signals. Transmit digitized light signals beyond 100 km without amplification. Transmission speeds of as high as 9.9 Gb/s. Fiber Geometry Optical fiber material is usually silica or borosilicate glass surrounded by a cladding of the same material with a lower refractive index and have exceedingly small diameters.
Core(m) Cladding(m)

50 62.5 100

125 125 140

By:- Gaurav Kumar

OFC Structure
Core Cladding 62.5 125

By:- Gaurav Kumar

OFC Types
Refractive index profile

Step index fiber has a core with uniform index throughout. Graded index fiber has a nonuniform index, highest at the center and gradually decreases until it matches with that of the cladding.
Classification of Fibers Multimode Step Index Fiber (Step Index Fiber). Multimode Graded Index Fiber (Graded Index Fiber). Singlemode Step Index Fiber (Single Mode Fiber).

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Single Mode & Multi Mode- Cross section

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Step Index Multi Mode Fiber

All rays within a certain angle will be totally reflected at the Core cladding boundary. Rays striking the boundary at angles greater than the critical angle will be partially reflected and partially transmitted out through the boundary. After many such bounces the energy in these rays will be lost from the fiber, which affects the fiber's bandwidth. .

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Graded Index Multi Mode Fiber

Fiber has refractive index with larger values towards the center. Instead of being sharply reflected, the light is now bent or continuously refracted in an almost sinusoidal pattern. This fiber is used in applications requiring a wide bandwidth

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Single Mode Fiber

SM fiber has an exceedingly small core diameter of only 5 to 10 m. Standard cladding diameter is 125 m. SM fibers easily have a potential bandwidth of 50 to 100 GHzkm. Core diameter is so small, splicing technique and measuring techniques are more difficult

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Fiber Optical Construction

SIECOR Fiber Optic Cables have the following parts : Optical Fiber Buffer tube Strength member Jacket Cable buffer tube types : Loose buffer or Tight buffer

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Fiber System

Optical Fiber Transmission System uses light waves as carrier of the information signals. Principle : Total Internal Reflection Voice, Data or Video is transmitted through a glass or plastic fiber, in the form of light

Transmission sequences : 1. Information is encoded into electrical signals. 2. Electrical signals are converted into light signals. 3. Light travels down the fiber. 4. A detector changes the light signals into electrical signals. 5. Electrical signals are decoded into information

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Transmission Sequence

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Fiber- Advantages

(i) Optical Fibers are non conductive (Dielectric) Grounding and surge suppression not required. (ii) Electromagnetic immunity Immune EMI, No radiated energy, No unauthorized tapping (iii) Large Bandwidth (> 50 GHz for 1 km length) Future upgradability, One time cable installation costs. Low Loss (5 dB/km to < 0.25 dB/km typical) Long, unrepeated links (> 70 km is operation). (v) Small, light weight cables Easy installation and handling, Efficient use of space. (vi) Available in Long lengths (> 12 KMs) (vii) Security (viii) Universal medium

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Light propagation in Optical Fiber

Light consists of an electric field and a magnetic field that oscillate to very high rates, on the order of 1014 Hz. Speed of light changes when it travels from one material to another, resulting in light changing its direction of travel. This deflection of light is called refraction. Different wavelengths of light travel at different speeds in the same material. Refractive index denoted by n, is a dimensionless and is the ratio of the velocity of light c in free space to its velocity v in a specific material : n = (c / v) Even when light passes from one index to another, a small portion is always reflected back into the first material. This reflection is known as Fresnel reflection. For light passing from air to glass, reflection loss is about 0.17 dB.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Total Internal Reflection

Propagation of light through fiber is governed by the indices of the core and cladding by Snell's law. Light injected into the fiber and striking core to cladding interface at greater than the critical angle, reflects back into core, since the angle of incidence and reflection are equal, the reflected light will again be reflected. The light will continue zigzagging down the length of the fiber.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Fiber Characteristics

Optical Wavelength It is a characteristic of light that is emitted from the light source and is measured in nanometers (nm). In visible spectrum, wavelength is described as the colour of light. Example: Red light has a longer wavelength than Blue light. Typical Wavelengths: 850nm,1300nm and 1550nm, all are invisible.

Frequency It is the number of pulse per second emitted from a light source. Frequency is measured in units of hertz (Hz). It terms of optical pulse 1 Hz = 1 pulse/sec.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Optical Window
Window is defined as the range of wavelengths at which a fiber best operates.

Typical Window
800nm-900nm 1250nm-1305nm 1500nm-1600nm

Operational Wavelength
850nm 1300nm 1550nm

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Defined, as the loss of optical power over a set distance Fiber with a lower attenuation, will allow more power to reach a Receiver

Attenuation Categories Intrinsic Attenuation Extrinsic Attenuation

Intrinsic Attenuation Loss within the fiber due to Absorption & Scattering Extrinsic Attenuation Loss due to external sources By:- Gaurav Kumar

Attenuation vs Wavelength

Three principal windows of operation: 850-nm, 1310-nm & 1550-nm wavelength bands. These are the regions in which attenuation is low and matched to the capability of a transmitter to generate light efficiently and a receiver to carry out detection. By:- Gaurav Kumar

Attenuation- Micro bending & Macro bending

Macro bending If fiber is sharply bent, light traveling in fiber cannot make the turn and is lost in the cladding. Micro bending Small bends in the fiber caused by crushing, contraction, etc., bends may not be visible with the naked eye.

Macro bending

Micro bending By:- Gaurav Kumar

Spreading of light pulse as it travels down the length of a fiber. Dispersion limits the bandwidth of a fiber.

Types of dispersion Chromatic Dispersion Polarization Mode Dispersion

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Chromatic Dispersion CD is the spreading of a light pulse as it travels down a fiber. During the propagation of light, all of its spectral components propagate accordingly. Spectral components travel at different group velocities that lead to dispersion called group velocity dispersion (GVD). Dispersion resulting from GVD is termed chromatic dispersion due to its wavelength dependence. Effect of chromatic dispersion is pulse spread.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Polarization Mode Dispersion PMD is caused if the fiber is not truly a cylindrical waveguide. Mechanical stress upon the fiber, bends during cabling, imperfections during fiber manufacturing are the reasons for the variations in the cylindrical geometry. PMD is not an issue at low bit rates but becomes an issue at bit rates in excess of 5 Gbps.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Numerical Aperture
Numerical aperture (NA): NA= (n12 n22)1/2 Typical NA values are 0.1 to 0.4 which correspond to acceptance angles of 11 degrees to 46 degrees Acceptance angle of a fiber: a = sin-1 NA Light that enters at an angle equal to or less than the acceptance angle will be guided NA is more means more light gathering power

By:- Gaurav Kumar

Numerical Aperture
A fiber with a large NA accepts light well, a fiber with a low NA requires highly directional light.

Fibers with a high bandwidth have a lower NA.

By:- Gaurav Kumar

In this session we discussed about the: Transmission Medium Optical Fiber Cable OFC Types Optical Fiber Advantages Total Internal Reflection Optical losses Numerical Aperture

By:- Gaurav Kumar

By:- Gaurav Kumar

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