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User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Based on material by IIBA Philadelphia Chapter, HopkinsOne, DevelopMentor, CMIS Remediation & GOAL/QPC

If you SKIMP on testing you may get results like

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Users means the real business users, who will have to operate the system; normally the staff of an organization, but it could be your suppliers or customers. They are the only people who understand exactly what the business is, and how it operates. Therefore they are the only people qualified to check a system to see if it will deliver any benefit to the business or organization.

The acceptance of a system means you are confident it will give benefit to the organization. It does not mean that it only meets the original specification as requested. A system may very well meet all the specifications asked of it, but when trying to see how it will work in the business it is realized that it will not give anything positive to the organization, or may even damage the organization. This may be for a number of reasons such as a change in the business or business environment, such as a takeover. The point is that a system may not be acceptable, even if it meets specification. You may still have to pay the supplier, but you will not incur any costs to implement it. Of course it may not even work to specification, which makes the question of acceptance even harder to answer. There are cases where it is worth implementing and paying for systems, which are imperfect, but that deliver real business value.

Whenever people are asked what testing is, many of them say it is to prove the system works. This is the key problem with the way UAT is employed in many organizations, as it is impossible to prove any system is correct. In fact a lot of effort is expended, and wasted, in trying to get right answers. There is much literature on the subject of testing, and most writers agree that all you can prove is if a system is wrong. Therefore a good test is one that is designed to try and make a system fail, so as to expose its faults before it goes live. This type of testing is the only type worth doing.

UAT Definition

Importance of UAT?

Importance of UAT?

Importance of UAT?

Traditional Approach to UAT

1. Business Analyst or QA Analyst writes the test scripts 2. A demo of the new application or functions is given to users 3. Users walk through test scripts stepby-step

UAT Tasks

UAT Tasks

Performing UAT (1)

Performing UAT (2) & (3)

Performing UAT (4)

UAT Deliverables/Documents

UAT Test Cases

UAT Test Cases

UAT Test Cases

Test Case Document Example

Courtesy : CMIS Remediation

UAT Defect Log

UAT Defect Log

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