Brand Elements

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Introduction to Brand Management

Brand Elements
Criteria for choosing brand elements Brand Names Logos and Symbols !Ls Characters Slogans and "ingles #ac$aging

Brand Elements%%
Sometimes called Brand Identities &radmar$able de'ices to identify and differentiate brands Brand names !Ls (angofgirls)com* Moneycontrol)com* Logos Symbols+ Characters ,Mascots and rings of olym-ics. S-o$es-eo-le Slogans "ingles #ac$ages

Criteria for choosing Brand Elements

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

Criteria for choosing Brand Elements

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability Easily !ecogni/ed Easily !ecalled

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

0escri-ti'e #ersuasi'e

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

1un and Interesting

!ich 2isual and 2erbal imagery

Aesthetically -leasing

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

3ithin and across -roduct categories Across geogra-hical Boundaries and cultures

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

1le4ible -dateable

Criteria for choosing Brand Elements

Memorability Meaningfulness Li$ability &ransferability Ada-tability #rotectability

Legally Com-etiti'ely

Naming the Brand

Singa-ore Airlines 5'ernite E4-ress Amul dairy 6hitener 1unction described literally in the brand name

Suggesti'e of a benefit 7ead and Shoulders Sham-oo Closeu- tooth-aste Sugar free 7M2

Naming the Brand

!ed7at #rice3aterhouseCoo-ers

1anciful ,imaginati'e 6ords.

2odafone 3ochardt

2edanta Bala8i telefilms

Arbitary ,real 6ords 6ithout

direct connection.

A--le 5range Mango

Brand Linguistics
alliteration ,Coca9Cola.

s-elling ,:ool.; abbre'iation ,< -* IBM.

com-ound ,"anitor9in9a9drum.

Meta-hor ,Arrid.

:ee- it as sim-le as -ossible A'oid Cliches A'oid the )com Brand '+s descri-tion descri-tion hel-s only short term ni=ue -ersonality ne4-ected combination ,motley fool. !ein'ent a real 6ord Ma$e ne6 6ords

Logo Symbols
1amily shields Scottish -atterns 3ordmar$s fonts ,cocacola* dunhill* cadburys. Non96ordmar$s 9 Symbols Abstract sha-es and images ,mercedes* !ole4* olym-ic* ni$e.

Adds a humanistic element !ich in imagery Attention getting Clutter brea$ers Easily transferred

Short -hrases that carry descri-ti'e or -ersuasi'e info abt brands Adds 'erbal reinforcement 0esign of slogans
&5 build a6areness and image #roduct sense and beyond ,/indagi $e saath bhi )) :e baad bhi.

-dation of slogans
1ind out contribution of e4isting slogan 1ind out 6hat more you 6ish to enhance !etain good =ualities of earlier slogan and build u- on that

Musical Slogans >0esert rose? 8aguar &he a4e song 7el-s re-etiti'e reminding

Identify the brand ,#ringles* <u-. Con'ey 0escri-ti'e and -ersuasi'e information ,labeling. 1acilitate -roduct trans-ortation and -rotection Assist at9home storage ,bottles and refill. Aid #roduct consum-tion ,scre69on ca- in soft drin$. >color 'ocabulary? ,-roduct and category. :no6 your consumer &a$e the big9-icture a--roach Aesthetics @ 1unction :no6 your distribution channels Educate Management

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