Business Research - Methodology

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Assignment 2


1. Research Philosophy. In which philosophical paradigm are you rooting your dissertation [Lecture 6]

2. Data Collection Methods How are you getting your data and what data collection tools are you using [Lectures 7, 8 & 9]
3. Data Analysis Techniques. How are you going analyse your data when you have collected it [Lectures 7, 8 & 9 and Tutorials 6 & 7]

4. Ethical Issues [Lecture 10]

5. Structure of final work. What will be the final structure of your dissertation look like, e.g. draft chapter headings, other main sections to your work, etc.? [Reflect back on Lecture 1]

Reality Single reality in the mind of people


No single reality reality is different from context to context Constructionist

Ontology What is the reality Epistemology How can we get the reality




Research Approach Deductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning

Research Methods


Focus Group/Interviews/Observation



Surveys and questionnaires

Interviews Ethnography & observation

Case study Focus Groups

Once your data has been collected it must then be processed and analysed so it can be used as meaningful and useful information that informs your study

Surveys and Questionnaires


SPSS stands for "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" and is software which can help you to develop arguments based on quantifiable data using statistical methods

Examples Include:
Template Analysis

Content Analysis
Grounded Theory

Examples Include:

Informed Consent Risk assessment Storage of private information (confidentiality) Right to Withdraw Maintenance of objectivity

Personal Reflexivity keep a journal/diary

Title Page Table of Contents Abstract 1. Introduction

1.1. Overview 1.2. Research Purpose
1.2.1. Aim(s) 1.2.2. Objectives

2. Literature Review
2.1. Introduction 2.2. Cultural Heritage Management 2.3. Stakeholder Theory 2.4. Summary

3. Methodology
3.1. Introduction 3.2. Philosophical Positioning 3.2. Research Ethics 3.3. Data Collection
3.3.1. Interviews

3.4. Data Analysis Technique 3.5. Summary

4. Findings 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion

6.1. Methodological Review 6.2. Limitations and Further Research 6.3. Reviewing the Aims and Objectives 6.4. Overall Conclusion

7. List of References 8. Appendices

It should be easy 7-8 references for each of the below section 1. Philosophy 2. Data collection 3. Data analysis technique 4. Research Ethics

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