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Five steps to Studying in the U.S.

Apply for your visa.

4 to 3 months before
STEP 1: Receive your certificate of eli ibility for nonimmi rant stu!ent status: either "orm #$%& 'for " or ( visa) or "orm *S$%&1+ 'for , visa).

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

Five steps to Studying in the U.S.

STEP %: Pay SE/#S fee You must pay a SEVIS fee and fill out other visa application forms prior to your visa interview. o to the SEVIS I!"#$ fee processing we%site for complete information a%out paying your SEVIS fee. For more information& you may also visit the Study in the States we%site for students.

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

'ow to (pply for a Visa

STEP 3 0ave your visa photo ta1en STEP 4 Complete the application: "orm *S$12& available at ov or http:44nairobi.usembassy. ov STEP 5 Pay 612& -S* application fee via (pesa or Post 7an1 'no issuance fee for stu!ent visas)
Consular Affairs -.S. Embassy

'ow to (pply for a Visa

STEP 2 Pay the 6%&& SE/#S fee ' or at a 9estern -nion if not pai! alrea!y. STEP : (a1e an appointment at: http:441enya.usvisa$ or call ;%54 %& 5&&2252 or ;%54 %& 21+&2&& STEP < Appear for your intervie3 at the appointe! !ay an! time

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

)he Interview
7rin ori inal SE/#S$ enerate! #$%& form 3ith relevant school an! financial !ocuments The intervie3 3ill probably last less than three minutes The officer mi ht .=T loo1 at some of your !ocuments The officer 3ill certainly as1 personal >uestions

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

)he Interview
The applicant must convince the officer that he4she? is a cre!ible stu!ent 'stu!y is the primary purpose of travel to the -S) is able to pay for the first year of planne! stu!ies an! associate! costs. The Consular officer must have a reasonable e@pectation that fun!in 3ill be sufficient for the !uration of stu!ies has a cre!ible plan to return to

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

*hat +e,t #f approve! . . . The visa 3ill be issue! an! !elivere! by *0B 3ithin one 3ee1. #f refuse! . . . The applicant 3ill receive a 3ritten e@planation 0e4she is able to apply a ainC #f the prospective stu!ent chooses to reapplyD he4she 3ill have to pay the application fee a ain

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

Section .$/0%1

The #mmi ration an! .aturaliEation Act re>uires =fficers to assume that applicants inten! to emi rate to the -.S. #f you cannot convince the =fficer other3iseD he4she cannot issue you a visa Applicants must establish their financialD social an!4or family ties to Aenya Consular Affairs -.S. Embassy

Section ..$0g1

Section %%1' ) forbi!s issuance to anyone 3hose application is incomplete Fou may be as1e! to brin information a!!itional

9ill not have to pay application fee a secon! time if refuse! un!er %%1' ) an! as1e! to come bac1 Case 3ill remain active for one year
Consular Affairs -.S. Embassy

2egulations to 3eep in 4ind

"irst$time stu!ent visa applicants shoul! not apply for their visas more than 1%& !ays before their report !ate Anyone travelin for first time on a stu!ent visa 3ill not be a!mitte! into the -.S. more than 3& !ays before the report !ate

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

For 4ore Information . . .

7ureau of Consular Affairs 3ebsite: http:44travel.state. ov4visaGservices.html -.S. Embassy .airobi 3ebsite: http:44nairobi.usembassy. ov *0S4#CE 3ebsite: ov4sevis E!ucation-SA http:44e!ucation-SA.state. ov

Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy


Consular Affairs

-.S. Embassy

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