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The Target Market

Needed: Consumer Media Insights Psychographics Media Consumption Media Attitudes and Relationships

Consumer Media Insights

Proprietary tools

In-depth research providing intimate discussions with the consumer to be a part of a day in his life, to understand his relationship with media and determine how advertiser/brand can connect with him even better.

A media planning tool that enables the media planner to walk in the consumers shoes and thereby gain unique insights into his daily life and interaction with media A media planning tool that provides a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and the opportunities for formulating effective media strategies

Define target consumers based on Core demographic groups Product usage (users v non-users) Geographic location Recruit representative consumers/ respondents Carry out the in-depth interview Venue: consumers natural habitat (in-home visit, place of work/business, point of purchase/shopping/leisure, while traveling/mobile/on the road) Take note of information blocks as sources of insights (participant observation, audio-video recording)

Provide respondents with diaries to record their daily activity Respondents to record their daily activities in to diaries on an hourly basis giving special attention to media consumption Respondents to take snapshots of their daily activities, ideally. Minimum data collection period - two weeks

Data needed
Daily activities (weekday and weekend) Time spent on each activity (start and end time) Location (home, school, work, restaurant, etc) Who with (family, friends, co-workers, etc) If in transit, method of transportation

End result
Deeper understanding of the brands target consumers Identification of consumer-centric communication strategies More sharply tuned media plans based on real lives

Skin Whitening
Media Brief

Skin Whitening
Media Brief
Marketing Background The female facial care category is an P8 Billion market. Whitening products are advertised heavily. The most active whitening brand is the segment leader Ponds with high end line Flawless While and mass based line White Beauty. A popular trend in skin whitening is Glutathione.

Skin Whitening
Media Brief
The Product A whitening cream that contains Glutathione, Vitamins A, C and E to whiten skin and at the same time keep it younger looking.

Vitamins A, C and E are well-known antioxidants which will help clear away impurities that can cause skin aging while Glutathione will reduce melanin formation to effectively whiten skin.

Skin Whitening
Media Brief
Marketing Objective To launch skin whitening product and achieve at least 10% trial during Year 1.

Communications Objective To establish brand as a superior product in whitening and maintaining youthful skin.

Skin Whitening Media Brief

Target Market: Females, aged 18 to 25 from BC income homes, current users, non-users or lapsed users of whitening products They are conscious about their looks and will take measures to ensure that they have good-looking skin. They believe that the whiter the skin is, the more beautiful they become and the more beautiful one becomes, opportunities will open for her, both in terms of finding jobs and finding prospective male partners.

Skin Whitening Media Brief

Advertising Message elements Before and after usage transformation to glowing white and youthful skin

Skin Whitening Media Brief

Regional Considerations Metro Manila & key cities Cebu, Bacolod, Iloilo, Davao Competition Major player is Ponds Whitening Cream Campaign Period January December 2014 Budget P50 Million

Identification and Profiling Questionnaire

Profile Of ____________________________________ Age: ____________ Civil Status:________________ If married, number of children: ___________________ Residence: ___________________________________ Tel. No. ___________ Cellphone No. _____________ Occupation: __________________________________ Monthly income range (please check): P50,000 and up ______ P30,000 to P50,000 ______ P15,000 to P29,999 ______ P8,000 to P14,999 _______ Below P8,000 _______ Do you read any publication? ____________________ If yes, what publications do you read? Please indicate title. Newspapers ________________________________ Magazines _________________________________ How many times each week do you read: Newspapers ________________________________ Magazines _________________________________ Where do you get your copies of these publications? Newspapers ________________________________ Magazines _________________________________ Do you watch TV? _____________________________ When do you watch TV? _______________________ What programs do you usually watch? ____________ What programs will you never miss? ______________
Do you listen to Radio? ________________________ When do you listen to Radio? ____________________ What stations do you usually listen to? ___________ Do you access the internet?_____________________ Where do you access the internet? _______________ How much time do you spend on the internet? ______ What are your favorite internet activities? (research, games, communicating through emails, chat, social networking, etc.)_______________________________ What are your favorite websites? _________________ Other interests _______________________________ Do you go out during weekdays? _________________ Where do you go? _____________________________ Who are you with? ____________________________ How do you spend your weekends? _______________ What do you think about your life? _______________ How will you compare it with your life a few years back? _____________________________________ How do you see the future? _____________________ Are you dark? Or fair?__________________________ Do you think that color/complexion discrimination exists and that you have been missing a lot of opportunities because of it? _____________________ Are you using a whitening product? _______________ Why/why not? ________________________________ If not, are you interested in using a whitening product? Why/why not? ________________________________ Do you have a motto in life? _____________________

Skin Whitening

Skin Whitening
Date: Friday, August 8 Time Description
500- 530am 530- 600am 600- 630am 630- 700am

230- 300pm

Wake up from nap 330- 400pm Prepare snacks for Baron 400- 430pm Bring Baron out to play
300- 330pm 430- 500pm 500- 530pm 530- 600pm 600- 630pm 630- 700pm 700- 730pm

Wath TV Prepare dinner

Wake up. 730- 800am Fix breakfast. 800- 830am Wash dishes 830- 900am Watch TV with Baron
700- 730am 900- 930am 930-1000am 1000-1030am Take a bath 1030-1100am 1100-1130nn Cook food for lunch 1130-1200nn Feed Baron 1200-1230pm Give Baron a bath 1230- 100pm Watch TV 100- 130pm 130- 200pm 200- 230pm

Eat dinner 730- 800pm Get Baron ready for bed 800- 830pm Wash dishes 830- 900pm Watch TV
900- 930pm 930-1000pm 1000-1030pm Go to bed 1030-1100pm 1100-1130pm 1130-1200mn 1200mn - up

Put Baron to sleep/Take a nap

Focus on media touchpoints. Identify media channels/vehicles, other people consuming media, etc.

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