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Risk Management in Banks

Prudential Regulations for Banks

Meaning of Prudential?
Sensible and Careful when you make Judgements and Decisions. Avoiding unnecessary risk Prudential Regulations contain comprehensive SBP instructions on all aspects

Key Objectives
key objectives of these regulations are outlined below: a) To protect the safety of public's savings. b) To control the supply of money and credit in order to achieve a nation's broad economic goals (such as high employment and low inflation). c) To ensure equal opportunity and fairness in the public's access to credit and other vital financial services.

Need for Prudential Regulations :

The Basel Accord of 1988, prompted the introduction of Prudential Regulations by State Bank of Pakistan with effect from 1 January. 1992,to counter any adverse impact of a deregulated banking sector in Pakistan.

Nature of Prudential Regulations:

Prudential Regulations are both preventive and protective techniques. Preventive regulations forestall /prevent crises by reducing the risks facing banks such as controlling and monitoring the management of banks capital, solvency and liquidity standards and large exposure limits. Protective techniques provide support to banks once a crisis threatens; lender-of-last-resort facilities are of immediate benefits.

Risk Management Regulations

Risk Management Regulations lay down the minimum conditions for making investments, giving Loans, Advances and taking off-balance sheet exposures. There are Separate sets of R Regulations for:Corporate / Commercial Banking SMEs Financing Consumer Financing Micro Finance Banks Agriculture Financing


The Prudential Regulations are divided in four categories: Risk Management (R). Corporate Governance (G), KYC and Anti Money Laundering (M). And Operations (0).

Risk Management
Corporate/Commercial Banking In order lo diversify the bank's exposure to a large number of clients, both individual and group, the Prudential Regulations provide that a bank/DFI can finance to the maximum extent of 30% and 50% respectively of its equity, as disclosed in their latest audited balance sheet. To further control the size of fund based finance, the eligible amount has been further reduced to the extent of 20% and 35% of the bank's equity.

LIMIT ON EXPOSURE TO A SINGLE PERSON 1. The total outstanding exposure (fund based and non-fund based) by a bank / DFI to any single person shall not at any point in time exceed 30% of the banks /DFIs equity, subject to the condition that the maximum outstanding against fund based exposure does not exceed 20% of the banks /DFIs equity.

2. The total outstanding exposure (fund based and non-fund based) by a bank / DFI to any group shall not exceed 50% of the banks / DFIs equity, subject to the condition that the maximum outstanding against fund based exposure does not exceed 35% of the banks /DFIs equity.

Limit On Exposure Against Contingent Liabilities 1. Contingent liabilities of a bank / DFI shall not exceed at any point in time 10 times of its equity. Following shall not constitute contingent liabilities for the purpose of not regulation: a) Bills for collection

b) Obligations under Letters of credit and Letters of Guarantee to the extent of cash margin retained by the bank / DFI.
c) Letters of credit / guarantee where the payment is guaranteed by the State Bank of Pakistan / Federal Government or banks / DFIs rated at least A by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan or Standard & Poors , Moodys or Fitch-Ibca.

d) Non- fund based exposure to the extent covered by liquid assets. e) Claims other than those related to provision of facilities to the banks / DFIs constituents, where the probability of conversion of these claims into liabilities are remote. 2) Weightage of 50% shall be given to bid / mobilization advance / performance bonds and 10% to forward foreign exchange contracts.

Minimum Conditions For Taking Exposure

1) While considering proposals for any exposure exceeding such limit as may be prescribed by the State Bank of Pakistan from time to time, bank / DFIs should give due weightage to the credit report relating to the borrower and his group obtained from credit Information Bureau (CIB) of State Bank of Pakistan.

2) The banks/ DFIs may also accept copy of financial statement audited by a practicing Cost and Management Accountant in case of a borrower other than a public company or a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company. 3) Banks / DFIs shall not approve and / or provide any exposure until and unless the Loan Application Form (LAF) prescribed by the banks/ DFIs is accompanied by a Borrowers Basic Fact Sheet under the seal and signature of the borrower as per approved format of the State Bank of Pakistan.

Limit On Exposure Against Unsecured Financing Facilities
1) a) Banks / DFIs shall not provide unsecured / clean financing facility in any way form of a sum exceeding Rs 500000/- to any one person.

b) Financing facilities granted without securities including those granted against personal guarantees shall be deemed as clean for the purpose of this regulation.

2) For the purposes of this regulation: Facilities provided to finance the export of commodities eligible under Export Finance Scheme. Financing covered by the guarantee of Pakistan Export Finance Guarantee Agency. Loans / advances given to the employees of the banks / DFIs in accordance with their entitlement / staff loan policy.

3. Banks / DFIs shall ensure that the aggregate exposure against all their clean facilities shall not, at any point in time, exceed the amount of their equity.
a) CAMEL rating of bank/DFI.

b) Quality of unsecured portfolio in terms of the percentage of classified advances and write-offs chargeoffs.
c) Past track record dealing in the relevant clean products.

Linkage Between Financial Indicators Of The Borrower And Total Exposure From Financial Institutions 1. While taking any exposure, banks / DFIs shall ensure that the total exposure availed by any borrower from financial institutions does not exceed 10times of borrowers equity as disclosed in its financial statements. In Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) the total exposure availed by any NBFC from Financial institutions shall not exceed 10 times of its equity, without the restriction of fund based exposure to be 4 times as in the case of other types of borrowers.

2) It is expected that at the time of allowing fresh exposure / enhancement, the current assets to current liabilities ratio of the borrower shall not be lower than 1:1. 3) Subordinated loans shall be counted as equity of the borrower. 4) This regulation shall not apply incase of exposure fully secured against liquid assets held as collateral. 5) The Exceptions Approval file shall be made available to the inspection team of State Bank during the inspection.

Exposure Against Shares / TFCs And Acquisition Of Shares

1. a) Exposure against shares / TFCs:

Bank / DFIs shall not: i. Take exposure against the security of shares/ TFCs issued by them.
ii. Provide unsecured credit to finance subscription towards floatation of share capital and issue of TFCs.

iii. Take exposure against the non-listed TFCs or the shares of companies not listed on the Stock Exchange.
iv. Take exposure on any person against the shares /TFCs issued by that person or its subsidiary companies. v. Take exposure against sponsor directors shares (issued in their own name or in the name of their family members) of banks / DFIs.

vi. Take exposure on any one person against shares of any commercial bank / DFI in excess of 5% of paid-up capital of the share issuing bank / DFI.

vii. Take exposure against the shares / TFCs of listed companies that are not members of the Central Depository System.
viii. Take exposure against unsecured TFCs or non-rated TFCs or TFCs rated below BBB or equivalent.



1. All guarantees issued by the banks/ DFIs shall be fully secured. 2. The banks / DFIs are encouraged to set limits for acceptance of guarantees issued by other banks / DFIs. 3. Incase of back to back letter of credit issued by the banks / DFIs for export oriented goods and services banks / DFIs are free to decide the security arrangements. 4. The guarantees shall be for a specific amount and expiry date and shall contain claim lodgment date.

Consumer& Corporate Banks provide financing for purchasing consumption goods for the use of the borrowers. When the bank sanction the loan, they should be used CAMELS Rating, Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management Quality, Earning record, Liquidity position and sensitivity to market risk (If Bank only analyzes this only then the risk gets real low. Also check the borrower character or worthiness. Check Financial Record. Check CIB report. Follow the SBP Prudential Regulation. If banks follow the prudential regulation they will minimize their risk of credit and as well as risk of their operations.

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