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NAME-vivekanand jha ROLL NO-1019310081 BRANCH-C.S.E(4TH YEA)


2. What is J2EE?
It is a public specification that embodies several

technologies Current version is 1.3 J2EE defines a model for developing multi-tier, web based, enterprise applications with distributed components

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

J2EE Benefits
High availability Scalability Integration with existing systems Freedom to choose vendors of application servers,

tools, components Multi-platform

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

J2EE Benefits
Flexibility of scenarios and support to several types of

clients Programming productivity:

Services allow developer to focus on business Component development facilitates maintenance and reuse Enables deploy-time behaviors Supports division of labor

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

J2EE Benefits
Dont forget to say that Java is cool!

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

Main technologies
JavaServer Pages (JSP) Servlet Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
JSPs, servlets and EJBs are application components

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

Used for web pages with dynamic content Processes HTTP requests (non-blocking call-and-

return) Accepts HTML tags, special JSP tags, and scriptlets of Java code Separates static content from presentation logic Can be created by web designer using HTML tools

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

Used for web pages with dynamic content

Processes HTTP requests (non-blocking call-and-

return) Written in Java; uses print statements to render HTML Loaded into memory once and then called many times Provides APIs for session management

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

EJBs are distributed components used to implement

business logic (no UI) Developer concentrates on business logic Availability, scalability, security, interoperability and integrability handled by the J2EE server Client of EJBs can be JSPs, servlets, other EJBs and external aplications Clients see interfaces

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson

J2EE Multi-tier Model

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Application Scenarios

Multi-tier typical application

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Application Scenarios

Stand-alone client

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Application Scenarios

Web-centric application

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Application Scenarios


Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

Java Message Service (JMS) Implicit invocation Communication is loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous Supports 2 models:

point-to-point publish/subscribe

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

JNDI - Naming and directory services Applications use JNDI to locate objects, such as environment entries, EJBs, datasources, message queues JNDI is implementation independent Underlying implementation varies: LDAP, DNS, DBMS, etc.

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

Transaction service: Controls transactions automatically You can demarcate transactions explicitly Or you can specify relationships between methods that make up a single transaction

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is

the new (J2EE 1.3) standard for J2EE security Authentication via userid/password or digital certificates Role-based authorization limits access of users to resources (URLs, EJB methods) Embedded security realm

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

J2EE Connector Architecture Integration to non-J2EE systems, such as mainframes and ERPs. Standard API to access different EIS Vendors implement EIS-specific resource adapters Support to Corba clients

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


J2EE Services and APIs

JDBC JavaMail Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) Web services APIs

Copyright 2002 Paulo Merson


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