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10 Creating Brand Equity

Chapter Questions

'hat is a (rand and ho) does (randing )or*+ 'hat is (rand e, ity+ -o) is (rand e, ity ( ilt. #eas red. and #anaged+ 'hat are the i#portant de/isions in developing a (randing strategy+

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Steps in Strategic Brand Management

Identi"ying and esta(lishing (rand positioning Planning and i#ple#enting (rand #ar*eting 0eas ring and interpreting (rand per"or#an/e 1ro)ing and s staining (rand val e

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


What Is a Brand?
A brand is a na#e. ter#. sign. sy#(ol or design. or a /o#(ination o" the#. intended to identi"y the goods or servi/es o" one seller or gro p o" sellers and to di""erentiate the# "ro# those o" /o#petitors.

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


The Role of Brands

Identi"y the #a*er %i#pli"y prod /t handling 4rgani!e a//o nting 4""er legal prote/tion

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


The Role of Brands

%igni"y , ality Create (arriers to entry %erve as a /o#petitive advantage %e/ re pri/e pre#i #

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


What Is Branding?
Branding is endo)ing prod /ts and servi/es )ith the po)er o" the (rand.

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


What Is Brand Equit ?

Brand equit is the added val e endo)ed on prod /ts and servi/es. )hi/h #ay (e re"le/ted in the )ay /ons #ers. thin*. "eel. and a/t )ith respe/t to the (rand.

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


!d"antages of Strong Brands

I#proved per/eptions o" prod /t per"or#an/e 1reater loyalty Less v lnera(ility to /o#petitive #ar*eting a/tions Less v lnera(ility to /rises

Larger #argins 0ore inelasti/ /ons #er response 1reater trade /ooperation In/reased #ar*eting /o## ni/ations e""e/tiveness Possi(le li/ensing opport nities

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.

What Is a Brand #romise?

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand Equit Models

9rand Asset :al ator (9A:) 9rand! 9rand ;esonan/e

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'% B!( Model

Source) Co rtesy o" 9randAsset< Cons lting. a division o" =o ng > ; (i/a#.

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'* +ni"erse of Brand #erformance

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&', Brand - namics # ramid

Source) 9randDyna#i/s? Pyra#id. ;eprinted )ith per#ission o" 0ill)ard 9ro)n. Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'. Brand Resonance # ramid

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand Building Bloc/s

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


-ri"ers of Brand Equit

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand Elements

9rand na#es %logans Chara/ters

%y#(ols Logos $;Ls

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand Element Choice Criteria

0e#ora(le 0eaning" l Li*ea(le @rans"era(le Adapta(le Prote/ta(le
Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e. 10&18


@he Co#plete 0an (;ay#ond) @he Aoy o" Blying (Aet Air)ays) 1odCs 4)n Co ntry (Kerala @o ris#)

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'0 Secondar Sources of Brand 1no2ledge

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Internal Branding

Choose the right #o#ent Lin* internal and eDternal #ar*eting 9ring the (rand alive "or e#ployees

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'3 Brand (alue Chain

Source) Kevin Lane Keller. Strategic Brand Management. 3rd ed. ($pper %addle ;iver. EAF Prenti/e -all. 2007). Printed and ele/troni/ally reprod /ed (y per#ission o" Pearson Gd /ation. In/. $pper %addle ;iver. Ee) Aersey. Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e. 10&23

Measuring Brand Equit

9rand a dits 9rand tra/*ing 9rand val ation

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Table %&'. The %& Most (aluable Brands

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$igure %&'4 Interbrand Brand (aluation Method

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Managing Brand Equit

9rand rein"or/e#ent 9rand revitali!ation

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


-e"ising a Branding Strateg

Develop ne) (rand ele#ents Apply eDisting (rand ele#ents $se a /o#(ination o" old and ne)

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Branding Terms

9rand line 9rand #iD 9rand eDtension % (&(rand Parent (rand Ba#ily (rand

Line eDtension Category eDtension 9randed variants Li/ensed prod /t

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Reasons for Brand #ortfolios

%o#e other reasons "or introd /ing # ltiple (rands in a /ategory in/l de in/reasing shel" presen/e and retailer dependen/e in the store. attra/ting /ons #ers see*ing variety. in/reasing internal /o#petition )ithin the "ir#. and yielding e/ono#ies o" s/ale in advertising. sales. #er/handising. and distri( tion.

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand Roles in a Brand #ortfolio

Blan*ers Cash /o)s Lo)&end. entry&level -igh&end prestige

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand E5tensions) !d"antages

I#proved odds o" ne)& prod /t s //ess Positive "eed(a/* e""e/ts

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


Brand E5tensions) -isad"antages

9rand dil tion 9rand /on" sion Da#age to parent (rand Canni(ali!ation

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


$or Re"ie2

'hat is a (rand and ho) does (randing )or*+ 'hat is (rand e, ity+ -o) is (rand e, ity ( ilt. #eas red. and #anaged+ 'hat are the i#portant de/isions in developing a (randing strategy+

Copyright 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. A thori!ed adaptation "ro# the $nited %tates edition o" Marketing Management, 14e.


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