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By Matt Stehling

Terms & Formulas

Budget at Completion: How much did we budget for the total project effort.

Formula*: Total Billable Hours * Blended $ Rate Per Hour

Where to find the data: - Time & Cost Estimate - Statement of work
* Denotes that you can just take the total amount of the project from the
documents above or calculate it yourself using the formula

Terms & Formulas

Actual Cost (AC): as of today, what is the actual cost incurred for the work accomplished.

Formula: Actual Billable Hours Spent * $ Blended Rate

Where to find the data: - PMT - Time & Cost Estimate

Terms & Formulas

Earned Value (EV): as of today, what is the estimated value of the work actually accomplished

Formula: Actual % Complete * Planned Value (PV)

Where to find the data: - PMT - Time & Cost Estimate - Project Schedule

Terms & Formulas

Planned Value (EV): as of today, the estimated value of of the work planned to be done.

Formula: BAC * Planned % Complete

Where to find the data: - EV Worksheet - Project Schedule

Terms & Formulas

Schedule Variance (SV): Negative is behind schedule; Positive is ahead of schedule

Formula: EV-PV
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Cost Variance (SV): Negative is over budget; Positive is under budget

Formula: EV-AC
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Schedule Performance Index (SPI): We are (only) progressing at __ percent of the rate originally planned.

Formula: EV / PV
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Cost Performance Index (CPI): We are getting $___ worth of work out of every $1 spent. Funds are or are not being used efficiently. Formula: EV / AC Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Estimate at Completion (EAC): What do we currently expect the total project to cost (a forecast)?

Formula: AC + (BAC-EV)/CPI
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Estimate at Completion (EAC): What do we currently expect the total project to cost (a forecast)?

Formula: AC + (BAC-EV)/CPI
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Estimate to Completion (ETC): What do we currently expect the remaining project work to cost?

Formula: EAC AC
Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

Terms & Formulas

Variance at Completion (VAC): How much over or under budget will we be at the end of the project?

Formula: BAC EAC

Where to find the data: EV Worksheet

For use by PMs open

The Ground Work

Must-have a Project Schedule Must-have PMT tasks in sync with schedule Must-have project team updating PMT Must-have PMT Task groups that are in sync with Statement of Work and Time & Cost Estimate


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