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Candice hiu fu leung

the character profile

Influence map of the character Statement of the final concept art Influence map of the concept art Final concept art Statement of the hero prop Influence map of the hero prop Hero prop

Continuing with from the last OGR ,(For characteristic of Bayou inventor , I am going to create an inventor who is an anti-social person, living in the 30th century with high technology and low privatisation. He escaped from his home place and went to the aboriginal amazon bayou , the other reason he went to the bayou was because he was trying to become a creator rather an inventor ,amazon is the best place he though he can study field with nutrients and living things. He started living there for years to create his strange babies.) As creating the secret lair of an anti-social and strange inventor, I am also think about how he look like , in the 30th century , the characteristic of gender are also changing. this inspired me to think about how strange he would be as a men with a woman figure, the confusion of his look make him become more fear to human and this aroused him to start creating living things.

(As I found my topic was quite tricky that I got two different structures between outside and inside the secret lair. And I was think about the reason of why an inventor used to live in high-technology atmosphere went to a aboriginal bayou in a logical way, and most of the scientist will go to the field to observe the samples , and that makes me develop my thumbnails of creating his strange living things where in the glass tubes. In the other hand, I also tried to present the environment around the secret lair . I was inspired by the structure of the submarine, a humans made form and u can see the sea though the windows .And I was also thinking about the tree house structure which apply to my interior space materials .) As the character was more anti social and strange, my secret lair are trying to be more hidden ,a comfort zone for himself and my final concept art is under the swamp with mud and dirty environment, living with his creation and be creating more and more babies to be with him.

(By doing the design of hero prop for the thumbnails, I am going to design the tube ( or the container) for the strange organic things . As I am presenting the pride of the inventor which trying to become the creator, trying to become god, and they will always create something new but you still can see where the ideas come from .Based on the character profile , he was trying to create living things and I think eggs shape and also the nutrient water inside the tube were something the inventor tried to learn from God. And I am trying to design the hero prop more organic and cell form ,than glass or metals.) As he is pretending to be like god, he create a egg cell which is independent od each, learning from the natural with the structure of shell, fluid and the baby, therefore, the egg will be independently growing by itself by the nutrient fluid and the heating inside the cell.

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