Announcements:: SAVE THE DATE! Midterm 1 Is This Friday, October 25

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SAVE THE DATE! Midterm 1 is this Friday, October 25, in this room. Midterm will cover through Membrane Fluidity, the first part of todays lecture. SAVE THE DATE! Dr. Hyman review session is tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22 5:10-6:30 pm in Sproul 1102. Today: My office hours at 2:15 pm, Spieth 3365

Front Podium




Please sit spaced in every other seat. People sitting together will be moved

Lecture outline: -bilayers -mosaicism -fluidity Learning outcomes: Identify what factors contribute to membrane fluidity Later: membrane transport

The Fluid Mosaic Model


A design or decoration made of of small pieces of different colors and different materials.

The Fluid Mosaic Model


The fluidity of membranes

You might expect membranes that are fluid would have a high concentration of: I. Saturated phospholipids II. Unsaturated phospholipids III. Fatty acids

A. I B. II C. III D. I and III E. II and III

Lets review for next Fridays midterm using membrane structure!

The fluidity of membranes

How might high and low temperatures impact membrane fluidity?

The fluidity of membranes

Electrical polarity plays a big role

Two themes from earlier in the quarter!

Variation in phospholipids plays a role!

Some functions of membrane proteins


Membrane transport
Lecture outline: Thermodynamics of reactions (Simple) diffusion Facilitated diffusion Active transport Learning outcomes: Predict if reactions are spontaneous Predict directionality of particle movement across membranes using energetics Distinguish between transport mechanisms

G= Free energy available to do work G is the change in free energy

G = H - T S

+ means add energy to system, non-spontaneous - means energy released; favorable, spontaneous






Condition 1: Simple diffusion (permeable barrier)

Particles and water are both free to diffuse Both move down their concentration gradients from high to low concentration System becomes more disordered Net flow stops when particles and water at equilibrium: concentration of particles AND concentration of water on both sides of membrane is equal Spontaneous, exothermic, -G Does this mean that movement has stopped?

Condition 2:Simple diffusion (semi-permeable barrier)

Only water free to move =osmosis. Water moves from a condition of high free water concentration to low free water concentration, until water concentrations reach equilibrium In this container, in which direction will water move to try to equalize its concentration?
= osmotic pressure

Fig. 7-15 9th edition

Hypotonic solution H2O (a) Animal

Isotonic solution H2O H2O

Hypertonic solution H2O


Lysed H2O

Normal H2O





(b) Plant

Turgid (normal) Flaccid Plasmolyzed

O2, CO2, H20

Simple Diffusion across the lipid bilayer

becoming less ordered (S>0)

G < 0 exothermic spontaneous

CFTR = cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator

By way of review: what protein structures are implyed? (1o etc.) By way of review: What are the different domains called?

CFTR = cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator

By way of review: what protein structures do we see? (1o etc.)



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