01 - Intro To Quantum - People and Waves - AR

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Honors Chemistry - Catalyst

Warm-up your Algebra: Use the equations given to solve for the following variables as stated: c= ; E=h
1. In the first equation, solve for
2. Using both equations, solve for E using h, c, and

3. In the second equation, solve for

Introduction to Quantum Theory: History and Waves

Honors Chemistry Obj. #1-2

A brief history of quantum theory

As you view the video clip record the important contributions of each of the following people
Planck Einstein Bohr de Broglie Heisenberg

Part I

Part II

Part III

Wave-Particle Duality
Einstein 1905, WaveParticle Duality
Continuous, like a wave Particle like a steady stream of tiny bundles of energy called photons that transmit a discrete quantity of energy

Photoelectric Effect: a photon of light must have a certain threshold to free an electron

Wave Particle Duality

Quantum model

Electrons do

not orbit the nucleus. Bohrs model only explained Hydrogen

Orbital- a region in an
atom where there is a high probability of finding electrons.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Four Characteristics of Waves

Amplitude height of a wave;
denotes intensity or brightness Wavelength measured from crest to crest (in meters) c=, where c = speed of light and nu () = cycles/second, Hertz, s-1 c = 3.00 x 108 m/s [Constant, always the same]

Four Characteristics of Waves


Frequency () how many cycles

pass a given point per second (Hertz, Hz = s-1) - E = h, where h = Plancks constant 6.6262 x 10-34 Js Speed (c) - speed of light, c, is = 3.00 x 108 m/s

Honors Chemistry Agenda 11/3/11

Catalyst: Wave Equation Warm-up &

Review (half-sheet from by door) Notes: EMR spectrum and line emission spectra Activity: View line emission spectra Lab: Flame Test (complete and turnin) Homework: Complete CALM T2, S1

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Continuous Spectrum

Forms from the separation of white light Consists of ROYGBIV Red longest wavelength Violet shortest wavelength

Bright-line or Line-emission Spectrum

Consists of a few bands of color finger-print of an element First explained by Neils Bohr

Examples of Line spectra

Neils Bohr - 1911

Used the line-emission spectrum for
hydrogen to explain why electrons dont collide into the nucleus Stated that electrons must be in distinct energy levels, n He called the lowest possible energy level the ground state.

Bohr (cont)
Electrons can move to higher, or excited
states when they absorb energy. When they return to their ground state, they release that energy in the form of ER, or light, with frequencies that produced the line-emission spectrum.

Bohrs Model

Louis De Broglie - 1924

Physics of the time could not apply to
particles like electrons He described tiny particle behavior as matter waves = h/mv; m=mass, v=velocity All particles have these properties, but the more massive, the less noticeable.

Louis De Broglie (cont)

Electrons exhibit standing-wave behavior

Werner Heisenberg - 1927

Heisenbergs uncertainty principlethere is a fundamental limitation to just how precisely we can know both the position and momentum of a particle at a given time.

Orbital Types

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