2 - HydroFORM - Mechanical Setup R2

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HydroFORM Phased Array Corrosion Mapping System Part 2 Mechanical Setup

HydroFORM Corrosion Mapping System Mechanical Setup

The HydroFORM Phased Array System is designed to perform corrosion mapping in two possible configurations. Manual Encoded One Line Scans (1 axis)

Semi-Automated Encoded Multiple Line Scans (2 axis)

HydroFORM Mechanical Setup Probe Installation

Ensure that the probe is installed into the HydroFORM scanner where element number 1 is positioned correctly for the C-scan that will be created. The normal position for this is 1-64 left to right when scanning forward as pictured. When the Omniscan Start button is selected, the 0,0 position will set 2mm to the right of element number 1 as pictured. The Index axis will increment in the direction below indicated by the green arrow. (1mm focal law resolution and 61mm total width) The Scan axis will increment below in the direction indicated by the blue arrow at the resolution entered into the Omniscan.

HydroFORM Mechanical Setup Probe Installation

Loosen the knob (pictured at right), apply light pressure on the probe to ensure the foam seal is secure against the inspection surface and tighten the knob. The HydroFORM wedge used by the focal law calculator has a default height (Water column) of 12mm. This can be visualized on the Omniscan display prior to tightening the probe knob and adjusted by applying light pressure until the interface signal is at 0. It is also acceptable to modify the Hydro wedge parameters to the current position.

HydroFORM Mechanical Setup Probe Installation

The phased array probe will align parallel and level with the pipe when secured with the one-knob patent pending probe carriage. Minor differences in the water column due to the scanner Crabbing will not affect thickness readings when the interface gate (Yellow) is set to A-scan Syncro I/ To achieve the intended focal point, the real water column height must match the Hydro wedge height in the Omniscan database. Differences in the water column and calculator will not affect beam angle at 0 degrees for corrosion mapping and thickness readings.

HydroFORM Mechanical Setup Probe Installation - Foam

Pressure applied to the probe during installation is directly related to the foam insert position and will affect the ability to maintain the water column. Care should be taken to ensure that the probe is not installed with too much or too little tension on the foam. To optimize both the position of the probe and tension of the foam the interface echo between the water and component surface should appear at 12mm. This is the default height of the Hydro wedge in the Omniscan database and when positioned correctly will result in the interface signal appearing at zero mm using the default set up file. (With gate I Syncro on Pulse, not \ I)

HydroFORM System Manual Encoded One Line Scans

In the manual encoded one line scan configuration, the position of the data is maintained and recorded using the encoder integrated in the HydroFORM carriage. The integrated encoder has a resolution of 8 steps\mm that is entered into the Omniscan MXU software in the Scan-Encoder-Resolution for Encoder #1. In this configuration with the default aperture of 4 elements (4mm per A-scan), the HydroFORM will provide a one line scan of 61 A-scans (61mm) up to the limit of either the 160 megabyte file size (Standard) or 300 megabyte file size (Optional). For the 160 megabyte standard Omniscan, the limit would be a C-scan of 61mm X 7680mm at a resolution of 1mm in both axis. For the 300 megabyte optional Omniscan, the limit would be a C-scan of 61mm X 14,400mm at a resolution of 1mm in both axis. To piece multiple one line scans together in one data file, the probe can be indexed manually in the Omniscan software or indexed by use of a clicker (Olympus P/N: OPTX674) and index of the C-scan entered manual.

HydroFORM System Manual Encoded One Line Scans

For manual encoded one line scans, plug the Mini-Wheel encoder cable to the Lemo-DE15 encoder cable extension. The DE15 connector will connect to the OmniScan.

HydroFORM System Semi-Auto Raster Scanning (2 Axis)

Use of the HydroFORM system in the 2 axis semi-automated mode requires the Olympus CHAIN Scanner (Chainscan-XY38) or similar. The HydroFORM adaptation kit includes all of the required hardware to adapt the HydroFORM HD Mapper to a standard Olympus CHAIN Scanner XY38. Included in the adaptation kit is the crank handle, encoder junction with Lemo connector, reversed spring loaded arm for HydroFORM scanner attachment, four plastic wheels and parts to allow the CHAIN Scanner to inspect Flat surfaces.

HydroFORM System Semi-Auto CHAIN Scanner

In the CHAIN Scanner manual, locate the required number of short links and long links for the diameter of pipe to be inspected and connect them in accordance with the manual. Insure the adjustment screw is set so that when clamped on the pipe the scanner is snug to the pipe and does not move freely. Make sure you use a small link with dovetail on it for installation of the umbilical attachment device.


HydroFORM System Semi-Auto CHAIN Scanner

Install the HydroFORM on the index arm as pictured below. The probe knob should be on the far side of the HD Mapper from the CHAIN Scanner wheels. The probe should be installed with element 1 closest to the CHAIN Scanner wheels. The umbilical should be configured with slack to allow a full range of movement on the index arm. Index Axis

Scan Axis



HydroFORM System Semi-Auto CHAIN Scanner

The HydroFORM assembly is connected to the CHAIN Scanner by a spring loaded arm that has 3 possible positions. 1. Locked up (for HydroFORM manipulation) 2. Locked down 3. Free moving When acquiring data and manipulating the scanner the arm should be in the free moving position. Acquiring data when the arm is in a locked position results in poor data quality and scanner operation.


HydroFORM System Semi-Auto CHAIN Scanner

Position the scanner so that 0,0 (XY position) on the probe is in the intended position on the pipe. Using the default aperture of 4 elements, this puts 0,0 (Focal law 1) 2mm from the element 1 position line.



Semi-Auto Chain Scanner Position of 0,0 for C-scan

To assist in positioning the HydroFORM at the correct 0,0 position a magnetic template is provided. Place the magnetic template on the component with the 0,0 position of the Cscan under the window below indicated by the red arrow. After the magnetic template is in place the HydroFORM can be put in place prior to locking down the chain scanner.


Semi-Auto Chain Scanner Position of 0,0 for C-scan

The chain scanner has a arm length (Index or Y axis) that will allow the probe five revolutions or Strokes around the pipe. Using the default set up this results in a C-scan acquisition of 305mm X pipe circumference. (61mm X 5 strokes) For multiple acquisitions, the chain scanner must be repositioned every 305mm. The magnetic template is used to set the original 0,0 position and to maintain the correct position for successive scanner positions every 305mm. See Omniscan Setup Power Point for encoder preset position and C-scan area creation for consecutive repositioning of the chain scanner for inspections larger than five strokes (305mm)


HydroFORM System Semi-Auto CHAIN Scanner

Move the scanner to the side slightly and open the water control valve until the water chamber is flooded and all bubbles have disappeared from the S-scan display. After initially flooding the water chamber and clearing the bubbles, the water pressure can be reduced to a light flow during scanning. The surface condition of the pipe will determine how much water is required. Best results and fastest scan speed will be achieved with an electric pump due to constant consistent pressure. Be sure to move the scanner back to 0,0 prior to starting the acquisition.


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