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Recruitment and Selection

Chapter 12: The Selection Interview

Uses of The Interview in Selection

1. Recruiting good candidates for the

organization 2. An efficient way of Measuring applicants KSAs 3. Selection evaluation by an organization member

Recruiting the applicant to the organization

1. Providing job information

Describe the job and organization Sell the job to applicant Forms impressions about the organization Takes decision to accept the job

2. Effect on applicants

Recruiting the applicant to the organization

1. Measuring applicant KSAs More is not better Tests are better for measuring mental ability Appropriate KSAs

Personal relations; sociability & verbal fluency Good citizenship; dependability, conscientiousness, stability & perseverance Job knowledge: other options;
written test, many questions with short replies Job simulation instruments, complex behavior

Selection Evaluation by an Organization Member

Member should have communication skills, experience and apprehension) Guideline for the organization member: 1. Questions used

Be job related for validity Consistent among candidates for reliability Obese individual Grooming (hairstyle, clothing & makeup) Demographics and attitudes


Applicant characteristics

Selection Evaluation by an Organization Member

1. Nonverbal behaviors (impression


Eye contact, hand movement, body posture and smile (visual cues) Voice pitch, variability, speech rate, pauses and amplitude (verbal cues) Shows assertiveness, motivation, selfconfidence, enthusiasm and sociability

Selection Evaluation by an Organization Member


Weighting Information

More weight to negative information Interpersonal skills Goal orientation Physical attractiveness
Build organization image Specific applicant characteristics be measured Impressionistic info must not miss lead



A Model of Interviewer Decision Making

Multiple Phases of Selection Interview:

Pre-interview phase
1. 2. 3.

Interviews knowledge structure Ancillary about the applicant Interviewer's pre-interview evaluation of KSAs

A Model of Interviewer Decision Making

Interview phase
1. 2. 3.

Interviewers conduct on the interview Behavior of the applicant Interviewers processing of data from the interview
interviewers final evaluation of KSAs Interviewers post-interview evaluation of KSAs

Post interview phase

1. 2.

Six Initial Impressions Categories

1. Physical appearance

2. Behavior
3. Social relationships 4. Context of behavior 5. Personal origin 6. Internal characteristics


Attempts to Improve the Interviews

Training of the interviewers

Interviewers common errors

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Talking excessively Asking inconsistent questions Asking unrelated or slightly related questions Unable to put interviewee at ease Over confident about his/her ability Allowing personal biases in evaluation


Attempts to Improve the Interviews

Interviewers common errors

7. Influenced by nonverbal behaviors 8. Leniency, central or stringency effect errors 9. Hallo effect 10. Contrast effect of applicants 12. First impression error 13. Similar-to-me error


Attempts to Improve the Interviews

The structured interview

2. 3.

Pre-structured questions Scoring format Decision rule

Same information is collected from all Makes comparison easier Information about all job topics is gathered so validity is better

1. 2. 3.


Attempts to Improve the Interviews

Interview process 1. Create open communication atmosphere 2. Delivering questions consistently 3. Maintaining control of the interview 4. Developing good speech behavior 5. Learning listening skills


Attempts to Improve the Interviews

6. Taking appropriate notes 7. Avoiding leading or intimidating 8. Ignoring nonverbal cues
Decision-making methods (common errors)

Contrast effect Halo Leniency Central tendency

Systematic scoring

Developing Appropriate Interview Questions

To ensure reliability and validity, we can adopt three methods: 1. The situational interview 2. Behavior description interview 3. Job content method


Developing Appropriate Interview Questions

The situational interview

Do the job analysis using critical incidents techniques 2. Group the similar groups like; technical skills, diagnosing defects, customer service, and so on 3. Select small number of most appropriate incidents 4. Use these incidents to write questions See Table 12.2 p.543

Developing Appropriate Interview Questions

The behavior description interview


Generation of critical incidents and identification of behavioral dimensions Identification of each dimension as essentially describing either maximum or typical performance of the individual; Maximum performance: how much applicant knows or can do (deals with technical skills) Typical performance: getting along with others (hard working, organized, courteous, or punctual) i.e. measuring citizenship behaviors See Table 12.3 p.545


Developing Appropriate Interview Questions

Job content method

Identifying the rating critical job tasks 2. Identifying and rating KSAs necessary for the task performance 3. Linking KSAs to job tasks 4. Choosing selection measures appropriate for the KSAs to be measured See Table 12.4 p.546


Recommendations for use of the Interview

Restrict the scope of the interview

Serves too many purposes Limit it to job knowledge, sociability and related interpersonal abilities, and corporate citizenship
Complete data about any of KSAs to be covered in the interview Incomplete or contradictory statements presented on the application blank or other similar instruments

Limit the use of pre-interview data

Adopt a structured format

A set of questions should be formulated for each KSA


Recommendations for use of the Interview

Use of job-related questions

Questions of job knowledge

Should be important to the overall performance the job Should not be material easily learned on job or taught as part of training Should not be a series of facts (test is appropriate for that)

questions of social interaction Questions of corporate citizenship


Recommendations for use of the Interview

Use multiple questions for each KSA See Table 12.7 p. 557 Apply formal scoring to evaluate each KSA


See Table 12.8 p.559

Train interviewers Receiving information Evaluating information Interviewing behavior


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