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The word rafting stems from the root raft that means raft (in Spanish your name is canotaje) and consists of defying the force of the water of the rivers when they go down on board of a few pneumatic crafts in which a group of navigators rema and it fights not to be left to bend for the rapid ones that are formed in the currents. Rapid sayings qualify for classes of I the VI, depending on his force.

Origins of the rafting

The pioneers of this activity began his gait in The United States, in the river Colorado, with motivations that were mixing the spirit of adventure with the tourist interest. Initially in the middle of century, when this sport was born, the current boats were not in use, but crafts similar to piraguas. Nevertheless the characteristics of the rivers, isolation, great flow, forts unbalance, they forced to look for another type of craft that was allowing more long and sure decreases. In order that the human and personal equipment of every adventurer was major and to obtain this way more autonomy, it was necessary that the craft was fulfilling a series of requirements.

Where to do rafting in Colombia?

In Colombia there abound the rivers of white waters, since the special currents are in the habit of being qualified for this sport. Ro Magdalena en San Agustn Ro Negro en Tobia Ro Barragn en el Tringulo del Caf Ro Surez, ro Fonce, ro Chicamocha en Santander

I equip of rafting

Ratf. Oars. Suit of Neoprene. Gloves and booties of neoprene. Hull. Life jacket.


The Canopy is a walk along the trees of a forest or jungle by means of guayas and pulleys installed between two points or stations which traditionally are located on the high part of the trees in such a way that this tour for which we use an integral harness assured a system of pulleys and special equipment of escalation that is in use.

Origins of the CANOPY The Original Canopy Tour company which obtained its origin in Costa Rica in their own words are focused on conservation, education, reforestation and safety. Those words are spoken by one of the founders of this unique Costa Rica adventure, Darren Hreniuk. Established by Hreniuk and his partner Rick Graham in 1992, these two Canadians found a way to enable visitors to see the best of Costa Ricas biodiversity from a birds eye vantage point while respecting the ecosystems below. The Canopy tour was invented to provide adventure seekers with an exhilarating experience while building environmental awareness. The Canopy Tour technology consists of providing a cable system between trees by which guests are able to traverse through the system above the rain forest floor. The cables are made of similar technology to the cables used in the NASA Space program. With a double line redundancy system this cable system is considered to the the safest available for this unique Costa Rica adventure. In addition to the safety aspect, the Original Canopy Tour adventures with expert guides who detail the tour and outline what visitors will encounter on their journey through the tree tops.

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