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Sraddhanjoli, Lottie Kandis, Blake Tavleen, Megan

Kim, Caleb, Tyron

Josh, Whitney

Barasha, Abigail
Matthew, Tyler Shouzhe, Hannah

Revision is deep fundamental change to the paper as a whole. Editing is change you make at the paragraph and sentence level. Proofreading is checking over grammar, spelling, formatting, etc.

Make a star next to what you believe is the strongest section of your report. Underline what you believe is the best sentence. Make an X next to what you believe is the weakest section.

On the back of your report, assess the following:

What is the tone of this report? What are your writing concerns? Are there

areas on which youd like your reviewer to focus?

Give yourself a letter grade (A-F):

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Titles Overview Student Profile Professor Profile Professional Profile Final Reflection Design Audience Grammar

Tells you what you will read

Type of section
Name of person interviewed Title

Draw your attention

Descriptive definition of field

Job opportunities Job environment Demand for employment

Required education Formal definition of the field Definition of typical personality type

Introduction to person
Classification Class Major


Described the setting Campus involvement Classes Professors (good and bad) Experiences in the field Advice

Degrees Achievements Title

Roles on campus
Areas of research

Why they went into academia Which classes/what order Opportunities for internships/jobs What defines a successful student


Where they work Title Job experience (duration) Schooling (school, highest degree earned) Life/work balance Salary range

How competitive it is in the field Describe your day Benefits Advice

How to prepare yourself for success Internships, jobs, academics

Summary of all interviews What you learned And advice

Make sure to address your reader!!!!!

C.R.A.P Adds visual interest

Introduction Does the introductory paragraph do a good job of catching your interest?

Is there another point in the section that would make a stronger introduction?

How the author can improve it?

Body Is the information clear and well organized? Are there strong descriptions to keep your attention? Do the paragraphs flow well from one to the next (transitions)? Are there any places where there is too little or too much information? Conclusion Did the conclusion offer further reflection on the section and its significance? Does the author address his/her audience?

Do you have any other questions or suggestions for the author?

Misspellings Incorrect use of punctuation Run-on sentences Unintended sentence fragments Incorrectly formatted dialogue

Inconsistent use of tenses (generally

switching between past and present) Improper Formatting

Revise your report based on the feedback you received from your peer reviewer.

Reminder: The final draft of your Disciplinary Report is due by no later than Sunday 11/17.

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