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Strengthening Student Success Across the General Education Transfer Curriculum Strengthening Student Success Conference October 9, 2013

Ken ODonnell, Debra David CSU Chancellors Office Julie Stein, Las Positas College, CSU East Bay

Making General Education More Relevant Give Students a Compass Overview Promising Practices Your Promising Practices Lessons Learned for Professional Development

The Essential Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
Through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts

Intellectual and Practical Skills

Inquiry and analysis Critical and creative thinking Written and oral communication Quantitative Literacy Information Literacy Teamwork and problem solving

Personal and Social Responsibility

Civic knowledge and engagementlocal and global Intercultural knowledge and competence Ethical reasoning and action Foundations and skills for lifelong learning

Integrative and Applied Learning

Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies

Majorities of employers want colleges to place more emphasis on selected outcomes

More emphasis than they do today The same emphasis Less emphasis

Critical thinking/ analytical reasoning Ability to analyze/solve complex problems Effective oral communication Effective written communication Apply knowledge/skills to real-world settings Locate, organize, evaluate info from multiple sources Innovation/creativity Teamwork/collaboration in diverse group settings Ability to connect choices and actions to ethical decisions

82% 81% 80% 80% 78% 72% 71%

11% 13% 12% 12% 16% 19% 20% 22% 27%

7% 6% 8% 8% 6% 9% 9% 11% 9%

67% 64%

It Takes More Than A Major January 2013 Hart Research for

Phase one 2008- 2011

Phase two 2011-2014

Goal: to infuse High-Impact Practices into the lower-division general education curriculum of all students. Goal: to infuse High-Impact Practices into the lower-division general education curriculum of all students - regardless of where they start.

Cosumnes River


Six pilot sites now underway Twelve networking partnerships Statewide learning network


Oxnard East L.A.


Promising Practices
High impact practices Town hall meetings ePortfolios Aligning (signature) assignments and assessments Thematic General Education pathways

High-Impact Educational Practices

First-Year Seminars and Experiences

Common Intellectual Experiences Learning Communities

Writing-Intensive Courses
Collaborative Assignments and Projects Undergraduate Research

Diversity/Global Learning
Service Learning, Community-Based Learning Internships

Capstone Courses and Projects

Town Hall Meeting

E-Portfolios at San Francisco State

Themes of the Orientation Message

Welcomes the viewer
Explains the purpose of the page Explains your philosophy of being a student Highlights your strengths as a student Raises expectations specifically about the posts on the

student page Requests specific feedback from the viewer

Source: Cosumnes River & CSU Sacramento guidelines for first-year seminar e-portfolios

Signature Assignment Aligned to Outcomes & Assessment

Framed by teams of teachers working in formal collaboration Firmly connected to the official curriculum Some instructional consistency needed Materials may be suggested or provided Some concern with psychometric requirements and reporting

Thematic paths across multiple GE areas

Diversity Studies How differencecultural, racial, sexual, biological, linguistic, or geographic shapes who we are and how we live together.

Sustainability Studies Explore the deep connections between the health and vitality of the natural environment and human well-being

Science, Technology, and Values Explore how science and technology can shape the human conditionin the past, present and future.

Ethics, Justice, and Policy Studies Explore how ethics and justice help inform policy in areas related to the natural and human environments.

Your Promising GE Practices

Which of these practices are most likely to work on your campus? What promising practices are increasing relevance and deeper learning of GE on your campus?

Professional Development
Provide a working space for faculty to connect and collaborate Invite other campuses to join in the conversation Utilize a variety of well developed online strategies to connect to materials and to each other

GE & Student Engagement Community Teaching Commons

Professional Development Welcome adjunct's participation in professional development activities including funded activities Examine and update hiring and promotional practices to include instructional expertise and learning pedagogy

Our Future in California: Building a Collaborative Community of Practice

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