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Responsible Required or expected to give an explanation for ones actions






What is the purpose of our lives? What is the meaning if any, of human pain and suffer? What are choices that lie in our power and what is beyond our choosing? How can we find peace and satisfaction in the world that often seem chaotic and dangerous? How can we make a positive difference not only for ourselves but for others?

Our deepest desire and need is for the fulfillment that comes from oneness with the creator. This is what were really seeking when we experience pleasure in any form.

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving, and success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with our hands in our pockets.

You can be honest or dishonest. You cannot be little bit honest and little bit dishonest like a woman is either pregnant or not pregnant.
(P. Batra)

Men who are high in emotional intelligence are socially poised, outgoing and cheerful, not prone to fearfulness or worried rumination. They have a notable capacity for commitment to people or causes, for taking responsibility, and for having an ethical outlook. Their emotional life is rich but appropriate. They are comfortable with themselves, others and the social universe they live in.
(Goleman, G.)

Improvement in the quality of life must begin with the changes in the behavior of individuals specifically greater concern about others, coupled with willingness to devote considerable effort and energy to promote the well-being and happiness of others to ensure that all humans enjoy basic dignity, freedom, right and opportunities.

Life is never lacking of rearing. For what counts and matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a tragedy into a personal triumph to turn ones predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
(Victor Frankly)

The strongest force within you is the mental picture of yourself.

Nothing is good or bad about you but thinking makes it so.

(William Shakespeare Hamlet)

Break The Barrier

Always think what is good in you your asset.

Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose in the right way that is not easy.



Accept Responsibility For Result.

Do not pass the buck (resist or oppose). Avoid passing the blame to another department or to the subordinates

2. Get The Facts Correct.

Avoid snap judgments. Do not jump to conclusion. Exercise self control.

3. Work With Other Executive, Not Against Them.

Refrain from criticizing colleagues when they are not present. Do not attempt to belittle others

4. Discuss Things, Dont Argue.

Avoid bullying and nagging (scold or criticize). Try to persuade and suggest

5. Be Open Minded. Listen To Both Sides.

Be fair. Avoid prejudice. Dont bear grudges (feeling of ill-will).

6. Accept Criticism And Suggestions.

Be adaptable and approachable

7. Set a good example. Genuine Commitment.

Keep promises. Be dependable, direct and consistent. Avoid bribery Be happy for what you got

Dont tell people how hard you work but tell them how much you got done.

8. Avoid THE BRAGGER (Boasting) Style

Mine is better than yours motto. They attempt to impress by exaggerating their success.

9.Confident In Problem Solving Abilities.

Cooperate with others in solving problem, persisted, tolerance, open to others ideas, controlling impulse, setting goals, identifying alternative actions, anticipating consequences

10. Dont Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes

All men make mistakes only fools repeat them. If you do not make mistakes, it only means you are not trying 100%.
(P. Batra)

11. Avoid To Be A Perfectionist

If you work with a perfectionist, you will frequently find yourself spending 90 per cent of your time to get a 1 per cent increase in results. Many people who fancy themselves as perfectionists are wheel-spinners who actually accomplish little or nothing.

Like a child, each day has its own unique potentials. What we can do today, we cannot do tomorrow. It is true that tomorrow we may be able to do great things, but we may not be able to do the great things that are scheduled for today.

The great end of life is not knowledge but action.

(Thomas Henry Huxly)

12. Enhance Social Intelligence

Able to understand others and act wisely in human relations. Avoid pike syndrome the pike fishes the big dont mix with the small or go to small areas.

13. Believe In Team Work

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is SUCCESS.
(P. Batra)

14. Avoid Destruction

Stop complaining learn to accept reality.

15. Participate 100% In Your Job.

Be totally involved or engaged. Face up to results. Respond proactively. Take ownership of your actions and results. Operate from if it is to be, it is up to me.

The world is full of critics. Critics have 20-20 hindsight. Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how its done, theyve seen it done everyday, but theyre unable to do it themselves.


Always put others interest and need first, it will reciprocated (give and get something in return)

Makes you more attractive and approachable besides showing good breeding and social graces (beauties)

Contentment Reduces your stress in this rat race and you will have fine face, fulfillment and love in this world Generous

Dash (quick) Of Cooperation

Use your charm to motivate others by being sincere, kind and generous to others first, it be returned in greater measure than you expect


Be the first to do so, you never know when you need it yourself


Remember that when you point two fingers (thumb and index fingers ) at others, three fingers are pointing back at you simultaneously


To Others


Choose something wholesome to do for your leisure, you will find great intellectual and stimulating ideas flowing incessantly (not stopping continuous)

Reasonable Budget

Remember to cut your cloth according to your size, otherwise you are adding unnecessary mental, emotional and financial stress to your life


In-Laws (optional) If you are married, be generous and positive in your attitude toward them, that makes you gracious (kind, polite and generous) and open minded

Learn to say this your humility (modesty) and courage in doing it make you a true gentlemens or lady worthy of respect

to say I am sorry when you are wrong

Charity Give out lots of human kindness in terms of time, energy or finance you reap (harvest) more in life Compliments Be generous in your praises, they are a gateway to encouragement, motivation and cooperation


Free your mind and heart of negativism, complaints, criticism and condemnation, than you will find room for interesting and imaginative ideas


Trust in GOD, then you will learn to help people for and give dignity (earns respect) to others


Profesion keguruan adakah ini profesion first choice kita? Etika profesion keguruan adakah kita memahaminya? Tugas guru sebagai amanah adakah kita bekerja semata-mata untuk makan gaji? Tugas sebagai guru adakah kita sudah memahami dan menghayatinya?

Memanusiakan anak didik adakah kita cukup faham bahawa anak didik yang dihadapi setiap hari mempunyai pelbagai kerenah? Mengajar sebagai core business adakah kita tahu bahawa tugas mengajar itu sebagai yang utama? Ilmu pedagogi sudah kita memahami ilmu pedagogi yang sesuai dengan anak didik kita yang mempunyai pelbagai kebolehan dan pencapaian?

Komitmen dan ketekunan- adakah kita cukup komited dan tekun menjalankan tugas sebagai seorang guru atau sekadar melepaskan batuk di tangga sahaja? Ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran adakah kita sudah berusaha menimba sebanyak mungkin ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk melengkapkan diri sebagai seorang pendidik?


adakah kita selalu mencerminkan diri atau muhasabah diri terhadap kehebatan dan kelemahan yang dimiliki atau hanya pakar mengkritik kelemahan orang lain kelemahan diri sebesar gajah tidak diketahui tetapi kelemahan orang lain sebesar kuman diketahui?


adakah kita bertutur dengan bahasa yang baik, sentiasa berpakaian sopan dan kemas, mengawal emosi, mempamerkan tingkah laku yang tenang dan bertindak secara teratur aura yang menyenangkan rakan dan murid, celik IT?


dan sumbangan terhadap sekolah dan masyarakat sekitar sudahkah peranan yang diberikan dijalankan dan apakah sumbangan yang telah diberikan dalam pembangunan murid, sekolah dan masyarakat sejak bertugas di temoat anda?


tugas sebagai guru adakah kita bersedia atau sekadar membawa buku teks dan berlagak seperti tok guru di hadapan murid. Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan, Rancangan Pelajaran Harian serta Bahan Bantu Mengajar dikemaskinikan, praktikal dan workable


apa yang hendak diajar dan apa yang murid perlu pelajarai perancangan guru Menyediakan bahan dan sumber untuk menyampaikan pengajaran persediaan guru Menilai pengajarannya dan pembelajaran murid penilaian guru


masalah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran cara guru menyelesaikan masalah pengajaran dan pembelajarannya Merancang dan melaksanakan aktiviti kokurikulum yang bermakna kepada murid guru merancang aktiviti kokurikulum


minat dan keyakinan murid untuk belajar guru memotivasikan murid Mengajar murid bagaimana belajar dengan baik - guru membimbing murid Membina perlakuan murid (kemenjadian murid) yang berkualiti guru mendidik murid


dengan guru lain adakah kita rakan mereka, komunikasi yang dibawa adakah jelas dan menyenangkan, empati dan sentiasa memahami kelemahan orang lain Hubungan dan murid, ibubapa dan masyarakat adakah kita sanggup membantu mereka?


Profesionalisme guru bertanggungjawab (menjalankan tugas dengan amanah dan penuh dedikasi, menggunakan masa dengan baik dan produktif, berasa mempunyai tanggungjawab bersama untuk memajukan sekolah), berdaya maju (rajin bekerja, berusaha memajukan diri dalam bidang kepakarannya dan bersedia berkongsi pengetahuan dan kemahiran dengan rakan sejawat)


way you act depends on your attitude Your attitude depends on your generalization The way you generalize depends on how you think The way you think depends on knowledge and experience you have


If you dont like your work Youll need three times the energy To force yourself to work To resist the force And finally to work If you love your work Your desire to do it Will be like a win To propel your ship With much less fuel If you like your work You work no more For work, when you like it Is work no longer But sheer enjoyment If you enjoy your work Youll work and work Without counting the hours And youll reap and enjoy More earning as well

(H. L, Neri)


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