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Topic - A Critical Inquiry into Kautilya's Theoretical Standpoint Regarding Conflict Resolution

ud;Dldj - .egq ksrdlrKh inkaOfhka fl!,H bm;a lrk kHdhd;aul m%fYh ms<sn`o pdrd;aul wOHhkhla
Rev. Kalundewe Chandawimala, Probationary Lecture, Sri Lanka Bhiksu Visvavidyalaya, Anuradhapura.

An ideological dispute between two or more states or fights among countries can be defined as a conflict.

The measures of solving such disputes are called conflict resolution


Kautilyas Arta Shastra which is believed to be written in the 3rd century B.C. includes a theoretical approach to conflict resolving. This study seeks to evaluate its practical value.

Is Kautilyas approach to conflict solving practical and


Studying the theoretical measures which needs to be

followed in conflict situations.

Examining the extent to which these theoretical

approaches can be applied to conflict resolving in the society and the ways in which they can be used.

The best way of resolving conflicts it establishing mutual understanding and peace. Kautila has also recommended this method.

Thus, there are four dharmas in the Sandhi: Akrutacikirsha

(establishing peace though strategies such as saama); Krutashleshana (federation established by the contribution of a friends); Kruta Viduushana (destroying peace); and Avashiirna (re-establishing the broken peace).

Establishing new federations through strategies such as saama, and dasna, and uniting small and big powers with reference to their political power is known as Akrutacikiirshaa.

Securing the already established agreements so that they are

friendly for both parties and preserving the continuity of their

validity is known as Krutashleshana.

Destroying affinities with a king who has established a political relationship with traitors is known as Krutaviduushana

Establishing a relationship with servants and allies who have

attached to another party due the errors of king is known as Avashiirna

kriya. Gathaagathaa (re-approaching) is fourfold: Breaking up and re-approaching for a justifiable reason Breaking up and re-approaching without a justifiable reason Leaving a king for a valid reason and re-approaching without a

Leaving a king without a justifiable reason and re-approaching with a specific purpose.

Leaving a king for his errors and the good qualities of the enemy, and, re-approaching a king for his good qualities and the errors of the enemy is called gathaagata sandhi.

it is not acceptable to make a connection with a flighty

person who has left a king because of personal errors.

Kautilyas proposal to resolve disputes and conflicts between

two people, or among many groups or countries is a universally

valid principle.

The facts studied so far suggest that it is important to establish a new peaceful relationship in conflict situations; establish peace by acting in conformity to a previously formed agreement, act as a third party intermediary; and behave loyally.

O mqoa.,hka yd O rdcHhka iu. wnqo yd .egq Tjqka iu. iu.s nj we;s lr .kafka kuq;a ;udf.a fodaIh ksid .sh we;s wh iu. iu.s u t;=r kqjKg yqre ldrKhla fkdjk nj fl!,Hf.a Tjqfkdjqkag wk:ld h yelsh' tu ksid thska je<lS l%shd lsu

fuu kHdhd;aul m%fYhka kQ;k .egq ksrdlrKfhao O

mqoa.,hka yd rdcHhka wkq.ukh lrk nj fmfka' fuu kHdhka

todg fuka u kQ;khg o tlfiau jeo.;a nj fuhska fmkS hhs'

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