Overcoming Temptation in Christian Living

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Webster - to entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain Wiki - Desire to perform an action that one may enjoy immediately or in the short term but will probably later regret for various reasons: legal, social, psychological, health-related, economic, etc.

y temptations have been my masters in divinity.! "Martin Luther# $very temptation is an opportunity to do the right thing %atan&s primary weapon to destroy us 'od wants to use it to develop us

Character qualities of Jesus

'ives right to a choice ( every time we do right ( we grow in character of )hrist 'alatians *:++-+,
-esus is perfect love, joy, peace, patience and other fruits in a single person

.ow does .oly %pirit produce these / fruits0 1ruit always matures and ripens slowly

An Important Truth!
'od develops fruit of the %pirit
by allowing us to e2perience circumstances in which we are tempted to e2press the e2act opposite 3uality

How does Temptation work?

%atan is entirely predictable 4 step process - 4 D&s
D D D D esire oubt eception isobedience

5lways beware of shortcuts Does temptation lie around us or in us0
ark 6:+7-+,

%atan&s usual ploys
8s it really wrong0 Did 'od really say not to do it0 Didn&t 'od mean this prohibition for someone else or some other time0 Doesn&t 'od want me to be happy0

.ebrews ,:7+

%atan is the 1ather of lies
9ntruths or half-truths

8t&s only a little sin! : don&t fall for that

8f we finally act on the thought we&ve been toying with in our mind
What began as an idea gets birthed into behaviour

-ames 7:74-7;

O ercomin! Temptation
<he 6 "&s
" efuse to be intimidated " ecognise the pattern = be prepared " e3uest 'od&s help " efocus attention on something else " eveal struggle to a godly friend>support group " esist the devil " ealise our vulnerability

"efuse to be intimidated
1rightened>demoralised by tempting thoughts0 We&ll never outgrow temptation ?ible says, When you&re tempted,..! not if 5 compliment0
5 sign that %atan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness

"efuse to be intimidated
@ou cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.! "Martin Luther# We can&t keep the Devil from suggesting thoughts ?ut we can choose not to dwell>act on them Aot dwell on them - easier said than done

"eco!nise the #attern

)ertain situations that make us more vulnerable We need to identify them because
7 Beter *:C %atan surely knows themD .e knows e2actly what trips us up, and he is constantly working to get us into those circumstances

"eco!nise the #attern

5sk ourselves "8dentify#
When am 8 most tempted0 What day of the week0 What time of day0! Where am 8 most tempted0 5t work0 5t home0 5t a neighbour&s house0! Who is with me when 8&m most tempted0 1riends0 )o-workers0 %trangers0 5lone0! .ow do 8 usually feel when 8 am most tempted0!

?e prepared

"equest $od%s help

+4-hour hotline E and call upon e in the day of troubleF 8 will deliver you, and you will honour e.! "Psalms 50:15# -esus is sympathetic to our struggle "Hebrews 4:15#
1aced the same temptations we do understands our weaknesses!

"equest $od%s help

)ommon reasons why we do notE
Don&t want to be helpedDD "we think we know what's best for us# $mbarrassed to ask 'od for help "keep giving in to the same temptation over and over#

.ebrews 4:7; <emptations keep us dependant upon 'od

"efocus attention
Gesisting a thought ( reinforces it <emptation starts with a thought, H refocus on something else
ore we focus on 8 don&t want to do this! ( stronger it draws us into its web 8gnoring more effective than fighting it Ince mind is on something else, temptation loses its power

"efocus attention
)all from temptation ( .ang upDD Bhilippians 4:C onitor our media intake

"e eal stru!!le to a friend

Geveal our struggle to a godly friend> support group $cclesiastes 4:/-7J -ames 4:;

"esist the De il
-ames 4:6 %piritual wimps0 ?e a manDD $phesians ;:76 - 5rmour of 'od
7st step - .elmet of salvation +nd step - %word of the %pirit - Word of 'od

"esist the De il
Don&t try to argue with the Devil "he has wa more e!perien"e# Weapon that makes him tremble the truth of 'od
emorising %cripture essential H Kuick access to it, whenever tempted

"ealise our


Aever get cocky = overconfident )ultivate 'od-confidence 7 )orinthians 7J:7+ "Message#

Take Home #oint!

<here&s always a way outDD 'od is faithful. .e will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can&t stand up against it. When you are tempted, .e will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.! 1 #or 10:1$b "%L&#

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