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By, Thiki Andhraaz

Restructuring strategies
TVC in YouTube with new fancy features of orkut can be added. Friend suggestions can be added. TVC of orkut in social edia ca !aigns. "rkut can create #ob e !loy ent !ortals like $ocial interacti%e ga es& like te !le run& are highly addicti%e and encouraging ore !eo!le to utili'e the social networks as a foru for ga ing.(

Cont..)technical as!ects*
orkut can have complete design of PHP. orkut can !ro%ide !age creation for a business !ro oter "rkut can ha%e its own indigenous +, for chatting but as of now integrates -talk as "rkut essenger. "rkut can !ro%ide social ! odules. Explanation for being added as a friend can be integrated into orkut.

/.!lan for orkut 2014

1.,ission 0 %ision
,ission1 is all about the global sharing and connections ade !ossible by the orkut !latfor . Vision1 To stay connected with friends& fa ily and business !rofessionals and disco%er what2s going on in the world and to share and e3!ress what atters to the .

2.,arket o!!ortunity
,arket si'e1 -lobal Target 4sers1 /2/& Young )15.25*. 6d%ertising1 Yes 7 $earch 0 Conte3tual89is!lay The "fficial 6d%ertising !latfor for "rkut is actually -oogle 6d words. "rkut 6ds a!!ear in a few key !laces across the network1

6ds a!!ear in the u!!er right side of user !rofiles )also their ho e !age* 6ds can be + ages& Video or Te3t. 6ds can be targeted by keywords on the user2s !rofile and user de ogra!hic infor ation like 6ge& -ender and :ocation.

;.co !etition
Co !etitors
<hatsa!! & /b Facebook -oogle=

Co !etiti%e ad%antage
-oogle brand itself !roof !ositi%e for orkut. 4sers can login to orkut with sa e g ail account

>R 0 ,arketing

,arket for orkut

Geography <here are this site?s %isitors located@
Country ((/ra'il ((+ndia ((4nited $tates ((Thailand ((Dakistan ((Ea!an Percent of isitors A2.BC 14.;C B.5C ;.BC ;.2C 2.BC


!evenue "odel

!evenue strategy

Gro#th,$n gage and monetize

4.Fin ancia ls

Dre iu ,e bershi !

= $olid source of re%enue = 6 lot of free ser%ices $ource of re%enue

Advertisin g and e!ecruit%

&. alu e Propo sition

alue Provided to Customer s

'ocus on people, not platform

+ser !elia*le, $,perienc essential e features

"oving out of (ava)cript #e* language, for faster access. Privacy e,-Explan ation for being added as a friend.

+ser Base

/.Broad and addictive 0. internation al 1.Guality of users 2.Feature of usage

1ncreases customer *ase

Fetwork e3ternalities

2eads to revenue generatio n


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