Malaysian Studies Chapter2 030306

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Malaysian Studies- Chapter 2

Part 2

Oppositon from AMCJA 1. Malayan Democratic union criticized and objected to the working committee as it did not include any non malay 1946, All-malaya council of joint action (AMCJA) to appose the new proposed constitution Tan Cheng Lock led by AMCJA and fought on 3 principles: 1. unification of the whole Malaya including singapore 2. Self rule through a central legislation body with members chosen by the people 3. Same citizenship rights for all who consider Malaya their home land deserving of their allegiance

Opposition from PUTERA Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API), Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya(PKMM) and Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS) altogether form Pusat Tenaga Rakyat (PUTERA) as a radical malay party. - PUTERA nursed the ambition of making malay a republic critised federal government leadership as being controlled by a group of feudalists.

PUTERAs 4 priciples 1. The malay language be made the countrys official language 2. External affairs and defense be made the joint responsibility of the Malayan government and the British 3. The word Malay be used as the name for Malayan citizenship 4. The national flag to have Malay national colours.

AMCJA-PUTERA Front 1. March 1947, they work together under the leadership of Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmi, they team up to oppose the establishment of the federation of Malaya. 2. Few attempts was made was forming Peoples Constitution in april 1947-British rejected it as too Radical. 3. So both these parties lanched a closed strike throught Malaya but was cheked by the British

Formation of the Federation of Malaya 1. British on 1 Feb 1948, set for the formal establishment of Federation of Malaya, whose constitution showed that United Malays National Organisation (UMNO)s claim had been recognised one comissioner as head, comprised of nine Malay states and Melacca, Penang and Singapore(was excluded out and remained as British Colony. 2. The Malay Rulers were returned their rights over their own states 3. Malacca and Penang under Resident Commisioner 4. Conditions for citizenship become more strict and special rights of the Malay were recognised.

The move towards Independence 1. The racial unity was necessary before the country could be given independence Problem with Unity 1. This was largely because of diversity of origin, culture, language and religion 2. British divide and rule policy that isolated the malays 3. In education even though English was introduced but the Malays wants their Malay to be medium of instructional at all levels.

To be continue

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