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Prepared by:-Khungar Gaurav Desai Pushark

I. II. III. IV. Whats a smartphone ? Smartphones impact on humans social life Smartphones impact on humans work Smartphones impact on consumers and business Conclusion

Smartphones are changing how people live and work 4/10 people own a smartphone Over 100 million smartphones sold in 2011 compared to 60 million in 2010 Own a smartphone is becoming a norm for people

mobile phone

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)







2000 2007

Operating system
Apples iOS Googles Android Microsofts Windows phone

Nokias Symbian
RIMs BlackBerry OS Embedded Linux distribution: Maemo and MeeGO

Social life

- Human are a social species, and people have a need for information
and to communicate with one another. Telecommunication technologies intensify these needs.

- 4 out of 10 people now own a smartphone

- People use smartphones for entertainment and social networking

Social life


- Enable students to stay connected

on and off campus

- Educators and students have mobile

access to the communications and information they need.

- Conduct research / Update records /

Collaborate with peers

- It make E-learning more easier


- Constant brief interruption change the way people live and making it
harder for them to stay focused.

- Smartphones destroy the ability

of people to interact directly with other human.

-People do not listen to their friends

as they are focused on the screen

-Limits the use of resources

such encyclopedias and books

It make him more productive

- Employees appreciate the mobility capacity of smartphones: stay

constantly reachable.

-Access to their companys data out of the office, to their emails

It make him more productive

- 79% of people using smartphone used to carry out business

instead of an office phone.

- 34% of small businessmen are using smartphones more than


- 7% entrepreneurs have stopped carrying laptops while traveling

for business; they use smartphones!

Smartphones have also made practicing medicine more efficient

- With the use of smartphones, communication

with patients, nurses and hospital staff is faster

- There is lot of information, literally, at their


- 67% of primary care physicians and 61% of

specialists now have smartphones!


- Employees my lose interest in meeting - It presents a lack of oral communication - Decreased the interaction between workers

-They can take their office anywhere: conduct business on vacation!

- They are never away from work.

Impact on consumers

- In the last 2-3 years, smartphones have increased consumers

acess to the web.

- Consumers buying behavior has started to change in a greater

number of markets.

- Consumers are using its applications to form habits that integrate

Internet use into basic everyday activities: GPS, looking for a restaurant, looking for the cheapest gas station

Impact on business

- Create a new markets and

new business: mobile ads, mobile marketing, mobile users category

- Create new business

(startup) to develop smartphones applications

-Research has found that smartphone satisfy all people social communication needs. But this could lead to addiction. - It is harder to draw a line where technological communication must end and human interaction must begin.

As good as smartphones are, the negative effects may outweighing the positives.

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