DMX Storage Provisioning

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Storage Provisioning

Types of Devices Types of Protection levels

Adding Devices Creating STD device Meta Device Creation Mapping Masking

Reclaiming Devices Unmasking Write Disable Un-mapping Dissolve meta Deleting hypers

Increasing or Decreasing Protection levels Creating BCV/VDEV/SAVE/R1/R2 etc.. Converting devices Verifying Device Properties

Types of Devices
Standard Devices: A Symmetrix device configured for normal Symmetrix operation under a desired protection method (such as RAID-1,RAID-S, and SRDF).
Gatekeeper Devices: SCSI commands executed by SYMAPI are transferred to the Symmetrix array via a Symmetrix device that is designated as a Gatekeeper device. The gatekeeper allows you to retrieve configuration and status information from the Symmetrix array without interfering with normal device I/O operations. By default, one of the available Symmetrix devices is designated as a gatekeeper. Alternatively, you can define specific devices to be used as gatekeepers

Meta Devices: Allow individual devices to be concatenated to create larger devices. A meta device consists of a meta head and its member devices. The meta head is the first device in the meta device sequence and is responsible for receiving all incoming commands. It also identifies the entire meta device. When an incoming command for the meta head is processed, the Symmetrix determines which meta device member should execute the command. Meta head devices can be added to a device group while a meta member cannot be added to a device group. This holds true for both standard and BCV devices.

BCV Devices: Specialized devices used to create a local copy of data contained in a standard Symmetrix device, which can be used for backup, restore, decision support, and application testing. Symmetrix TimeFinder is a business continuance solution that allows you to use these special Symmetrix devices called BCV devices (Business Continuance Volume). Each BCV device has its own host address, and is configured as a stand-alone Symmetrix device. For more information SRDF Devices: Devices configured as RDF1 or RDF2 to support SRDF operations. The Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF) is a business continuance solution that maintains a device-level mirror of Symmetrix data on remotely attached Symmetrix arrays. These arrays also may be located in physically separate sites. SRDF provides a recovery solution for component or site failures using remotely mirrored devices. SRDF reduces backup and recovery costs and significantly reduces recovery time after a disaster. Dynamic RDF Devices: Since Enginuity 5568, devices can be configured to be Dynamic RDF-capable devices. Dynamic RDF functionality enables you to create, delete, and swap SRDF pairs while the Symmetrix array is in operation. Using Dynamic RDF technology, you can establish SRDF device pairs from non-SRDF devices, then synchronize and manage them in the same way as configured SRDF pairs. The Dynamic RDF configuration state of the Symmetrix array must be enabled via the Configuration Manager and the devices must be designated as Dynamic RDF-capable devices. For information about Dynamic

Virtual Devices: A host-accessible device containing track-level location information (pointers), which indicates where the copy session data is located in the physical storage. Device copies use virtual devices to support TimeFinder/Snap operations. Virtual devices consume minimal physical disk storage, as they store only the address pointers to the data stored on the source device or a pool of save devices., Save Devices: Special devices (not mapped to the host) that provide physical storage space for pre-update images or changed tracks during a virtual copy session of TimeFinder/Snap operations. Save devices are a predefined pool of storage devices and must be configured for this purpose. The save device pool acts as a group for storing data in striped form. Save devices are assigned a Symmetrix device number and can be unprotected, mirrored, or parity RAID. Device Masking (VCM)Devices: Symmetrix devices that have been masked for visibility to certain hosts. The device masking database (VCMDB) holds device masking records and typically resides on a 24 or 48 cylinder disk device.. DRV Devices: A non-user-addressable Symmetrix device used by the Symmetrix Optimizer to temporarily hold user data while reorganization of the devices is being executed. Typically, it is used by the Optimizer in logical volume swapping operations.

Types of Protection levels

Types of Protection levels

Steps to Create Hypers

Verify the Symmetrix status symconfigure sid 4282 verify If any hung activities found abort symconfigure sid 4282 abort Verify the available free space symconfigure -sid SymmID [-v | -freespace [-units cylinders | MB]] list or symdisk sid 4282 list disk_group 2 Create Command file
Create dev count=8, size=12394, data_member_count=3, emulation=FBA, config=RAID-5, disk_group=2;

Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using Symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f Create_hypers.txt v noprompt preview Verify the Array readiness by performing PREPARE using Symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f Create_hypers.txt v noprompt prepare Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f Create_hypers.txt v noprompt commit Verify the newly created devices Symdev sid 4282 list -noport

Verify the Symmetrix Array status

Verify the available free space

Verify the available free space by disk group


Command line syntax to create hypers

Adding a new device create dev count=n, size=Cylinders, size = <n> [MB | GB | CYL], emulation=EmulationType, config=DeviceConfig,[, data_member_count=nn] [, remote_config=DeviceConfig, remote_data_member_count=nn, ra_group=n, [remote_mvs_ssid=nnn], [dynamic_capability=[dyn_rdf | dyn_rdf1_only | dyn_rdf2_only], ] [, mvs_ssid=nnn] [, attribute=ckd_meta | savedev |datadev, [in pool PoolName] [member_state=ENABLE | DISABLE], ] [, disk_group_num=nnn, remote_disk_group_num=nnn]] [meta_member_size = n [MB |GB| CYL]] [meta_config = [striped | concatenated]] [, binding to pool = PoolName, [preallocate size = n [MB |GB |CYL]] [remote_pool = PoolName]];
The preview argument verifies the syntax and correctness of each individual change defined, and then terminates the session without change execution. The prepare argument performs the preview checks and also verifies the appropriateness of the resulting configuration definition against the current state of the Symmetrix array; the argument then terminates the session without change execution

The commit argument completes all stages and executes the changes in the specified Symmetrix array

Creating Hypers

Perform preview using symconfigure command to check the command line syntax

Perform prepare using symconfigure command to check the Array readiness

Perform commit using symconfigure command to commit the changes

Verify the newly created devices


Command line syntax to form metas

form meta from dev SymDevName, config=MetaOption [, stripe_size=<MetaStripeSize>[cyl]] [, count=<member_count>];

where: config = the meta configuration type. Possible values are concatenated or striped. stripe_size = the size of the striped meta device. This value can be expressed in blocks or cylinders. Possible sizes in 512 byte blocks are 1920, 3840, 7680, 15360, 30720, and 61440. If you do not specify a stripe size when creating a striped meta, two cylinders will be assigned. For information on meta volume strip sizes, cyl = if the stripe_size is expressed in cylinders, include cyl with the MetaStripeSize value. The size of a cylinder for FBA emulation is 960 512-byte blocks. count = the total number of devices for the configuration server to add to the new meta device, including the head. This option may be omitted if you want to specify the members using the add dev command.

Adding a meta member add dev SymDevName[:SymDevName] to meta SymDevName [, protect_data=[TRUE | FALSE], bcv_meta_head=SymDevName];

Meta Config Options

Concatenated devices are volume sets that are organized with the first byte of data at the beginning of the first device (Figure 1-2 on page 1-6). Addressing continues to the end of the first device before any data on the next device is referenced. When writing to a concatenated device, the first meta device member receives all the data until it is full, and then data is di rected to the next member and so on.

Meta device addressing by striping divides each meta member device into a series of stripes, addressing a stripe from each device before advancing to the next stripe on the first device (as shown in Figure 1-3). When writing to a striped volume, equal size stripes of data from each participating drive are written alternately to each member of the set.

Steps to Create Meta Devices

Verify the Symmetrix status symconfigure sid 4282 verify If any hung activities found abort symconfigure sid 4282 abort Create Command file Form meta from dev 26CA, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev 26CB:26E4 to meta 26ca; Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using Symconfigure ommand Symconfigure sid 4282 f meta.txt v noprompt preview Verify the Array readiness by performing PREPARE using Symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f meta.txt v noprompt prepare Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f meta.txt v noprompt commit Verify the newly created meta devices Symdev sid 4282 list -noport

Create a cmd/txt file to form metas and execute

Perform preview using symconfigure command to check the command line syntax

Perform prepare using symconfigure command to check the Array readiness

Commit the changes

Verify the newly created meta device

Device Mapping and Masking

Find the host connected Director and Port details symcfg sid 4282 list -connections Find the available addresses on that port symcfg sid 4282 list address available dir 7d p 0 Create a command file for mapping map dev 26ca to dir 7d:0, lun=036; Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using Symconfigure command symconfigure sid 4282 f create_hypers.txt v nop preview Verify the Array readiness by performing PREPARE using Symconfigure command symconfigure sid 4282 f create_hypers.txt v nop prepare Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command symconfigure sid 4282 f create_hypers.txt v nop commit Check the device have been mapped symcfg sid 4282 list address available dir 7d p 0 Masking devices to the host
symmaskdb sid 4282 wwn 10000000c93f62cf dir 7d p 0 add devs 26ca nop

Symmask sid 4282 refresh Check whether devices have masked symmaskdb -sid 4282 list database -dir 7d -p 0

Find the host connected Director and Port details

Check the available LUN addresses, each device require one LUN address

Symconfigure Command line syntax to map the devices

Mapping a device to an address, or a range of devices to consecutive addresses, specifying a starting address map dev SymDevName [:SymDevName] to dir DirectorNum:PortNum [starting][target=ScsiTarget,] lun=ScsiLun [, vbus=FibreVbus] [, emulation=EmulationType] [, awwn=awwn | wwn=wwn | iscsi=iscsi] [, masking [host_lun=<lun> |dynamic_lun]];

Create a cmd/txt file with the sym dev name, director number, port address and LUN address.

Perform preview using symconfigure command to check the command line syntax

Perform prepare using symconfigure command to check the Array readiness

Commit the changes

Masking devices to the host symmaskdb sid 4282 wwn 10000000c93f62cf dir 7d p 0 add devs 26ca nop Refresh the Symmetrix Array Symmask sid 4282 refresh Check whether devices have masked symmaskdb -sid 4282 list database -dir 7d -p 0

Reclaiming Devices
1. Unmasking devices from the host symmaskdb sid 4282 www 10000000c93f62cf dir 7d p 0 remove devs 26ca 2. Refresh the Symmetrix Array Symmask sid 4282 refresh 3. Write Disable the devices before unmapping from the Director and from port symdev -sid 4282 write_disable 26ca -sa 7d -p 0 -noprompt 4. Create a cmd/txt file Unmap dev 26ca from dir all:all; 5. Perform preview operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f unmap.txt v nop preview 6. Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f unmap.txt v nop prepare 7. Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f unmap.txt v nop commit 8. Verify that the device has been unmapped Symdev sid 4282 list -noport

9. To Dissolve meta create a cmd/txt file Dissolve meta dev 26ca; 10. Perform preview operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop preview 11. Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop prepare 12. Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop commit 13. Verify that the meta has been Dissoved. Symdev sid 4282 list noport 14. To delete the hypers create a cmd/txt file. Delete dev 26ca; 15. Perform preview operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop preview 16. Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop prepare

17. Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command Symconfigure sid 4282 f dissolve.txt v nop commit 18. Verify that Hypers have been deleted. Symdev sid 4282 list -noport










Symmetrix Management Tools

Symcli EMC Control Center SMC (Symmetrix Management Console)

Enginuity Operational Layers

Symcli (Symmetrix Command Line Interface) Symcli v will give the available commands

EMC Control Center Console

EMC Control Center storage scope reporting console

EMC Control Center Performance Monitoring Console

Symmetrix Management Console

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