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Somatic Therapy

Gladys D. Bautista

Electroconvulsive Therapy
- is passing an electrical current through electrodes that are attached to the temples. ECTs mechanism of action is unclear at present

Quicker effects than antidepressants

Safer for elderly

8O % improvement rate of major depressive episode with vegetative aspects

- Before ECT a major depressed client undergo the ff meds: 1. SSRi (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor inhibitor) 2 wks 2. Antidepressants TCA 2nd Generation 3. MAOi 2 wks 4. ECT (last resort)

Side Effects: 1. Temporary RECENT Memory Loss ANTEROGRADE amnesia Intervention: Re-orient client to 3 spheres 2. confusion/disorientation (usually hours) 24 3. Headache 02 demand, cerebral hypoxia 4. Muscle spasm 5. Wt. gain (stimulate thalamic/limbic appetite)

1. PPPP Post MI, Post CVA, pacemaker, pregnant women 2. Neurologic problem Alzheimers, degenerative disorder 3. Brain tumor, weakness of lumbosacral spine

Legal/Pre-Nursing Responsibilities: Preparation: Similar to preparing a client for surgery: 1. Informed Consent if client is coherent, if not a guardian sign the consent forms. 2. No metallic objects 3. No nail polish to check peripheral circulation 4. No contact lenses it may adhere to the cornea 5. Wash & dry hair

6. Give following medications BEFORE ECT: a. Atropine sulfate anticholinergic PRIMARY purpose to dry secretions and prevent aspiration SECONDARY purpose to prevent bradycardia (vagolytic) b. Phenobarbital (Luminal), Methohexital (barbiturate Na)- minor tranquilizer an anticonvulsant also c. Succinylcholine (Anectine) muscle relaxant 7. Priority vs. to focus ABC; check RR 12 less; LOC 8. Before ECT supine position; after ECT side-lying 9. Have patient VOID before giving ECT

Nursing Diagnosis:
1. Risk for Airway Obstruction/aspiration 2. Risk for Injury 3. Impaired/Altered Cognition/LOC

Nursing Intervention 1. Safety (#1 objective) 2. Side-lying (#1 Position) 3. Side rails up 4. Stimulus (no noise & bright lights) 5. Support the head with a pillow AFTER the seizure

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