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Application of force in sport

Linear, angular & general motion

Newtons laws of motion (1st, 2nd & 3rd)

Application of force in sport

Force can cause a bod at rest to mo!e, c"ange direction,

accelerate#decelerate or c"ange an ob$ects s"ape%

&ou can appl t"is to a penalt 'ic' in football(

)"e football will remain at rest until 'ic'ed w"ic" will cause mo!ement% *f t"e 'ic' is sa!ed, t"e ball will c"ange direction w"en t"e 'eeper parries it awa % )"e pla er can accelerate towards t"e ball before 'ic'ing it% )"en, upon scoring, w"en t"e ball "its t"e net it will decelerate and slow down% +"en t"e ball is initiall struc' wit" t"e boot, it will in fact slig"tl deform and become more o!al s"aped%

Linear, angular & general motion

Linear motion , -otion along a line, t"is can

mean a straig"t line (sliding down a "ill) or a cur!ed line (bobsleig" around a trac')
Angular motion , -o!ement must "appen

around a fi.ed point or (turning a bi'e) )"in' of it li'e t"e $oints in our bod , w"ic" allow angular motion for our limbs%
/eneral motion , -ost mo!ements are

combination of linear and angular, t"is is general motion% (w"eelc"air at"lete mo!es in a linear motion but t"e swinging action of "is arms are angular motions)%

Newtons laws of motion

Newtons 1st law , (law of inertia) )"is states t"at a

bod continues to be in a state of rest unless acted upon b an e.ternal force% Again t"is can be related to football, t"e ball will not mo!e unless struc' b t"e footballers boot%

Newtons 2nd law , (law of acceleration) )"is law sa s t"at w"en a

force acts on an ob$ect, t"e rate of c"ange of momentum e.perienced is proportional to t"e si0e of t"e force and ta'es place in t"e direction in w"ic" t"e force acts% )"is basicall means t"at in football t"e more powerful t"e 'ic', t"e more acceleration will occur wit" t"e ball, also t"e balls direction is towards goal%

Newtons 3rd law , )"is one states t"at for e!er action t"ere is

an e1ual and opposite reaction, t"is simpl means t"at w"ene!er an ob$ect e.erts force on anot"er t"ere will be an e1ual and opposite reaction e.erted b t"e second ob$ect on t"e first% 2o w"en t"e force of t"e struc' ball "its t"e crossbar t"e reaction is t"at t"e crossbar e.erts an e1ual force to t"e opposite direction to rebound t"e ball awa %

)"e 3nd

4oe 3%

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