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By Gary Teng NF 25 7 pm Wed Mt.Sac College Professor Betty Croc er

My wellness is my wealth

My Wellness Strateg"es% &at more comple' C() *+,-2+ . / eat more f"#er a0o"d s"mple s1gar/ fr1ctose &at more n2/ n3 r"c4 food s1c4 as f"s4/ seafood and lean meat. 56!N7. M)6&. W8T&69 80o"d :1"ces ;< all s1gary #e0erages "n general=. !ncl1de more fres4 fr1"ts and 0egg"es "n all meals. 80o"d s1pplements as m1c4 as poss"#le some of t4em are to'"c to o1r

! comm"t myself to #e f"t from no$ on

So/ W4at "s Celery>

8 #"enn"al &1ropean plant ;Apium graveolens var. dulce=/ "n t4e parsley fam"ly/ 4a0"ng ed"#le roots/ leafstal s/ lea0es/ and fr1"ts Celery "s from t4e same plant fam"ly as carrots/ parsley/ fennel and cara$ay

Growing Celery
Celery is a cool-season biennial crop. It has a very long growing season but a very low tolerance for both heat an col . Celery prefers rich! well- raine soil with lots of water! it can not tolerate rought of any "in . It nee s lots of nutrients to grow well. Celery see s are very small an ifficult to germinate. #ransplante celery is plante in ouble rows on $%-to &'-inch be s!

Growing Celery *cont+ ,

Celery is a shallow-roote crop that re-uires fre-uent irrigations. If the groun is not "ept consistently moist! it will negatively affect the taste of the celery. .or celery! wee control is most critical until transplants are establishe an begin to form a plant canopy that can sha e out wee s Rea y to harvest after /0 to )1' ays from planting. 2egin blanching two or

Growing Celery *conti+ ,

3arvest a bit early by pulling off the outer stal"s when they are about )1 inches long. 4ew stal"s will grow to a complete celery plant for later harvesting. 5ic" the celery by pulling them out of the groun . Cut off the root off the stal" an then store in the col storage for crisp.

Celery "s a N1tr"t"onal Po$er4o1se9

4utrients in Celery grams, 4utrient 67aily 8alue 9vitamin : $%.(6 9folate (6 9vitamin ; (6 9potassium <.06 9molyb enum %.<6 9fiber 0.%6 9vitamin C 0.16 9manganese 06 9calcium &6 ).'' cup *)').''

Celery "s an "mportant food so1rce of con0ent"onal ant"o'"dant n1tr"ents/ "ncl1d"ng 0"tam"n C/ #eta, carotene/ and manganese/
t4e spec"f"c types of ant"o'"dants assoc"ated $"t4 many of t4e ant",cancer 4ealt4

Fres4 celery "s an e'cellent so1rce of vitamin-:/ pro0"des a#o1t 25. of 56!. ?"tam"n,7 4elps "ncrease #one mass #y promot"ng osteotrop4"c act"0"ty "n t4e #ones. !t also 4as esta#l"s4ed role "n 8l@4e"merAs d"sease pat"ents #y l"m"t"ng ne1ronal damage "n t4e #ra"n. ?"tam"n 7 "s necessary for a $"de 0ar"ety of #od"ly f1nct"ons/ "ncl1d"ng normal #lood clott"ng/ ant"o'"dant act"0"ty/ < #one 4ealt4.


You :now=

Ingredients 12 celery ribs, thinly sliced crosswise 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 shallot, finely chopped 1 head red leaf lettuce, torn 4 ounces pecorino cheese osher salt fresh pepper

!irections" 1. Fill a medium bowl with cold water and about 2 cups of small ice cubes. Add sliced celery and let it soak in the ice water bath for at least 10 minutes or for up to 30 minutes, until very crisp. 2. eanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk the olive oil with the lemon !uice. "tir in the finely chopped shallot. "eason with salt and pepper. 3. #n a lar$e bowl, toss the lettuce with 3 % of the dressin$. %ransfer lettuce to plates or a platter. &. 'rain the sliced celery and pat dry thorou$hly with paper towels. Add the celery to the lar$e bowl and toss with the remainin$ dressin$. "eason the dressed celery with salt and pepper. (. )sin$ a slotted spoon, scatter the sliced celery over the lettuce. *. )sin$ a very sharp ve$etable peeler, shave lon$ strips of the pecorino cheese over the salad. 'ri++le with the remainin$ dressin$ and serve.


4ttp%BB$$$.almanac.comBplantBcelery 4ttp%BB$$$.$e#md.comB0"tam"ns,s1pplementsB"ngred"entmono,**2, C&C&6D.asp'>act"0e!ngred"ent!dE**2<act"0e!ngred"entNameEC&C&6D 4ttp%BB$$$.#4g.comBgarden"ngBplant,d"ct"onaryB0egeta#leBceleryB

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