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Australias Most Wanted

Presented by Group 5


Pauls Biopsychosocial Profile

Age: 39 years Decreased immune system functioning Reduced skin elasticity Fit and healthy lifestyle Likes sports

Post Formal Functioning Crystallised and Fluid Intelligence Degree of egocentrism conflict with Sharyn re medication for twins not helping with Micahs exercises

Contextual Thinking and Relativism

Eriksons generativity vs. self-absorption Paul is generative through parenting, teaching young people Key Event: parenting Different approaches to childrearing

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Sharyns Biopsychosocial profile

Age: thirties Decreased immune system functioning Reduced skin elasticity Miscarriage, twins conceived through IVF, problematic pregnancy with twins Family history of depression and cancer

Post Formal Functioning Crystallised and Fluid Intelligence Contextual Thinking and Relativism

Eriksons intimacy vs. isolation e.g. family relationships Key Events: marriage and parenthood Stay home mum Financial strain (only one income) Stressors: twins with disorders and not achieving as expected Micah developmentally behind Parents live nearby

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Sues Biopsychosocial Profile

Age: early forties Decreased immune system functioning Reduced skin elasticity Normal physical development (refer to photo) Family history of cancer and depression

Post Formal Functioning Crystallised and Fluid Intelligence Contextual Thinking and Relativism

Eriksons generativity vs. self-absorption
e.g. Sue is generative through parenting and career

Key Events: career and parenthood New partner Frequent travel with work and rarely home Minimal support from family & friends Children frequently left alone Children conflict with new boyfriend Disconnected from children

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Ivans Biopsychosocial Profile

Age: died aged 43 years Health issues: childhood poverty, malnutrition drug & alcohol abuse sexually abused as child Indigenous Australian

Post Formal Functioning Crystallised and Fluid Intelligence Contextual Thinking and Relativism

Eriksons trust vs. mistrust e.g. Ivan is non-generative and non trusting Key Events: removed from family of origin aged 7 years sexually abused as child in boys home separation from Sue who left him incarceration committed suicide Period of trying to rehabilitate Disconnected from children

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Stay tuned for our next program . . .

Im a Social Worker and

Reference List
Cope, G. (2013, August). Lecture on Aging By Gordon Cope. Retrieved August 2013, from Moodle UNE: %20by%20Gordon%20Cope.pdf Erikson, E. H. (1946). Ego Development and Historical Change. The Psychoanalytic Study of The Child , 2, 259-396. Morley, L. (2013, August). Data Results. Retrieved August 21, 2013, from Moodle UNE: %5B1%5D.pdf Morley, L. (2013, July). The Fortune Family. Retrieved July 2013, from Moodle UNE: Peterson, C. (2009). Looking Forward to the Lifespan: Developmental Psychology. Queensland: Pearsons Australia. Waterman , A. S. (1982). Identity Development from Adolescence to Adulthood: an Extension of Theory and A review of Research. Developmental Psychology , 18 (3), 341-358.

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