Educational Services Protective Services Libraries Museums Public Halls

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Redwood Library

Whitney 1966

Boston 1979

Educational Services Protective Services Libraries Museums Public Halls

Buffalo City

British Columbia, Canada LA City Hall

Education in its capacity as a provider of the countrys intellectual framework is considered as a reliable indicator of a nations level of development. It therefore becomes a significant component in planning process thus making its relationship with land use allocation, transport, labor requirements and linkages with other sectors equally vital. It is along this line that various sets of standards are presented herein to guide planning decisions regarding the sub-sector. As to what standards are to be followed will be at the discretion of the user. A Human Settlement Study Team has conducted a research work on educational services in the year 1973 with the objectives of evaluating the existing conditions of educational services in the region, to project future enrolment and needs, and to proposed standards necessary for the optimum growth in the educational field.

Planning Standards for a school of at least 500 population Elementary Classrooms dimension 7 m x 9 m. Classroom height 4 meters Classes size 30-35 students Basic Facilities Library, playground, laboratory, and guidance facilities.

Planning Standards for a school of at least 500 population

Vocational Trade-Industrial
School Site 8 hectares (minimum) School Building requirement (minimum): Industrial Electricity 20 meters x 12 meters Furniture & Cabinet Making 28 meters x 12 meters Construction 20 meters x 12 meters Sheet metal works & weldings 20 meters x 12 meters Related subjects 7 meters x 9 meters Classroom Size 63 square meters Class Size 35 students

Planning Standards for a school of at least 500 population Agricultural High Schools
100 hectares

School site

Fishery School
8 hectares of land 2 hectares of freshwater pond 5-10 hectares of brackish water

School site

Planning Standards for a school of at least 500 population

The School Plan Division of the Department of Education and Culture on the other hand, recommends that 4 hectares of land is sufficient to accommodate at least 10 classrooms, which shall include site provisions for other functional requirements. For spatial standards guiding the requirements of private schools, the private association has adopted a regulation that for every 1,000 students enrolled; a corresponding 1-hectare of land is allotted. Meanwhile, the Department of Local Government and Community Development is also undertaking a technical study on educational planning standards. The following are the standards solicited from the Urban Division of the Bureau of Local Governments:

Planning Standards for a school of at least 500 population

Capacity Site Area

1 to 2 classes

0.50 hectares

4 classes

1.0 hectares

5 to 7 classes

2.0 hectares

8 classes

3 hectares

More than 10 classes

4.0 hectares and above

The above standards are general standards with no specific delineations. It is assumed that the site area includes the provisions for other facilities, like dormitory, housing for faculty and administrative personnel, cafeterias, library, playfield, infrastructure and other developments.

Location and Site Standards

Ideal location standards for situating schools are recommended as follows: Topography Generally flat from 4% to 10 % Slope Soil Type - 10% - 12% silt/clay Soil Bearing - S table and suitable for heavy loads Locational features for situating schools are usually regulated by the following basic notions: Elementary schools should not face major thoroughfares, as this would expose the children to heavy traffic hazards and nuisances. Preferred location is fronting a collector street where the schools can be reached in front through open space areas. Combine school grounds with public recreation whenever possible.

Accessibility: Maximum Walking Distance for Students

Nursery School
Elementary Schools High School

Colleges & Special Schools

200 meters to 400 meters from home 400 meters to 800 meters 800 meters to 1600 meters or by bus 1.61 kilometers to 4.83 kilometers or by bus

In high-density urban areas, most schools are located within the maximum recommended walking distances. In low-density areas such as the rural area, schools are located beyond maximum recommended walking distances. Bus services are therefore needed.

Building Standards
The Physical Facilities Division of the Department of Education and Culture recommends the following structural standards for the various types of proposed school buildings:
Marcos Prefab, which is made of steel and GI sheets roofing, the whole structure is evenly divided into three classrooms. Each classroom has an area of 45 square meters, which gives a ratio of 1.125 sq. m. of floor space per pupil.
18.00 meters

7.5 m.

Building Standards

The RP-US Bayanihan Prefab has an area of 135 square meters and it is equally divided into 2 classrooms. A classroom of this type has a floor area of 67.50 square meters implying that for every student it has a 1.68 sq. m. space.
18.00 meters 7.50 meters

Building Standards
Bagong Lipunan Prefab has a floor area of 144 square meters and is equally divided into three classroom with the following dimensions: 24.00 meters
6.00 meters Each classroom has a floor area of 48.00 square meters. A floor space of 1.25 square meters is allotted each student. Furthermore, the NEDA Social Planning Service Division has proposed to the Bureau of Public Works the following spatial dimensions by educational level:

Building Standards

ELEMENTARY Classroom size of 7.00 meters x 8.00 meters Class Size of 50 pupils Floor Space of 1.12 square meters per pupil SECONDARY Classroom size of 7.00 meters x 8.00 meters Class Size of 40 students Floor Space of 1.40 square meters per pupil TERTIARY Classroom size of 7.00 meters x 8.00 meters Class Size of 40 students Floor Space of 1.40 square meters per pupil

Police Protection
Police stations should be planned if they are to be separately located from other structures. If analysis of site location for a station permits other structures housing other city functions to be located on the same site without interfering with the proper discharge functions, then one central site can be chosen. A concrete example of said provision is the jail quarters. Its location should be accessible to a loading space or within the building for the transport of prisoners. It should be located where the vehicular traffic is not too heavy. Police off- street parking, space for expansion and separate entrances must be provided whenever possible.

Police Stations Population Ratio

Areas with 3,500 7,000 population No. of persons in Police Dept. : 4 male officers Parking : 4 spaces, minimum Building flr space : 310 sq. m. Lot : 16 m x 25 m. Facilities Storage, show-up room, visitors room, interview room, examining room, kitchen, laundry-room, cell Areas with 15,000 population No. of persons in Police Dept : 9 male Parking : 9 12 cars Building floor area : 670 sq. m. Lot : 32 m x 50 m. Facility : Executive room, records and clerical offices, communication room, training room, photographing and finger printing room, jail facilities

As to the police service ratio of population, Republic Act No. 4864, known as the Police Act of 1966 provides that the minimum number of policemen in the city or municipality shall be proportionate to its population at the rate of at least 1 policemen per 1,000 inhabitants.

Police Stations Population Ratio

National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) came up with the following standards: (Standard Ratio of police services to population serve) 1 policeman per 300 populations served in the metropolis 1 policeman per 500 populations served in the city 1 policeman per 800 populations served in the municipality 1 guard per 20 prisoners 1 police outpost per 10,000 populations served 1 traffic cop per 3,000 populations served General standard requirement for other police facilities 6,000 sq. m. for Administrative headquarters 5,000 sq. m. for local stations 3,000 sq. m. for local stations 50 sq. m. for police outpost 200,000 sq. m. for national prison 100,000 sq. m. for metro prison 20,000 sq. m. for an urban prison 50,000 sq. m. for a rural prison 5 sq. m. of floor area per prisoner 600 number of alarm units in Metro area Distance Matrix 500 meters in between police outpost 50-100 meters in between traffic outpost 2.2 kms. service radius of traffic car 15.2 meters in between slum

Fire Prevention
A Fire Department Building usually include the following spatial requirements: administrative offices stations housing the apparatus and equipment fire-alarm and communication centers fire-training facilities maintenance/supply facilities firemens quarters storage Recommended plot size to accommodate such structure and its components is approximately 5,460 sq. m.
Urban Training area and parking Front ramps Fire station (frontage) Future expansion margin from fire station structure (right hand side yard) Left side yard 34 m x 55 m 15 m x 55 m 39 m 8m Rural 24 m x 55 m 24 m x 55 m 0m 27 m

Time Saver Standards by De Chiara



Types Activities Space needed Services


Public Libraries: National Libraries, City Libraries UNIVERSITY Learning Resource centers servicing the students and the community as well. Regular schools libraries: Elementary, Secondary, College levels

Technical, Business, Medical/Hospitals, Prisons, Learned Associations etc.

User Levels: Childrens Library, Teenage Section, Regular

Childrens activity rooms Exhibition Areas Meeting Rooms Special Collection Library

Subject Departments In & out counters Self-Issue Terminals Admin Offices

Refreshment/Coff ee Bar
Study desks

Reserve Stacks
Secure areas for exhibits

Sorting Office
Staff Room Stock Workroom

Sick room
Stationary store General Stores

Subject Staff Workroom

System Room

Cleaners Room/Store
Toilet Facilities with shower if possible

Training Rooms
Delivery area

Trolley areas
Entry/Access areas

Space Needed
PREFERRED STANDARDS (Follet Report) One Space for 6 full-time-equivalent Students 2.39m2 per reader Reader modules minimum 900mm x 600mm Information Technology spaces shall be 1200mm x 800mm A central library may serve a region of 1 million customers per year, with a peak daily count of 5000-6000 people and a peak hourly count of up to 400.

Services to Current Designs
Browsing Seeking Studying Meeting Accessible to Disabled Passive Playing Viewing Shopping



Example Problem
A library appropriate to this new epoch and should be functionally complex libraries, closely associated local community libraries that form a part of the everyday life of citizens. Landscape design is also an important aspect. Concepts and designs will capture the sense of our current epoch, while also responding to the possible future functions of the new library.

Example Problem
Computers have replaced the former index booths, turning them into "information access corners". Rather than a formal perusal of manuscripts at a desk, it has become more popular to read in a relaxed manner. Moreover, books recorded by computer can likewise be read by computer. And furthermore, the library has become an information network node in the community. Its role has widened to facilitate lectures, exhibitions and clubs for those with similar interests. It is now far more appropriate to use the term "mediatheque" rather than "library".

Capitols City Halls District Halls Barangay and Purok Halls

New York Municipal Hall 1909

Buffalo City Hall

LA City Hall

Chicago City Hall



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