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Subject 5: The Seismic Velocity Lecturer: Dr. Bakhtiar Q.

Aziz Objective: The student will learn to differentiate between different types of seismic velocity and how they find these types of velocities indirectly from reflection arrival time (slope of Time-Distance curve) or directly from either well shooting or up-hole survey. In addition, they get idea about how suitable velocity is selected for certain subsurface situation. Scientific contents
1- Factors effecting seismic velocity. 2- Methods of computing seismic velocities. 3- Different types of seismic velocities.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

An introduction to applied and environmental geophysics, 1997, Reynolds, J. M. Applied and environmental geophysics, 1999, Sharma,V.,P. Introduction to geophysical prospecting, 1988, Durbin, M. B.

The Seismic Velocity:

There are several factors have great effect on the seismic velocity
1- Density and elastic properties of the rocks 2- Porosity () = Volume of pores Volume of rocks

Travel time through porous rock= Travel time through rock material + Travel time through fluid

t1 = t = Vf Vf


1- Vm
One Unit
t1, Vf t t2, Vm

t2 =

1- Vm ..Time Average equation


3- Depth of burial and Geological age


* *



Rock Matrix

Pores / Fluid

V = K * Z



4- Fluid content and Fluid pressure

Sandstone filled with water Vp = 4500 m/Sec Sandstone filled with Oil Vp = 4100 m/Sec

Density vs Water Saturation - Porosity = 33% Densities: Oil = 0.8 Gas = 0.001

Oil Case


2 1.9

Gas Case
1.8 1.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Water Saturation 1
Oil or Gas Gas 100% Oil

100% Water

5- Type of lithology Sandstone , Vp = 4500 m/Sec Limestone , Vp = 5500 m/Sec

Gypsum 6- Type of waves Vp = 1.7 Vs and

, Vp = 2500 m/Sec
, Vp = 7000 m/Sec

VR = 0.9 Vs

Methods of computing seismic velocity 1- Direct Method A- Well Shooting Velocity = h / T

We x ll h1


B- Up hole survey

Lateral view
We x ll h1

Top view

Shoot point Geophone Well

Velocity = h / T


Lateral view

Top view

2- In-Direct Method
A- Reflection arrival time It is find by plotting t2 versus distance of geophones x2

Slope = tan = ac / bc While Velocity = 1 / slope


B- Refraction arrival time It is find by plotting ( t) versus distance of geophones (x)



Slope = tan = ac / bc While Velocity = 1 / slope

t b

The importance of CDP-Stack

1-Enhancement of the signal

2- Attenuate the random noise 3- Control the multiples Different type of seismic velocities 1- Stacking velocity: It is a velocity that gives best stack of the seismic signals, usually drive from the following equation:

x2 2 tx t o 2 vst .

vstack vRMS
2- Root mean square velocity: If subsurface made of horizontal layers with interval velocities v1,v2,v3, and one way time t1, t2, t3,, VRMS gives by the following formula:


v1 t1 v2 t2 v3 t3 ... t1 t2 t3 ...
2 2 2

Surface t1 t2 t3

v1 v2 v3

1- RMS velocity is usually higher than average velocity by approximately %5. 2- RMS velocity map gives a first indication of velocity variations. 3- Average Velocity: It is usually obtained from well velocity surveys.

Z1 Z 2 Z 3 ... v Average t1 t2 t3 ...

t1 t2 t3

Surface Z1
Z2 Z3

4- Interval Velocity:

It is average velocity within a certain bed or layer , usually obtained from sonic log survey.

Z 2 Z1 vint erval t2 t1 Z3 Z 2 vint erval t3 t2

.For layer 2


.For layer 3

Surface Z1 Z

t3 Layer 2 Layer 3


5- Instantaneous Velocity: It is average velocity at a certain point within a layer or a geological formation. Surface vInst. 2785 m / Sec. Layer 1

vInst. 2445 m / Sec. vInst. 3925 m / Sec.

Layer 2
Layer 3

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