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A paragraph discusses one and only one main idea from beginning to end. -a new paragraph for a new main idea. Every supporting sentence must directly explain or prove the main idea. Dont include irrelevant sentences.



How to achieve Paragraph Unity? - must have a single generalization as the focus of attention (topic sentence). - control the content of every other sentence in the paragraph's body:

(a) it contains more specific information than the topic sentence. (b) it maintains the same focus of attention as the topic sentence.

Activity 1: This paragraph contains sentences that do not support the topic and controlling idea expressed in the topic sentence. Identify the sentences

Septimus Harding was my favourite character in the novel Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope. This novel is part of the series called the Chronicles of Barsetshire. Some of the qualities I valued most in him were his devotion to his daughter and his generosity of spirit. Even though he believed that his daughter was going to marry a man that Harding didnt admire, Harding respected his daughters choice. Eleanor Bold was a very strong willed woman. Also, he gave up a coveted position to another job because the man had twelve children and needed the money. Barchester Towers, published in 1857, is about the prominent citizens in a small city in England. Unfortunately, many other characters in the novel felt they could take advantage of Hardings gentle nature.

Confused Paragraph Septimus Harding was my favourite character in the novel Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope. This novel is part of the series called the Chronicles of Barsetshire. Some of the qualities I valued most in him were his devotion to his daughter and his generosity of spirit. Even though he believed that his daughter was going to marry a man that Harding didnt admire, Harding respected his daughters choice. Eleanor Bold was a very strong willed woman. Also, he gave up a coveted position to another job because the man had twelve children and needed the money. Barchester Towers, published in 1857, is about the prominent citizens in a small city in England. Unfortunately, many other characters in the novel felt they could take advantage of Hardings gentle nature. Unity Paragraph Septimus Harding was my favourite character in the novel Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope. Some of the qualities I valued most in him were his devotion to his daughter and his generosity of spirit. Even though he believed that his daughter was going to marry a man that Harding didnt admire, Harding respected his daughters choice. Also, he gave up a coveted position to another job because the man had twelve children and needed the money. Unfortunately, many other characters in the novel felt they could take advantage of Hardings gentle nature.

- Latin verb: Cohere means hold together - The movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth. - No sudden jumps - Aids readers

How to achieve Coherence?

1. Repeat key nouns 2. Use consistent pronouns 3. Use transition signals to link idea 4. Arrange your ideas in logical order

1. Repeat key nouns

- Repeat key nouns using the noun, pronouns or other synonyms frequently in a paragraph. - Remember, when the meaning is not clear, use the key noun.
How? - In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repeat a word from sentence A.

Sentence A
Khairul and Farizul are both studying in UMT. He stays with his friends at Kg Pak Tuyu.

Sentence B Khairul and Farizul are both studying in UMT. Khairul/Farizul stays with his friends at Kg Pak Tuyu.

In the following passage about dolphins, replace some of the pronouns with appropriate singular or plural nouns.

Dolphins Dolphins are interesting because they display almost human behaviour at times. For example, they display human emotions of joy and sadness. During training, when they do something correctly, they squeal excitedly and race towards their trainer. When they make a mistake, however, they droop noticeably and mope around their pool. Furthermore, they help each other when they are in trouble. If one is sick, it sends out a message, and others in the area swim to help it. They push it to the surface of the water so that it can breathe. They stay with it for days or weeks until it recovers or dies. They have also helped trapped or lost whales navigate their way safely out to the open sea. They are so intelligent and helpful, in fact, that the U.S. navy is training them to become underwater 10 bomb disposal experts.

2. Use consistent pronouns

- When using pronouns, make sure you use the same person and number throughout your paragraph. - Do not change from you to he or she (change of person) OR from he to they (change or number).


A student who knows a few Latin and Greek roots has an advantage over a student who doesnt know them. They can often guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. I like to eat when Peggy is in the backyard because you don't have to worry about her getting in the way. 12

Read the paragraph. Choose the correct pronoun to complete each sentence. On Sunday afternoon, my mother and I went to visit my grandfather.

I was looking forward to seeing (him / her) again. Unfortunately, my 1

sister Diana and my father were unable to go because (they / he) had 2 to work that weekend. My mother and I drove to my grandfathers

house. When (we / I) arrived, my aunt and grandfather greeted (us / 3 4 we) at the door. (They / She) were very excited to see (us / it). 5 6



Use transition signals to link idea

- Expressions such as first, finally, and however or phrases such as in conclusion, on the other hand, and as a result. - Different types of transition signals; each is punctuated differently. - Tells the reader when you are giving the similar idea, opposite idea, an example, a result, or a conclusion. 14

Transition Signals

- Identity. Indicates sameness. that is, that is to say, in other words, ...

- Opposition. Indicates a contrast. but, yet, however, nevertheless, still, though, although, whereas, in contrast, rather, ...
- Addition. Indicates continuation. and, too, also, furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides, in the same way, again, another, similarly, a similar, the same, ... - Cause and effect. therefore, so, consequently, as a consequence, thus, as a result, hence, it follows that, because, since, for, ...

- Indefinites. Indicates a logical connection of an unspecified type. in fact, indeed, now, ... - Etc. 15

Combine the following sentences to create coherence by using transitions from the box. In contrast nevertheless previously therefore for example moreover

1. I want to study in Italy for a year to learn about art. I enrolled in Italian classes. I want to study in Italy for a year to learn about art. Therefore, I enrolled in Italian classes. 1. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of patience and effort. It helps to have a good ear. 2. The college student was told to revise her essay a third time. She has made great progress with her writing skills. 3. John Steinbeck, a famous American author, wrote many books concerning the human condition. His novel The Grapes of Wrath dealt with the problems of the Great Depression. 4. Academic writing requires a knowledge of standard grammar, sophisticated vocabulary, and proper organization. Electronic text messages use abbreviations, symbols and slang. 5. Nowadays research is often done on the Internet. Important information was 16 stored on special film called microfiche.

4. Arrange your ideas in logical order

- Arrange the sentences in some kind of logical order. - Some common kinds of logical order in English: i. Chronological order = order by time -sequence of events or steps in a process. ii. Logical division of ideas= a topic is divided into parts, each is discussed separately. iii. Comparison/contrast=similarities/differences 17 between two or more items are discussed.

My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. On either side of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are many willow trees which have long branches that can move gracefully in the wind. In autumn the leaves of these trees fall and cover the riverbanks like golden snow. Second, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it is steep, climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks along the sides that can be used as stairs. There are no trees around this hill, so it stands clearly against the sky and can be seen from many miles away. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and 18 make my hometown a famous place.

- First, Second, and The third amazing feature= major connectors. - Major connectors help organize the main parts of your paragraph. - Parag. consists of 3 main parts: (1) a part about the Wheaton River, (2) a part about Wheaton Hill, (3) a part about the Big Old Tree

- provide coherence in a paragraph

- What about "these trees" and "this hill?

minor connectors
- provide coherence to a paragraph by connecting sentences within each of the main part of your paragraph. - That is, when you write about your main points, you can use minor connectors to link your details to each main point.


5. Using Parallel Forms

Make sure all items in a list have the same grammatical form. - I like playing tennis, swimming and to dance. (Incorrect) - I like playing tennis, swimming and dancing. (Correct) - She cooked dinner, set the table, and the flowers were arranged. (Incorrect) - She cooked dinner, set the table, and arranged the flowers. (Correct)


Rewrite the following sentences to correct the nonparallel forms.

At the age of twenty, I started to write plays, taking acting lessons, and produce shows. At the age of twenty, I started to write plays, take acting lessons, and produce shows. 1. As a teenager, I reported on school events, editing articles for the high school newspaper, and published some of my stories. 2. Some of the rewards of being an author are learn about historical events, researching the lives of famous people, and discovering facts about yourself. 3. Attending workshops on writing has taught me to receive criticism, became a more focused writer, and taking more risks.


In a nutshell..

1. A good paragraph should have both unity and coherence. 2. Unity is achieved by; - discussing only one idea in a paragraph - always staying on the topic in your supporting sentence


3. There are different types of transition signals used to link sentences with particular logical relationships. 4. Coherence is achieved by:

- Repeating key nouns - Using consistent pronouns - Using transition signals to link idea - Arranging the ideas in logical order - Using parallel forms

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