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Hence it is clear that an executive authority is necessary for the organisation of the dunya, and the organisation of the

dunya is necessary for the organisation of the deen, and the organisation of the deen is necessary for success in the hereafter and that is the objective of the prophets without doubt. Therefore the obligation of appointing an Imam is from the necessities of the shariah, which simply cannot be left, so know this. Imam al-Ghazali, al-Iqtisad fi al-Itiqad, p.199.

"Demo" or "Dem" = people Greek "Crat" = rule/ruler. dmos = "people" krtos = "force" / "power Thus democracy means rule of the people. The Government of the people, by the people, for the people. (Abraham Lincoln)

If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would misguide you from God's Way. They follow nothing but assumption. They are only guessing. (Surat al-An'am: 116) E.g One-Child policy, bailouts etc. Note: Quran has denied the supremacy of high no. of people 16 times.

Democracy: Laws are made from approval of majority and not due to divine obligation. Asking majority for approval itself is an invalid process Pakistan Constitution: 342 legislators decide what will become law.

Did the rightly guided Caliphs seeks majority approval for State actions in every matter? Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra) took these actions in contrast to majority opinion:
Fighting traitors Dispatch of Hazrat Usama (ra) army. Dealing with Zakat-rejectors.

Was his rule Democratic?

Does a debate on legislation issues ends, when an hadith or Verse is presented as evidence? Do Verses and hadiths become the law by default?

In present democracy, the non-muslims have the right to vote on approval of Divine orders. Vote of non-muslim member same as vote of a scholar in assembly.

18th amendment. Only once mentioned Islam, and only as spirit of Islam The concept of democracy existed 1000 years before Islam. Do we find any reference endorsing democracy as spirit / System of Islam in:
Quran, Ahadith, Companions, Scholars in our History.

In an Islamic bayt: Ruler pledges to rule by Islam. People pledge to accept/follow him as ruler given that he implements Islam. Limitation on tenure, one ruler. Bayt I Iniqad Bayt I Itaat

Are the politicians in west, not practicing democracy in its complicated details? So Is Obama, David Cameorn, Blair, experts of Islamic ruling system?

If Democracy is ijtihad Are democratic differences, differences in fiqh? 342 maximum opinions in current system. Today can we consider the members of assembly (including non-muslims) equivalent to Mujtahids?

If Democracy is Ijtihad Are our economic system, Foreign Policy, Media policy based on Islam? Was Islam ever remotely consulted in formulating these policies/rulers

Is the State doing any Jihad?. Historically Islamic state expands through Jihad & Dawa Are these rules null and un-valid today? Pakistan constitution states: respect neighboring countries.

Democracy in the west, France, Britain, USA has all of the below points:
Consolation/Discussion Respect for minority Equal rights Allowing rituals, Hajj, Prayers etc. No Jihad.

So if Pakistan today is Islamic, are these western countries also Islamic?

If Shariah courts in Pakistan today are Islamic, what about non-shariah courts? CPC, CrPC Constitution of Pakistan is based on british template for constitution. Criminal law is based on British law.

Immunity for
President, Prime minster, Governors etc

Article 248 LFO, NRO, 17th, 18th Amendment.

Khaleefah & Shura

Centralized ruling, Decentralized administration

Shuras role
Accounting, Advising, Inspection of Ruler/State work.

Shura memebers
Not on state payroll Multiple Islamic parties allowed Secular/Un-Islamic parties not allowed.

consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah . Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]. [Al-Imran3:159]

Correct judgement (technical / Shari'ah. Correct opinion and not the majority that is followed. Only one man, the Khaleefah, has the right to decide which is correct. The ayah of consultation continues: ''...When you decided (azamta), put your trust in Allah'' [ Al-'Imran: 159]. This indicates that the final decision is with ruler and not with the people. verb ''to decide'':
''azamta'' = you (singular) decided. ''azamtum'' = you (plural).

Sharai Ahkamat

Shura not considered in matters of legislation. Differences in opinions in Shura are based on daleel/evidence from Sharia.

Expert opinion regardless of the majority/minority, in matters where an intellectual judgement is required about some subject. E.g Dams, War Strategy, Industry.

Majority opinion for matters of action only. Mubah Matters: Hospitals, Schools, Parks etc.

''Therefore fear not men but fear me and sell not my verses for a miserable price. And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the disbelievers'' [ AlMa'idah: 44]. ''Rule between them by that which Allah has revealed to you, and do not follow their vain desires'' [ Al-Ma'idah: 49].

Habab bin Munthir (ra), over the selection of the place of the Battle of Badr. ''when he (saw) camped at the near side of the water of Badr, Al-Habab b. Al-Munthir was not happy with this place. He said to the Messenger (saw), 'O Messenger of Allah! Did Allah make you camp in this place where we can't depart from it, or is it the opinion of war and strategy?' He (saw) said, 'It is rather the opinion of war and strategy.' Al Habab b. al-Munthir said, 'O Messenger of Allah, this is not the (right) place. Move the people till we come to the side of the water near to the people (enemy), we camp there..' The Messenger (saw) said, 'You gave the right opinion.' [Seerah of Ibnu Hisham]

Majority opinion is taken for matters of action only. actions that are Mubah (permissible). To invest in schools or hospitals, to appoint this man or that man, to build a motorway through cornfields on the east side of a town or to build it through pastureland to the west It is natural for people to differ when faced with a simple choice between two actions. A technical study would not come up with a judgement that leads to only one right course of action. In such a case, a choice needs to be made which will be subjective to each person. The Khaleefah can consult the people, and this is recommended but not obligatory according to Islam. Battle of Uhud. - Prophet (saw) and the more prominent Sahabah wanted to fight from inside the city of Madina. However majority wanted to go outside.

''And do consult them in the matter...'' [ AleImran: 159]. Abu Hurairah (ra) said, ''I have not seen anyone more willing to consult others than the Messenger of Allah (saw) in the consultation of his companions.''

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