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September 4, 2013

Our training was in Doordarshan Kendra lucknow . This report contains a detailed study of Doordarshan Kendra lucknow . There are 3 division here :1. 2. 3.

Studio Transmitter Earth Station

Studio :- Doordarshan is a leading broadcasting service provider in india. DD

Lucknow is full-flathead broadcast set up. Many serials & program are being made here and are recorded in studio.

Transmitter :- Here the transmission of both audio and video has been made. The
transmission section does the function of modulation of signal.

Earth Station :- The main function of earth station is to make contact with
satellite or communicate with it.

September 4, 2013

Doordarshan has two studio halls. One is used as News Room and the other one is used for shooting various programs. Artificial sets are created in the studio hall according to requirements of the program to be shooted.

Procedure in reording:

Set is designed in studio as per conceptual thought of program producer. Lighting, Audio and placement of the cameras is arranged as per floor plan. Recording begins and desired camera/mike are selected through VM/Audio console as per command of producer. Program is recorded on VCR.

Video signal generation:Video is nothing but a sequence of pictures. So if we see images at the rate more than 16 pictures/sec, our eyes cannot recognize the difference and we see the continuous motion.

September 4, 2013

A TV Camera consists of three sections:

A Camera lens & Optics: To form optical image on the face plate of a pick up device.

A transducer or pick up device: To convert optical image into a electrical signal.

Electronics: To process output of a transducer to get a CCVS signal.

September 4, 2013

Light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation with a visible spectrum from red to violet i.e, wavelength from 700nm to 380nm respectively. Light Source: Any light source has a Luminance intensity (I) which is measured in Candelas. DIFFERENT LIGHTING TECHNIQUES: -

Eye light, Low intensity light on camera itself to get extra sparkle to an actor's eye. Rim light, to highlight actor's outline, it is an extra back on entire body at camera level. Kickkar light, Extra light on shadow side of the face at an angle behind and to the side of the actor. Limbo Lighting, Only subject is visible, no back ground light. Sillhoutt lighting, No light on subject, BG is highly lit.

September 4, 2013

DIMMER:Dimmers are devices used to vary the brightness of a light. By decreasing or increasing the RMS voltage. In the professional lighting industry, changes in intensity are called fades. Modern dimmers are built from silicon controlled resistor (SCR) instead of variable resistors, because they have higher efficiency. Two basic methods for dimming are :-


Resistance :- This is the simplest and cheapest form of dimmer. It consists of a wire wound resistor with a wiper .It is used in series with the load. Capacitor :- The capacitor are used to stored energy or power.In the case of dimmers the capacitor can store an aequate amount of power to redused the intensity of light.


September 4, 2013

Master switching room (MSR) is used for transmission media. It is the engineering co-ordination center of activity for selecting & routing the signal from various sources to transmitter and earth station. It is a room where all different sources from the outside studio comes first here and enroots transmission to different destination like transmitter & earth station. This room comprises of Routine switcher, amplifier, Video/Audio distribution amplifier etc. It is the heart of the studio. Most of the switching electronics are kept here e.g. camera basestations, Satellite receivers.

September 4, 2013

Vision mixing is a process of creating composite pictures from various sources. A vision mixer is a device used to select between several different video sources and in some cases mix video sources together and add special effects. It has many input sources suchas cameras, VCR , Graphics/Character Generators etc. Vision mixing involves basically four types of switching or transitions between various sources. These are cut, mixing, wipe and key.

A Sony BVS-3200CP vision mixer.

September 4, 2013

Cut:-The cut is an instantaneous switch from one picture to another. It avoids the frame roll on picture at the moment of cutting. Mixing :- It uses additive mixing. As the faders are operated, the established picture fades away, while the new picture generates. Wipe :-A wipe is a type of film transition where one shot replaces another by travelling from one side of the frame to another side of the frame. Key :- The keyed portion can be filled with matte or external source. Matte means internally generated BG with choice of colors from the vision mixer itself. This
keying signal can be generated either by the luminance, or chrominance of the source input.

September 4, 2013

OB van is used for live broadcasting like any match or any event. It consist all the equipments that is present in the studio for telecasting.It also referring as mini studio.
A typical OB Van is usually divided into 5 parts:

The 1st and largest part is the production area. The 2nd part of a van is for the audio engineer; it has a sound mixer. The 3rd part of van is video tape. The tape area has a collection of VTRs. The 4th part is the video control area. The 5th part is transmission where the signal is monitored by an engineer for quality control purposes.

September 4, 2013


The main function of earth station is to make contact with satellite or communicate with it. The earth station is supposed to convey the information from the user to the satellite and from satellite back to the user. The signal is up-linked from the Earth Station and received by many down link centers in TV broadcasting via PDA. The earth station can be located on land,ships,aircraft etc. Earth station is a purely digitization version.

September 4, 2013

More programmes per channel/Transponder i.e. spectrum efficient. Noise-Free Reception. Ghost elimination. Better sound quality & better picture quality. Reduced transmission power. Flexibility in service planning.

September 4, 2013


It is simply the communication of the satellite in space with large number of earth stations on the ground. The function of the satellite is to receive a high frequency signal (uplink) , processes it and resend back to the earth station at a lower frequency signal (downlink).

September 4, 2013

Uplink frequency :- The frequency at which the signal are transmitted from
earth station to satellite.

Downlink frequency :- The frequency at which the signal are send to satellite
back to earth station. The uplink frequency always greater than downlink frequency due to avoid the interference between transmitting and receving signal. The transmittion and reception of satellite signals are done at a greater microwave frequencies in a perticular band.

These band are as follows below:6Ghz (uplink) / 4Ghz (downlink) 14Ghz (uplink) / 12Ghz (downlink)

c-band Ku-band


30Ghz (uplink) / 20Ghz (downlink)

September 4, 2013


Satellite Transponder : A transponder is a part of a satellite, which is a combination of transmitter and receiver. The main function of transponder is frequency translation and amplification. As shown in below fig, the uplinked signal (6 GHz) at satellite is received, amplified and downconverted into 4 GHz band and sent back through filter and power amplifier towards receiver earth station through a high power transmitting antenna.

September 4, 2013


In the field of communication(satellite phone,TV,satellite radio). metrological and whether information. For navigation and tracking purpose. World wide paging services. Supporting relief and search operation in remote areas. Messaging and voice communication.

September 4, 2013


Thank You

September 4, 2013


Questions/ Queries

September 4, 2013


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