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English Grammar

Parts of Speech
Level: 11 Marva M. Gonzlez W.
Capital Community College

Learning Situation

will know the parts of speech for further learning

Eight Parts of Speech






are nouns?

Word that names



A Thing An


What are Nouns?


simple definition is: a person, place or thing. Here are some examples: person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary place: home, office, town, countryside, America thing: table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey


problem with this definition is that it does not explain why "love" is a noun but can also be a verb. Another (more complicated) way of recognizing a noun is by its: Ending Position Function

1. Noun Ending

There are certain word endings that show that a word is a noun, for example: -ity > nationality -ment > appointment -ness > happiness -ation > relation -hood > childhood But this is not true for the word endings of all nouns. For example, the noun "spoonful" ends in -ful, but the adjective "careful" also ends in -ful.

2. Position in Sentence

We can often recognise a noun by its position in the sentence. Nouns often come after a determiner (a determiner is a word like a, an, the, this, my, such): a relief an afternoon the doctor this word my house such stupidity

Nouns often come after one or more adjectives:


great relief a peaceful afternoon the tall, Indian doctor this difficult word my brown and white house such crass stupidity

3. Function in a Sentence

have certain functions (jobs) in a sentence, for example: subject of verb: Doctors work hard. object of verb: He likes coffee. subject and object of verb: Teachers teach students

Kinds of Nouns

Kinds of Nouns
Common Nouns
boy girl

Proper Nouns John Mary Plural Nouns boys girls Plural Possessive boys girls

Singular Nouns
boy girl

Singular Possessive boys girls

Common Nouns - general nouns such as cat, bowl, hand, tree clock etc. Countable Nouns - nouns that can be counted, such as car-cars, child-children etc. Uncountable Nouns - nouns that can't be counted, such as water, fire, air etc. Collective Nouns - nouns that refer to a group of things or people such as family, police, worker's union etc. Proper Nouns - nouns that refer to a specific name of a person, corporation, company, product, such as IBM, Microsoft, Mr. David Green, Dr. Mary Jones. Concrete Nouns - a noun that is a physical object, something that can be touched, seen, such as an animal, window, table, computer etc. Abstract Nouns - is a noun is not a physical object, it can't be touched physically. They are ideas and feelings such as intelligence, love, hate, bravery etc.

Uses of nouns

In English sentences, nouns can be used as a subject, object, or complement. They often come after prepositions, as the 'object of preposition'. Nouns can sometimes describe other nouns (such as a soccer ball). When they do this, they are called modifiers. There are also verb forms that can be used in the same way as nouns (such as 'I like running.) These are called verbals or verbal nouns, and include participles (which can also be adjectives) and infinitives.

A word that expresses action or otherwise helps to make a statement

be verbs & taste feel sound look appear become seem grow remain stay

Every sentence must have

Capital Community College

Kinds of Verbs
Action verbs express mental or physical action.

Linking verbs make a statement by connecting the subject with a word that describes or explains it.

He rode the horse to victory.

He has been sick.

The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns. It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea.
Indefinite Pronouns anybody each either none someone, one, etc.

Modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Did you lose your address book? Is that a wool sweater? Just give me five minutes.

Answers these questions:

Modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. He ran quickly. She left yesterday. We went there. It was too hot!

Answers the questions:

To what degree or how much?

Interrogative Adverbs
introduce questions

How did you break your leg?

How often do you run? Where did you put the mouse trap?

A preposition introduces a noun or pronoun or a phrase or clause functioning in the sentence as a noun. The word or word group that the preposition introduces is its object.

They received a postcard from Bobby telling

about his trip to Canada.

The preposition

never stands alone!

object of preposition

You can press those leaves under glass. Her telegram to Nina and Ralph brought good news. object can have modifiers It happened during the last examination.
can have more than one object

Some Common Prepositions

aboard about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between beyond by down during except for from in into like of off on over past since through throughout to toward under underneath until up upon with within without

The conjunction
A conjunction is a word that joins words
or groups of words.



The interjection
is an exclamatory word that expresses emotion

Goodness! What a cute baby! Wow! Look at that sunset!

Find the Noun, Adjective and Verb in the following sentences.

Name It!

Capital Community College

What is a noun?
A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

Person: cowboy

Place: church

Thing: beachball

Idea: justice

Find the nouns.

Our teacher handed out the papers.


Every student should have a computer for school.

The bus went down the wrong road.


Name It!

Capital Community College

What is a adjective?
An adjective modifies a noun.





Find the adjectives.

The bald teacher handed out the white papers.


The crazy plane will crash quickly.

That big bad dog frequently chased the scared little boys up trees.

Name It!

Capital Community College

What is a verb?
A verb is an action, state or linking relationship.

Action: ride

Action: ring

State: is

Linking: appears

Find the verb.

Our teacher handed out the papers.


The boy is very, very fat.

My mom and dad helped me with my homework.

The girl did not like the boy.

Activity #1

1. Group of 3. After reading the information define the parts of speech using the word document.

2. After reviewing all the information about the parts of speech make a summary of the most relevant aspects of the topic using the word document.

Capital Community College

Topic: Part of the Speech
Criteria Yes No

The summary contains an overview of the central theme.

It was summarized in the Word template.

Relevant ideas are highlighted in the abstract. The writing does not have spelling mistakes. There is consistency in the writing of the summary.
Capital Community College

Activity #2
Title: the eight part of the speech QUESTION: WHAT ARE THE PART OF SPEECH?


Capital Community College

Title: the eight part of the speech

Criteria the eight parts of speech are written correctly the definitions of each one of them are correct sentences are correctly written



sentences containing the eight parts of speech correctly applied

the content of the information is full

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Final Product
a brochure which contains the parts of speech, their definitions and uses

Guide to make the final product

Use the Publisher program for the project, The first side of the template will make the cover, locate the theme-related image Locate on the faces of the template subsequent material developed by you of the two activities The material has to be relevant The texts and images have to be well distributed Be very careful with the wording and spelling

Criterios Grficos Excelente 5 puntos Los grficos van bien con el texto y hay una buena combinacin de texto y grficos. Bueno 4puntos Los grficos van bien con el texto, pero hay muchos que se desvan del mismo. Regular 3 puntos Los grficos van bien con el ttulo, pero hay muy pocos y el folleto parece tener un \"texto pesado\" para leer. tiene la bien Deficiente 2 puntos Los grficos no van con el texto, pero aparentan haber sido escogidos sin ningn orden. El formato del folleto y la organizacin del material es confuso para el lector. Quedan varios errores de ortografa en el folleto.

Atractivo y Organizacin

Ortografa y Revisin


El folleto tiene un formato excepcionalmente atractivo y una informacin bien organizada. No quedan errores ortogrficos despus de que otra persona, adems del mecangrafo, lee y corrige el folleto. Toda la informacin en el folleto es correcta.

El folleto tiene un El folleto formato atractivo y una informacin informacin bien organizada. organizada.

No queda ms que 1 error ortogrfico despus de que otra persona, adems del mecangrafo, lee y corrige el folleto. 99-90% de la informacin en el folleto es correcta.

Conocimiento Todos los estudiantes Todos los estudiantes en Ganado en el grupo pueden el grupo pueden contestar contestar adecuadamente todas adecuadamente la las preguntas mayora de las relacionadas con la preguntas relacionadas informacin en el con el folleto y el folletoCommunity y el proceso College proceso tcnico usado Capital tcnico usado para para crearlo.

No quedan ms que 3 errores ortogrficos despus de que otra persona, adems del mecangrafo, lee y corrige el folleto. 89-80% de la informacin Menos del 80% de en el folleto es correcta. la informacin en el folleto es correcta. Algunos de los Varios estudiantes estudiantes en el grupo en el grupo pueden contestar parecen tener adecuadamente algunas poco conocimiento de las preguntas sobre la relacionadas con la informacin y informacin en el folleto y procesos tcnicos el proceso tcnico usado usados en el para crearlo. folleto.

Ficha tcnica
Ficha Tcnica del English Grammar Proyecto: Proyecto elaborado por: Contacto: Materia: Tema: Grado: Idioma: Marva M. Gonzlez W. Ingls The part of the speech Dcimo primero ingls Este sencillo trabajo tiene la intencin que el estudiante conozca las partes, funciones y utilidades de las partes del speech, adems sus usos en el campo laboral. Discutirn en clases sobre los temas investigados con la ayuda del docente para unificar criterios, estudiarn las partes del speech a travs de imgenes, documentos para luego emitir comentarios relacionados al tema, resolver interrogantes, hacer resmenes, escribir oraciones, y como producto final presentar lo mas relevante del tema estudiado en un trptico, todo esto lo haremos con el apoyo de la computadora con herramientas tecnolgicas tales como, Word, Publisher, multimedia, internet.


Capital Community College


Define e identifica las partes del Speech y sus funciones .

Centro Educativo Derechos: Recursos necesarios: Tiempo: Fuentes de consulta: Ubicacin en el programa de Estudio: Palabras claves:

Colegio I.P.T.V Santiago, Veraguas, panam. Libre para uso educativo Compotator, programas (word, power point, publisher, Cmap Tools), videos, textos, multimedia, internet, entre otros. 3 clases de 45 minutos por actividad Bing, google, Wikipedia, blogs rea: Humanidades Sub-rea:

Part of the Speech, Verbs, Nouns, Adjective, Conjunction, Adverbs, Interjections

Capital Community College

Fuentes Fuentes Textos: =lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=QS5UUrTE Fuentes Imgenes:

Fuentes Videos: Fecha de creacin: Fecha de actualizacin: 10/08/2013

Capital Community College

Thats all for now. . .

Capital Community College

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