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What are our Vision and Mission


To help you to develop teaching strategies that have THE BIGGEST IMPACT on your student and to help you make your school one of THE LEADING schools in INDONESIA High Quality Teaching High Quality Learning Intellectual Quality Knowledge Integration

Educators need credible vision of a future that works and that reconnects each individual with the wider world. They need a sustainable, human vision which embodies a set of viable purposes and meanings.
( Beare and Slaughter)

Recognition the differences Productive Pedagogies

Ultimately, the responsibility for visionbuilding be a collective, not and individual one. Collaboration should mean creating the vision together, not complying with the principals own. Teachers, staff, parents and students should also involved in illuminating the mission and purpose of the school.
( hargreaves )

Three keys learning

1. Teachers MUST CHECK for priority knowledge this is what the students are going to build their knowledge 2. Teachers must help students TO BUILD KNOWLEDGE by moving from surface learning ( simple) to deep learning ( more complex) to concepts. 3. Teachers have TO TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO LEARN. Students learn best when they know how to learn by themselves.

What is needed to be a good learner

Attitudes : manner, favorable or unfavorable

evaluation of something ( pos or neg , emotions, behavioral, cognitive)


ability, talent, learn capacity to carry out predetermined results

Knowledge : the stage of fact of knowing,

familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.

Attitudes students need to show

To be resourceful ( go and look for answers) To reciprocate ( share ) To be resilient ( not give up ) To be responsive ( to respond to tasks positively ) To be reflective ( to think about what we have done )


1. distinguished by rank or title. 2. pertaining to persons so distinguished. 3. of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy. Synonyms: highborn, aristocratic; patrician, blue-blooded. Antonyms: baseborn, lowborn; common, plebian; lower-class, working-class, middleclass, bourgeois. 4. of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence: a noble thought. Synonyms: lofty, elevated, high-minded, principled; magnanimous; honorable, estimable, worthy, meritorious. Antonyms: ignoble, base; vulgar, common. 5. admirable in dignity of conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition: a noble poem. Synonyms: grand, dignified, august. Antonyms: undignified, disreputable, unrespected.



To provide a stimulating learning environment with a technological orientation across the whole curriculum, which maximizes individual potential and ensures students of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life

Mission Statement
To help each student attain the best of his or her ability in both academic achievement and personal growth. To create and develop a systematic and pleasant work environment in the classroom as a model for future work ethics To foster a love of learning that will last a lifetime in a successful classroom : To develop that students must feel safe enough in the classroom to take risks in the course of their learning. To make student must be recognized as an individual with unique needs and abilities. To make the class belongs as much to the students as it does to the teacher.

We the staff, parents and governors aim to encourage each and every student in all aspects of learning by: Working together as a team. Providing a balanced curriculum Ensuring smooth progression through the key stage Catering for all abilities Promoting curiosity and enthusiasm Encouraging independence and confidence Promoting logical and creative thinking Encouraging respect for others and personal self-esteem Within an environment which is caring, stimulating and challenging. We would wish the students to take with them happy memories of their early years with us.

Effective Leadership Practices

1. High-rated leaders have a deep understanding of teaching and learning that goes on in their school. ( active role in the instruction- serve as a resource for teachers who are having trouble with specific lessons ) 2. High-rated leaders have direct and frequent interactions with teachers, especially in providing relevant feedback on teaching practices. 3. High-rated leaders have the ability and skill to help teachers progress and grow as a professional educator

Leadership effects on student learning

1. Leadership is second only to classroom instruction among all school-related factors contribute to what students learn at school. 2. Leadership effects are usually largest where and when they are needed most.

Basic of successful leadership

1. Setting Directions -> creating and sustaining a competitive school 2. Developing People -> Empowering others to make significant decisions 3. Redesigning the Organization -> Providing instructional guidance -> developing and implementing strategic and schoolimprovement plans. 4. Capacity building of school personnel

Teachers capacities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Basic skill, especially literacy skill Subject matter content knowledge Pedagogical skill Pedagogical content knowledge Classroom experience BUILD TEACHERS PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY

1. Shaping a Vision of academic success for all students, one based on high standards; 2. Creating a climate hospitable to educationin order that safety, a cooperative spirit, and other foundations of fruitful interaction prevail ; 3. Cultivating leadership in others so that teachers and other adults assume their part in realizing the school vision 4. Improving instruction to enable teachers to teach at their best and students to learn at their utmost; 5. Managing people, data, and processes to foster school improvement .

Conclusion: The Effective Principal for a Noble School.

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