France in Un

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The French Republic is a charter member of the United Nations and one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council. France was one of the founding members of the UN when it was created in 1945. It is a member of the Security Council and, like the United States, Great Britain, Russia and China, holds a permanent seat there.

As such, it plays a key role in many issues. It is also represented in the other main organs of the UN (in ECOSOC where it has been a continuously re-elected member since its creation; in the Trusteeship Council where it has a permanent seat) as well as in the subsidiary organs (elected to the Human Rights Council and permanent member of the Conference on Disarmament, for example).


In order to ensure that its actions in these different areas are successful, the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations consists of approximately 80 people, including around 30 diplomats and representatives from other ministries (in particular Economy and Finance and Defense).

The Permanent Representative or the Deputy Permanent Representative holds a seat in Security Council and in all of the organs where France is represented (in particular the General Assembly and its different committees and ECOSOC) where they speak on behalf of France and defend its positions.


Grard ARAUD Permanent Representative Martin BRIENS Deputy Permanent Representative

Peacekeeping and Military Affairs

Brigadier general Jean-Luc FRIEDLING Military Adviser, Head of the Military Mission Secretariat of the Head of the Military Mission Master Chief Petty Officer Aurlien ARNOLD Colonel Laurent LESELLIER Military Adviser Lieutenant colonel Eudes RAMADIER Deputy Military Adviser


Within the United Nations, France plays an active role in all areas. It is very involved in United Nations reform. The recent crises confirmed the central role that the UN plays, but they also emphasized the need to make the organization more efficient, and more representative of current global indicators.

This is why France is resolutely striving for Security Council reform. Just as it promotes transforming the G8 into the G13, it now supports the expansion of the Security Council within the framework of the negotiations relating to this issue that were initiated at the General Assembly on February 19, 2009

It thus supports the accession by Germany, Brazil, India and Japan to a permanent seat as well as the increased presence of African countries in the Security Council, particularly among the permanent members. There is also the question of the presence of an Arab State as part of the permanent members of the Security Council.

France would also like a review of Peacekeeping Operations (PKOs) to be carried out, with the aim of making them more efficient and more able to achieve their objectives. France, together with the United Kingdom, suggested to its partners in the Council that this issue should be debated.


In the area of peace and security, France plays a key role in terms of disarmament. It has worked on the development of numerous treaties, most recently for the Convention on the Prohibition of Cluster Munitions adopted in 2008. It is very involved in actions to enforce the nonproliferation regime and played a key role in adopting the various resolutions on Iran and North Korea. France and the United Kingdom were the first two States to ratify the CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-TestBan Treaty) in 1998 and France is striving for its entry into force.

France was also the first State to decide and then take steps to dismantle its installations devoted to the production of missile material for nuclear weapons. It supports the resumption of efforts relating to the negotiation of a Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons. More generally, it tries to consistently endorse an ambitious and effective role for the United Nations based on international law and consensus.

During the Iraqi crisis in 2003, it therefore opposed the unilateral use of force and advocated a central role for the United Nations. Its military and police forces are strongly represented beyond its borders: in 2009 it took part in 10 of the 16 United Nations PKOs, with more than 2500 UN blue helmets deployed on the ground. It also has a presence within the UNIFL (Lebanon), the UNOCI (Cte dIvoire), and MINURCAT (Chad).

In addition to this direct contribution, it makes a major commitment in terms of UN authorized forces that are not blue helmets, with more than 6500 French soldiers involved in these operations. France has been present in Cte dIvoire since 2002 (Operation Licorne) in this capacity. It also contributes to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan and to the European Union forces in Bosnia (EUFOR- Althea) and in Kosovo (EULEX).

PKO Budget
France is one of the leading contributors to the UN. It is the 5th largest contributor, after the United States, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom, providing a 6.3% share of the regular UN budget in 2008. As a permanent member of the Security Council, Frances contribution to the Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) budget amounts to 7.51%.

The Security Council

"Having a seat at the Security Council does not mean benefiting from a privilege in the name of history. It does not mean either achieving an ambition linked to economic power. Having a seat on the Security Council means making a commitment to take action to promote peace across the world."

Franois Hollande, President of the French Republic, Opening debate of the 67th session of the General Assembly, 25 September 2012

France and the Security Council

The Security Council is in charge of international peacekeeping and security. Under the Charter, its decisions are legally binding and Member States are obliged to implement them. The Council is composed of five permanent

Non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly by secret ballot for a twoyear term not immediately renewable. Under the Charter, to be elected, a country must receive the required two-thirds majority of States present and voting.

Each Council member has one vote. Decisions on substantive matters require a minimum of nine votes in favour. When a decision obtains the required support of nine member states, permanent members can still veto the decision. Member states can also abstain: the abstention of seven members in a vote can thus prevent the adoption of a decision. Decisions on procedural matters are made by an affirmative vote of at least nine of the 15 members, without possibility of veto by permanent members.

Under the Charter, all Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council. While other organs of the United Nations make recommendations to Governments, the Council has the power to take decisions which Member States are obligated under the Charter to carry out.

France advocates for a reform of the Security Council , which should better reflect the realities of the 21st century while remaining capable of taking the necessary measures to confront todays security challenges. France supports the demand for expansion put forward by Germany, Japan, India and Brazil. She also supports a greater African presence, including among the permanent members.

France is in favour of an expanded number of permanent and non-permanent seats in the Security Council, taking into account the emergence of new powers that are willing and ready to assume significant responsibilities.

Security Council Reform

I would like to get progress made on Security Council reform to allow there to be seats for new permanent and non-permanent members alike. Franois Hollande, President of the French Republic, 27 August 2012

French Position
France wants the Security Council to adapt to the realities of the 21st century. It should remain the decision-making organ responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, ensuring the Organizations "prompt and effective action, in accordance with the United Nations Charter (Article 24-1). It should better represent todays world, while remaining capable of taking the necessary measures to confront the security challenges of the 21st century.

France is in favour of an expanded number ofpermanent and non-permanent seats in the Security Council, so that its composition takes into account the emergence of new powers that possess the willingness and capacity to assume significant responsibilities. France supports the accession of Germany, Brazil, India and Japan to permanent member status. France also supports an increased presence of African countries within the Security Council, in particular among its permanent members. There is also the question of the presence of an Arab State as part of the permanent members of the Security Council.


The situation created by the occupation of a territory in northern Mali by terrorist groups is intolerable, inadmissible and unacceptable, not only for Mali, who is directly affected by this terrorist evil, but for all the countries of the region and, beyond, for all those who may one day be the victims of terrorism. The authorities of Mali have just brought this matter before us. So there is no time to lose. France will support all initiatives that enable the Africans themselves to resolve this issue in accordance with international law, with a clear mandate from the Security Council. Yes, Mali must regain her territorial integrity and terrorism must be banished from the Sahel region. Franois Hollande, President of the French Republic, Opening debate of the 67th session of the General Assembly to the United Nations, 25 September 2012

The threats to peace and security facing the international community are multi-faceted: in addition to regional crises, it must also deal with proliferation, terrorism and transnational threats. The UN focuses on international peacekeeping and security through the action of the Security Council. It is the Security Council in particular that authorizes the creation of all peacekeeping operations. In addition the issue of peacebuilding is the subject of in-depth reflection within the UN.

France plays a significant role in United Nations especially in peacekeeping operation and security.

Disarmament and non-proliferation Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation Conventional disarmament: Arms Trade Treaty Iran and non-proliferation North Korea and non-proliferation Syria and non-proliferation

Fight against terrorism Transnational threats to international peace and security UN and the fight against drug trafficking Transnational threats to international peace and security

UN Peacekeeping Operations Peacebuilding Role of regional organisations in peacekeeping and security Women, Peace and Security

France trusts the United Nations. She knows that no state, no matter how powerful, can solve urgent problems, fight for development and bring an end to all crises. No one state can do this, but if we stand together, we will be able to live up to our responsibilities. France wants the UN to be the centre of global governance. Franois Hollande, President of the French Republic Opening debate of the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations, 25 September 2012

Thank you
Q & A session

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