Presentation - Hopper

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Rear Admiral Grace Hopper

The Second Most Celebrated Female in the History of Computing

Presented by Michael Carruthers


R. Adm. Grace Hopper - Legacy

Formal Education in Mathematics _BA Vassar College; MA, PhD., Yale _University Served in the U.S. Navy for __ years Helped in Development of Mark _Series of Computers Subsequent Work on UNIVAC _Computers Developed the Compiler Developed the Computer Language _COBOL Standards in Computing Teaching Legacy
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MARK Series

Aka Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC) Gears, Counters, Mechanical Switches and Relays, Control Circuits, Rudimentary Vacuum Tube Technology, Punched Paper Tape; 55x 8

Designed for Ordinance Ballistics Calculations; Used by USN in WW2

Part of the Bureau of Ordnance Computation Project (also IBM-Harvard) Located at Harvards Cruft Laboratories After USNR Midshipmans School, Dr. Hopper Entered the USN in 1943 and Began Work on Project in 1944 under Dr. Howard Aiken Dr. Hoppers First Assignment -- Calculate Sinusoidal Coefficients of a Triangle
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Eckert-Mauchly Corporation UNIVAC -- Universal Automatic Computer; Evolved from ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator used in WW2 by US Army Ordinance) First Large-Scale Electronic Digital Computer -Used Vacuum Tubes and Magnetic Tape Input Dr. Hopper Developed First Compiler -The A-O Dr. Hopper Developed FLOW-MATIC (B-O) => First Versions of COBOL Mathematical Symbols => Machine Code; Call Numbers References for the Calling of Routines
J. Presper Eckert, CBS's Walter Cronkite behind console of the UNIVAC, election night, 1952.

Routines = Blocks of Code in Libraries Shared by Programmers

Used by CBS to Predict the Results of the 1952 Eisenhower-Stevenson Presidential Race (but results were not used)

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COmmon Business Oriented Language
CODASYL (Eckert-Mauchly COBOL Executive Committee) Developed in the 1959 from Dr. Hoppers FLOW-MATIC Set of _Routines for UNIVAC Purpose -- Because Dr. Hopper Said She was lazy

Easy-to-Understand English-like Instruction Set

Still in Use Today Standardized by the U.S. Military (Leadership of Dr. Hopper) Not Designed at the Start to Perform Low-Level System _Operations or Routines

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Amazing Grace - Teaching Legacy

Weve Always Done It That Way - _NOT Calculating Cost of Misinformation 1 Nanosecond = ~ 11.38 Foot Cable; _1_Microsecond = ~ Thousand Feet Cable Orphan Children

We Manage Things; We Lead People

Converted the Navy to the Computer Age __(All Hands, Sept. 1982) Widely Lectured after Retirement from _USN

Always Wore USN Uniform

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President Ronald Reagan Promotion Ceremony

Promotional Ceremony of Dr. Grace Hopper to Rank of Commodore _ _in White House Dec. 1983 Two Years Later Commodore is Eliminated and Merged with Rear _Admiral

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USS Grace Murray Hopper DDG-70*

(Commissioned 1997)
*Although Dr.
Hopper has had a U.S. Navy destroyer named after her, she has never had a computer language named after her. CIS 110 - Carruthers 8

NERSC Hopper CRAY XE6 Supercomputer

XE6 Hopper modular system - 153,308 Opteron processor cores - Suse Linux operating system - External Lustre File System (storage)

External Lustre File System - 2PB disk space - Dual channel max 50GB/sec (25 _GB-sec/channel peak I/O - Phase I implementation
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National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

Located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories on the grounds of the University of
California, Berkeley Operated by the LBNL and owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) Named after Dr. Lawrence, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project Provides computer support for computation-intensive unclassified research projects Home Page

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1906 - 1992

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3] 4] 5]

7] 8] 9] Grace Hopper--A Living Legend. All Hands, Sept. 1982 (pages in jpeg format from __ 10] Remembering Grace Murray Hopper--A Legend in Her Own Time. Chips, April 1992 __(pages in jpeg format from 11] Computer Pioneer Hopper dies at 85. Navy Times, Jan. 1992 (pages in jpeg format from ___

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Image Credits:
1] ALL HANDS Magazine, Sept. 1982
2] 3]

4] CHIPS Magazine, April 1992

5] All Hands Magazine, Sept. 1982 6] 7] Ibid. 8] 9] 10] http:/ 11]
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