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A Learning Difference or Disability?

Which statements are true or false?

People with dyslexia read backwards. Most people with dyslexia have a average to low IQ. A person with dyslexia will always be a poor reader. With appropriate teaching methods dyslexics can become great readers. Dyslexics have trouble memorizing number facts.

Understanding Dyslexia

15% to 20% of the U.S. population has dyslexia. It is a myth that people with dyslexia read backwards. Most people with dyslexia have an average to high IQ. With the proper teaching strategies they can become successful readers Dyslexic people may have difficulty remembering math facts.

Dyslexia Defined

Dyslexia is lifelong learning challenge. According to IDEA 04 it is classified as a learning disability. Dyslexia does not hinder the persons ability to learn. The disorder hinders a persons ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes speak. It does not effect their hearing, vision, or intelligence.

The Cause of Dyslexia

According to the International Dyslexia Foundation

The exact causes of dyslexia are still not completely clear, but anatomical and brain imagery studies show differences in the way the brain of a dyslexic person develops and functions.

Possible Signs of Dyslexia

Difficulty with learning to speak Struggling to learn letters and their sounds Problems organizing written and spoken language Difficulties with memorizing number facts Problems with reading fluency

Struggles with reading comprehension Difficulty learning a foreign language Problems with spelling correctly Struggles with correctly doing math operations Problems with persistence and comprehension on longer reading assignments


What are your thoughts on using multisensory teaching in the classroom? Would it benefit all students in the classroom, why or why not?

Software & Assistive Technology

Earobics - This software focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Ages 4-10 Livescribe Smartpen - Records lectures while the student is taking notes. School Age and up Barton Reading and Spelling System - One-on-one tutoring system to help students improve reading, spelling, and writing skill. It also teaches how to tutor a dyslexic student. Kidspiration - Software that integrates thinking, literacy, and mathematical skills with learning. Students create maps, diagrams, and webs in picture view and then expand them in writing

Classroom Myths and Accommodations

Be familiar with the IEP or 504 plan
Provide course syllabus, announce projects, and tests in advance Make assignments explicit Provide hands-on learning experiences Encourage handing in assignments early

Do not ask the student to read in front of the class

If student volunteers to read allow them to do so Give students time to process questions (wait 5 sec. or more) Cultivate the students strengths and interests Use Universal Design in classroom instruction

Assign a peer buddy

Embracing Dyslexia Susan Barton clip

Family Resources

The International Dyslexia Association, 40 York Road 4th Floor Baltimore, Maryland 21204 (410) 296-0232 www.interdys.org Dyslexia Help Success Starts Here DyslexiaHelp.umich.edu National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities nichcy.org INFORMATION AVALABLE TILL 09/30/14

Learning Disabilities Association of Maryland www.ldamd.org (800) 799-4533

Embracing Dyslexia A documentary film by Luis Macias http://www.embracingdyslexia.com

Accommodations are key to the success of dyslexics in school

What are some accommodations you might include in your classroom to help children with dyslexia be successful learners?


Bailet, L, PhD. July 2012. Understanding Dyslexia. Retrieved from http://Kidshealth.org/parent/medical/learning/dyslexia.html Bock, R., & Miller Glass, M. November 2011. NIH-Funded Study Finds Dyslexia Not Tied to IQ. Retrieved from http://www.nih.gov/news/health/nov2011/nichd-03.htm

Dyslexic Help Success Starts Here 2013. Dyslexia at School.Accommodations are Key to the Success of Dyslexics in School. Retrieved from http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/professionals/dyslexia-school/accommodations
Macias, L. (Producer). June 23, 2012. Embracing Dyslexia , Susan Barton Clip. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrIWrBxZpdg

Moats, L. Ed.D, & Dakin, K. M.Ed. 2012. Just the Facts Information provided by the International Dyslexia Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.interdys.org/ewebeditpro5/upload/DyslexiaBasicsREVMay2012.pdf
Pike, B. April 2010. Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Resource List. Learning Disabilities Association of Maryland. Retrieved from http://www.ldamd.org/resources/Resource_List_2010.pd

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