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CBB 20303 BIOCHEMISTRY Cellular Respiration (Electron Transport Chain)

By Muhammad Noor Azhre Shah B. Malek Razuan 55202113051

All living organisms required energy for the activities of life, for example, movement, maintenance of body temperature, growth and reproduction. Cellular respiration can be defined as complex process in which food molecules or organic molecules are broken down to harvest chemical energy which is then stored in the chemical bonds of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) *ATP= the energy currency in cells any organism.

Electron Transport Chain

ETC is under aerobic respiration in stages 4 metabolic pathway in Oxidative phosphorilation. Oxidative phosphorilation is electron produced from glycolysis and the Kreb cycle are passed along a series of enzymes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane, producing ATP via oxidative phosphorilation and Chemiosmosis. Most energy locked in the original glucose molecule will be released by the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

ETC is a network of electron carrying proteins located in the folds of the inner membrane (cristae) of the mitochondria.

The electron carriers in the electron transport chain can be divided into two group: A) Complexes consisting of integral membrane proteins which act carrier proteins as well as proton pumps.
I. NADH dehydrogenase or NADH-Q reductase (complex 1) II.Cytochrome reductase or cytochrome b-c1 complex (complex III) III.Cytochrome oxidase or cytochrome a-a3 complex (complex IV)


Mobile carrier that shuttle the electrons between the three proton pumps
I. Ubiquinone or coenzyme Q (CoQ) II.Cytochrome c (cyt c)

The electron carriers of the electron transport chain are embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane and necessary for oxidative phosphorylation.

Electron Transport Chain

e p
intermembrane space


H+ C


H e- + H+

inner mitochondrial membrane

e H

e 2H+ +
1 O2 H 2O 2 cytochrome c oxidase complex mitochondrial matrix


NADH dehydrogenase

cytochrome bc complex

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But what pulls the electrons down the ETC?

electrons flow downhill to O2

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oxidative phosphorylation

Electrons flow downhill Electrons move in steps from

carrier to carrier downhill to O2 each carrier more electronegative controlled oxidation controlled release of energy

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Complex I Complex III

Complex IV

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Step 1 NADH from the Krebs Cycle will interact

with Complex I contains a coenzyme, Flavin mononucleotide(FMN), and ironsulphur (Fe.S) proteins. Electrons from NADH will cause FMN to reduce to FMNH2 and NADH is oxidise to NAD+ by oxygen as the oxygen is reduce to water. This reaction release a great deal of energy and the energy is used to pump protons into the intermembrane space of mitochondrion.

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Complex I Complex III

Complex IV

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Step 2 Electrons from the reduced complex I are

then passed to coenzyme Q(CoQ). This cause CoQ to be reduce to CoQH2 and complex I oxidised. CoQ is small and lipid-soluble. It is mobile in the lipid bilayer and diffuses easily. It shuttles the electrons to complex III.

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Complex I Complex III

Complex IV

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Step 3 CoQH2 passes the electrons to complex III

causing the complex III to be reduce and CoQH2 to be oxidised back to CoQ.

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Complex I Complex III

Complex IV

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Step 4 Cytochrome c (cyt c) is another small

mobile protein. it accepts electrons from complex III and become reduced. Cyt c then shuttles the electrons to the last electron acceptor in the elcetron transport chain, complex IV

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Complex I Complex III

Complex IV

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Step 5 Complex IV contains cytochrome a and

cytochrome a3. When it accepts electrons from cytochrome c, it is reduced and cytochrome c is oxidised. The electrons are eventually transferred to oxygen which is reduced to water.

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proton-motive force
ATP Synthase Complex

Set up a H+
gradient Allow the protons to flow through ATP synthase Synthesizes ATP
ADP + Pi

H+ H+

H+ H+


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The ETC accomplishes the following: Stepwise transfer of electron from NADH (and
FADH2) to oxygen molecules to form water molecules. Harnesses the energy released by this transfer to pump protons (H+) from the matrix to the intermembrane space of mitochondrion. Formation of a proton gradient across the inner membrane. The protons will diffuse down this gradient and re-enter the matrix through another complex consisting of integral proteins in the inner space membrane. This complex is known as the ATP synthase.

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The diffusion of ions across a membrane
build up of proton gradient just so H+ could flow
through ATP synthase enzyme to build ATP

Chemiosmosis links the Electron Transport Chain to ATP synthesis

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References Murray, Robert K.; Daryl K. Granner,

Peter A. Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell (2003). Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry. New York, NY: Lange Medical Books/ MgGraw Hill. p. 96 Karp, Gerald (2008). Cell and Molecular Biology (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. p. 194

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