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What is a computer?
An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), manipulate the data according to specified rules (process), produce information (output) from the processing, and store the results for future use.

an electronic device designed to manipulate data in order to achieve a desired result based on the stored program or instructions an intelligent machine that is capable of connecting and communicating

a power tool that can be used as basis for decision making

a machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or reuse.

Why do we need computers ?

In all aspects of daily living- education, work, pleasure, entertainment, communication, marketing , business and the like, computer is always present.
Man has to be computer literate because that is the demand of the time.

Measurements to assess the level of computer literacy 1. Awareness When you begin to study computers, you will be aware of their importance, versatility and pervasiveness in our society. 2. Knowledge - You will learn what computer are and how they function. This requires knowing some technical jargons in order to understand the computer language. 3. Interaction The best way to understand computers is to use directly for some simple applications, like doing research via the internet, mailing and chatting electronically.

Nature of Computer : 1. Speed computer provides the processing speed essential to our fast-paced society 2. Reliability capable of producing accurate and timely results 3. Storage Capability capable of storing tremendous amounts of data which can be located and retrieved efficiently

Graphics computers provide picture, representation of statistical reports, through graphics; better analysis can be achieved. Retailing products ( from meat to magazines) are packed with zebra-stripped bar code that can be read by computer scanners at supermarket checkout stands to determine prices and help manage inventory. Energy energy companies use computers to ;ocate oil,, coal, natural gas and uranium. Electric companies use computers to monitor vast power networks.

Productivity more jobs can be performed at almost the same duration of time. Multi-tasking results to greater productivity.

Decision-making computer provides up-to-date alternatives that will make the user select the best option.
Cost-reduction computer helps us to hold down the cost of labor, energy and paperwork. As a result, computers help reduce the cost of goods and services.

Paperwork paperworks are being reduced tremendously because of the storage capability of computers. Transaction printing is minimized because of on-line processing of remote terminals/main computers. Only final reports are needed for print out. Transportation computers are used to help run rapid transit systems, load container ships, safeguard airport take offs and landings, monitor air traffic and schedule travel Law Enforcement latest innovations in computerized law enforcement include national fingerprint files, and computer modeling of DNA, which can be used to match traces from alleged criminal body such as blood in a crime scene

Money computers speed-up record keeping and allow banks to offer same day service and even do-ityourself banking over the phone. Computers have helped fuel the cashless economy, enabling the widespread use of credit cards and instantaneous credit checks by banks and retailers. Agriculture farmers can now use small computer to help with the billing, crop information, cost per acre, feed combinations and market price checks. Cattle ranchers can also use computer for information about livestock breeding and performance.

Government national government use computer to forecast weather, manage parks, process immigrants, produce government security and insurance systems, give benefit checks and collect taxes. Local govts also use computer in counting ballots during election

Education Dept. of Education(DepEd) and CHED require the integration of computer subjects in every school level from nursery level to tertiary level, not only to acquire basic computer literacy but also to become knowledgeable on information and communication technology fundamentals. Home personal computers are being used at home to keep records, write letters, prepare budgets, draw pictures, publish newsletters and connect with others\ Health and Medicine computers help monitor the gravely ill at the Intensive Care Unit and provide crosssectional views of the body. Physicians can also use computers to assist in diagnosis. In fact, computers have shown to diagnose heart attacks correctly more frequently than physicians

Robotics computers have paved the way for robots to take over many of the jobs that are unpleasant or too dangerous for humans, such as opening packages believed to contain bombs.
Sciences scientific researchers have long benefited from the high-speed capabilities of computers. It can simulate environments, emulate physical characteristics and allow scientists to provide proofs in a cost effective manner. Also many mice ( and other animals have been spared since computers have taken over their research files

Connectivity allow person to communicate with other people who have computers, whether for business or personal reasons. In addition, computers can give the person the option of working at their homes instead of in city offices

What does a computer do?

Control Unit/Arithmetic Logic Unit

Input Process Output Storage

Input Devices


Output Devices

Storage Devices

Input Devices
Any hardware component that allows you to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer Input Device Examples
Keyboard Mouse

Output Devices
Output devices make the information resulting from processing available for use Output Device Examples

Impact Nonimpact Photo

Display Devices

Storage Devices
Removable Floppy disk, or diskette Compact Disc CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM DVDs DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM Zip disk Flash disk/USB drive Tape Non-Removable Hard disk

System Unit

The motherboard, or system board, is the main circuit board of the system unit The processor, also called the central processing unit (CPU), interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer The control unit interprets the instructions The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) performs the logical and arithmetic processes Memory, also called random access memory, or RAM, consists of electronic components that store data, instructions, and information, as needed by the processor

Communications Devices
A communications device is a hardware component that enables a computer to send (transmit) and receive data, instructions, and information to and from one or more computers Communications occur over transmission media, such as telephone lines, cables, cellular radio networks, and satellites

Types of Computers
Supercomputers and Mainframes Microcomputers
Desktops Laptops

(Notebooks) Handhelds

Exercise 1
1. Define computer ( 2 pts) 2. Differentiate the three fundamental characteristics of computer ( 2 pts) 3. One principal areas of computer use is Education. Explain how the computer affects education in the Philippines. ( 5 pts) 4. One of the classifications of computers is personal computer, it is developed for personal use. If you have one pc, how will you utilize it. ( 5 pts) 5. Enumerate the computer scientists of the four generations of computers. Have an individual research of the computer developments.

System software consists of programs to control the operations of computer equipment Instructions in the operating system tell the computer how to perform the functions of loading, storing, and executing an application program and how to transfer data When a computer is turned on, the operating system is loaded into the computers memory from auxiliary storage, a process called booting Most computers use an operating system that has a graphical user interface (GUI)

Operating System Tasks

Operations Management

Load, store and execute programs Transfer data

Files Folder

File Management

System Maintenance

Defragment/Check Disk Virus Check

System Monitoring

Application Software
Word Processing Spreadsheet Presentation Graphics Database Contact Management Utility Software antivirus, data backup, and file compression

Computer Hardware & Software


Operating System

Software Applications

A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together so users can share data and resources A local area network (LAN) connects computers in a limited geographic area A wide area network (WAN) covers a large geographical area

Networks and the Internet

The worlds largest network is the Internet Most users connect to the Internet in one of two ways:
Internet service provider Online service provider

The World Wide Web

One of the more popular segments of the Internet is the World Wide Web, also called the Web. A Web page is a document that contains text, graphics, sound, and/or video and has built-in connections, or hyperlinks to other Web documents A Web site is a related collection of Web pages You access and view Web pages using a software program called a Web browser A Web page has a unique address, called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) A hyperlink is a virtual connection to another place on the Web

More Internet Terms

Cookies a text file created by a Web server and your Web browser, that sits on your hard drive Search engine a Web site containing a database of web pages and their content Electronic commerce conducting business online, such as shopping or investing. Portal -- a launching point for browsing online; one of the most well-known is Yahoo!, where you can search the Web, shop, chat, check e-mail, build a Web site, and view news articles.

Web Browsers
Internet Explorer built into Windows Netscape the oldest browser; an allround communications package for the Internet; free at Opera free version available at

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

E-mail--Send messages to other connected users Shop for goods and services Meet and converse with people around the world Instant Messaging, such as ICQ, Windows (MSN) Messenger, and AOL Instant Messenger Web browser plug-ins, such as Macromedia Flash and Shockwave Access sources of entertainment and leisure, such as online games, magazines, and vacation planning guides Access information such as news, maps, airline schedules, and stock market data

Electronic Commerce
When you conduct business activities online, you are participating in electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce Business to consumer (B2C) involves the sale of goods to the general public Consumer to consumer (C2C) involves one consumer selling directly to another Business to business (B2B) provides goods and services to other businesses


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