6sigma Introdution

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Six Sigma

An Overview


What is Six Sigma Benefits of Six Sigma Basic Concept in Six Sigma Key Elements for Breakthrough

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What Is Six Sigma?

A stretch quality goal (3.4 ppm)? A problem solving method?

A set of statistical tools?

A quality philosophy?

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What Is Six Sigma?

A Management System That Focuses On Driving

Improvements To Gain Competitive Edge

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History of Quality Innovations


Six Sigma

ISO9000, BPR 1980 TQM (Total Quality Management)


TQC (Total Quality Control)


SQC (Statistical Quality Control)

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Benefits of Six Sigma

Motorola Turn around from weak market position in early 80s Achieve a five-fold increase in sales AlliedSignal

Turn around from weak financial position in late 80s

Market value climbed from US$4B (91) to US$29B (98) General Electric Achieve 40% increase in operating margin since mid 90s Develop a better leadership for todays more competitive world
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Basic Concept

Basic Concept

All work occurs in a system of interconnected processes

Variation exists in all processes

Understanding and reducing variation are the keys to improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs

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Sigma Level of Process

Definition: The Number Of Sigmas That Can Be Fitted Into The Space Between The Process Center And The Nearest Specification Limit
Lower Spec Limit
Upper Spec Limit


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Sigma Level of Process

Sigma Rating 2 3 Defect per Million 308,538 66,807 Percent Good 69.2% 93.3%






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Variation and Cost

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3




Additional Inventory Ad-hoc Re-Scheduling Meeting Lost of Customer Loyalty Extra-Handling

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COPQ of an Average Company

The Cost of Poor Quality Iceberg
Traditional Quality Cost Scraps Rework Waste Warranty Inspection Additional Cost of Poor Quality More Setups Expediting Cost Lost of Customer Loyalty Long Cycle Time Engineering Change Late Delivery Excess Inventory
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4 - 8% of Sales

20 - 25 % of Sales

Huge Opportunity For Increasing Profit Margin

Process Variation and COPQ

Correlation Between A Companys COPQ And Variability Of Its Key Processes COPQ (% of Sales)
40 30 20 10



(308538dpm) (66807dpm) (6210dpm)

Sigma Rating (Variability)

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Profit Formula

Profit = Price - Cost

In a seller market, profit can be maintained by increasing price
In a buyer market, the way to maintain profit is to reduce cost

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Responding to Price Pressure

Price Profit COPQ Competition Drive a Lowered Price

A: Cut Base Cost

B: Reduce Profit C: Reduce COPQ

Base Cost

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Reducing COPQ
High Hanging Fruit
Bulks Of Fruit Six Sigma Approach

Low Hanging Fruit

QCC & 7 Basic Tools Common Sense & Intuition

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Ground Fruit

Stages of Process Improvement

Performance Measure Not Defined, Process Flow Not Defined Upper Limit

Performance Measure Defined, Process Flow Not Defined

Upper Limit

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Stages of Process Improvement

Performance Measure Defined, Current Process Flow Defined Upper Limit

Current Process Flow Is Defined, Key Input Factors Defined.

Upper Limit

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Stages of Process Improvement

Target (Max) Further Improvement By Streamlining

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Key Elements

Key Elements for Breakthrough

Mindset Methodology Techniques and Tools Infrastructure

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Process Management Essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and cost reduction Measure We Dont Know Much About What We Dont Measure What Gets Measured Gets Done Quantitative Data Analysis Versus guesswork. Stretch Goals (aiming for excellence) Dont Worry About Failure; Worry About Low Aim Promote out-of-the-box thinking and innovation Critical Thinking Asking critical questions Identify root causes / surface underlying issues
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Process Focus Versus Functional Focus

Design & Development Suppliers Production Distribution Market Research

Customer s

HEAD Market Research Design & Develop



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Phase Main Activities
Select CTQs Set Up Projects Verify Measurement System Grasp Current Capability



Identify Variables Optimize Variables

Check Effectiveness Verify Goals Attained Establish Control System Disseminate Across Organization

Black Belt & Green Belt

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Phase Step 1 DEFINE 2 3 Identify Projects Define Process Performance Measure (Y) Task Define Key Areas of Focus



Verify Measurement System

Establish Current Performance Status

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Phase Step 6 ANALYSE 7 8 9 IMPROVE 10 Task Brainstorm All Possible Factors Shortlist Key Factors Verify Key Factors Determine and Implement Improvement Solution Confirm Improvement Solutions


Institutionalize Improvements
Close the Project

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Projects and Project Teams

Project Management Cascading of improvement objectives Cluster projects Multi-generation projects Team / Project Charter Objective Scope Team Schedule Project Reviews A two-way communication channel Enforce application based learning Surface barriers to management attention Ask critical question Critical Thinking
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Project Management
Sub-CTQ 1 CTQ 1 Objective A Business Plan Objective B Role & Responsibility
Executive Team Champion

Project 1

Sub-CTQ 2
Sub-CTQ 3

Project 2 Project 3
Project 4

CTQ 2 Sub-CTQ 4

Black Belts
Green Belts
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Technique and Tools

A] Team Problem Solving Team Dynamics Ideas Generation Technique Ideas Selection Technique

Why use team? Addressing the diplomatic corps, US Secretary of State Colin Powell said that his military background told him that people in the field had the best understanding of any given situation
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Technique and Tools

B] Quantitative Data Analysis
7 Basic QC Tools Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Process Capability Analysis Process Stability Analysis Measurement System Analysis Hypothesis Testing Regression Analysis Design of Experiment

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Technique and Tools

C] Process Mapping and Analysis
Graphical Presentation Tools Decision Matrix 7 Basic QC Tools Nominal Group/Affinity Diagram Process Mapping Process Streamlining Value Add Analysis Mistake Proofing

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How to succeed in Business?

Now, to succeed in business we need both functional capabilities and process management approach

Market Research

Design & Develop



Design & Development

Suppliers Production

Market Research


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Key Components for Implementation

Roles & Responsibility
Leadership Team
Six Sigma Office Champion, MBB, BB, GB Project Team Finance Incentive System Training Meeting Room Software Project Management Project Savings Guideline Projects Tracking System Implementatio n Schedule

Training Program
Champion BB / GB MBB Awareness

Six Sigma Benefits

Training Schedule



Implementation Plan
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Roles & Responsibilities

Leadership Team
- Understand what Six Sigma is and evaluate how it serves business objectives - Give directive for Six Sigma implementation - Provide resources - Lead the change, be seen as an advocate and supporter

- Follow up: > effectiveness of approach > the extend of deployment > the results achieved
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Change Principle for Leadership




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Change Principle for New Work Habit

Know Why Do It - appreciate the purpose - understand what is in it for me Know What To Do - role and responsibility - expectation Know How To Do It - methodology / steps - tools
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GE Leadership Model



Enormous personal energy - Strong bias for action

Ability to motivate and energize others Infectious enthusiasm to maximize organization potential Competitive spirit..Instinctive drive for speed/impact..Strong convictions and courageous advocacy Deliver results
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Six Sigma Committee (or Six Sigma promotion office)

Secretariat to the leadership team
Key responsibilities : - promotion - planning - coordinating - controlling - monitoring - evaluating
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Determine the CTQs - what are the key business goals? Ensure appropriate projects are set up - empower the project teams - ensure cross functional collaboration Follow up on the projects - check the progress - remove barriers - give guidance, share experience - promote critical thinking Assess projects results - evaluate lesson learned
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Black Belt & Green Belt

Black Belt Expert in Six Sigma methodology and tools Coach and mentor green belts

Trainer on certain Six Sigma tools

Handle more challenging projects Green Belt Practitioner of Six Sigma method and tools Six Sigma project leader
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Master Black Belt

Knowledge of Six Sigma concepts, method and tools
Understand how Six Sigma support business Experience in implementing Six Sigma

Six Sigma trainer

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Implementation Plan

Overall Plan
1. Executive Briefing

2. Decide Six Sigma Strategy

3. Form Six Sigma Committee 4. Decide Implementation Plan 5. Train Champion 6. Identify CTQs 7. Selects Projects 8. Train BB & GB
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Training Programme

Two Basic Objectives

Build appreciation for the need and create supports for Six Sigma.
Impart the necessary knowledge and skills for the respective roles.

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Leadership Training
Concepts in Quality
Concepts of Six Sigma Six Sigma Methodology and Tools Role of Leadership

Six Sigma Implementation

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Champion Training
Concepts in Quality Concepts of Six Sigma Six Sigma Methodology and Tools Role of Champion Six Sigma Implementation

Projects Selection and Management

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Black Belt Training

Concepts in Quality Concepts of Six Sigma Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control Statistics Foundation Measurement System Analysis Process Data Analysis Process Mapping and Analysis Effective Team and Tools
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Green Belt Training

Concepts in Quality Concepts of Six Sigma Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control Statistics Foundation Measurement System Analysis Process Data Analysis Process Mapping and Analysis Effective Team and Tools

Note: There is less breadth and depth in the Green Belt training as compared with the Black Belt training
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Awareness Briefing
Concepts in Quality
Concepts of Six Sigma Six Sigma Methodology and Tools Six Sigma Implementation

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Communication Package Applications Software Meeting Facility Project Tracking Procedure Incentive system Project Saving Guideline Black Belt and Green Belt Certification Procedure
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Six Sigma is about gaining competitive advantage (quality, speed, cost) through improving the processes. Six Sigma provides a detailed roadmap on how to achieve sustainable improvements. Through Six Sigma, management
- makes known the intention to achieve excellence - creates the appropriate climate and mindset - provides the enabling skills and knowledge - establishes the system and the processes
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Six Sigma in NCI

Bajatex Tiga Raksa Great Giant Pineapple Jago Furniture

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Our Six Sigma Consultant

More than 10 years experience in various industry Hand on experience on six sigma improvement Certified black belt from recognize institution Expertise also on Lean concept.

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Our Six Sigma Training

Introduction to Six sigma Green Belt Training Black Belt Training

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