Hello EDU 214 Students We Will Be Talking About An Emotional Disorder That Affects Millions Worldwide and That Is

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Hello EDU 214 students We will be talking about an emotional disorder that affects millions worldwide and that is

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a mental disorder characterized by extreme

shifts in mood, as well as fluctuations in energy and activity levels. Shifts in energy involve periods of Mania (restlessness and high energy) to periods of depression (feeling worthlessness, low energy).

Just the facts Maam

5.7 Million Adults or 2.6% of the US population 18 years

or older suffer from Dipolar Disorder

According to the World Health Organization Bipolar

Disorder the sixth leading cause of disability in the world.

What are the symptoms?

We first need to understand that this disorder affects not

only adults, but in children and in senior citizens.

People that suffer from Bipolar have extreme/severe mood

swings or episodes.
People also have explosive and irritable behaviors. These swings can occur during the day and affect school,

work and home life.

How would you test for this disorder?

If you notice that you or a loved one has a change in

motional behaviors.. Take them to the doctors. The doctor will give a physical exam such as their height, weight, blood pressure and vital signs. The doctor will then order blood and urine tests to be performed. This is to determine if there are underlying issues that may affect the mood swings. Physiological Evaluation: Doctor will ask a series of questions about feelings, sleeping patterns. May also include family for their input.

So what are the treatments?

There is no treatment for bipolar disorder, however

there are different ways to maintain the disorder. Initial Treatment: Once a doctor diagnoises a person with bipolar disorder, treatment begins to help balance the moods. Continued Treatment: People will work with their doctors to manage the disorder on a long term basis. Hospitalization: This is the extreme case if a doctor thinks that a person with bipolar is acting dangerous, detached from reality, and suicidal.

Three Stages of Bipolar

Bipolar I: Those that have experienced at least one mania

episode. However, may not have experienced a depression stage.

Bipolar II: Those that have experienced at least one major

depression and one manic episode. This stage causes distress in a persons school, work or relationships.
Cyclothymic: A person has numerous episodes of mania

and depression swings.

Help is on the way..

Here are some local organizations to help those that

suffer from Bipolar Disorder.

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda

Maryland Adventist Behavioral Health, Rockville Maryland Annapolis House Bipolar Treatment Center, Annapolis Maryland

In Summary
We learned what Bipolar is
Some of the symptoms of the disorder Testing strategies

Some of the stages of the disorder Local Resources for those that need help

Thanks All..
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving

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