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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction to POPBL Planning POPBL Projects in POPBL Applying POPBL in your course E-learning Tools in POPBL Assessment and Evaluation Method 7. Review

Chapter 1 : Introduction to POPBL

Definition Philosophy of POPBL Principles POPBL vs. Conventional Examples/case Study Local scenario adaptation Learning outcome expectation Tools for OBE (outcomes handled by POPBL). Importance of POPBL in current context (stakeholders)

Philosophy of POPBL
Related theory-constructivism, social psychology.

POPBL vs. Conventional

Student centered vs teacher oriented PO vs Subject Oriented Focused on Process vs Outcome/Product Interactive vs. Authoritative Group vs Individual Continuous Assessment vs. Exam oriented. Promoting soft skills + technical knowledge vs. knowledge/skills

Problem based (not subject based) (more learning, finding solution). Student Centered/Participant Direction Contextual/real life application. Interdisciplinary / multi disciplinary Group work/team work. Process oriented.

Examples/case Study
TU Delft Case Study Examples from Roskilde University Examples of elements implemented in UM and UKM

Local scenario adaptation

Cultural Barrier
Passive students (educate by more interactive activities)

System Barrier
Strict curriculum structure (introduce elements of POPBL progressively)

Education Curriculum Barrier

Introduce new courses fully POPBL to practitioners

Resource Management
Financial, exchange staff/student, staff development

Policy (top down)

Convince policy makers (awareness) Importance of active learning

Learning outcome expectation

More Communicative Good communication skills Thinking skills Creative and critical thinking Lateral thinking Team player and group leader Lifelong learning (encourage) Learning to learn Problem solving skills

Tools for OBE (outcomes handled by POPBL).

As means to achieve OBE outcomes Teaching approach to be adopted

Importance of POPBL in current context (stakeholders)

Real world connection Solving real problems New skills Quality graduates (better soft skills and technical competency)

2.Planning POPBL
Problem formulation and developing problem statement (and project scenarios) Continuous assessment Course Design/Structure Learning Objectives Supervision (roles) Group Dynamic/Formation Case studies in POPBL Tutors in POPBL

Problem formulation and developing problem statement (and project scenarios)

Scientific research problems Scientific method in order to reach conclusion using scientific methods

3.Projects in POPBL
Identification of the problems Selection / Prioritization of problems Literature search Data gathering Report writing Progress review Analysis Role play activities Issues in project supervision/management

Lit Review and Problem Identification Problem Formulation (timescale important) Evaluation of Problem Formulation Project implementation
Communication and engagement of Stakeholders Data gathering and analysis

Progress review continuous process Issues in project supervision/management

4.Applying POPBL in your course

Assessment of existing course Gap Analysis Elements of POPBL to be incorporated and considered. (scope and extent of application) Examples of good practice. POPBL setting environment Content and delivery (POPBL vs. conventional) Anticipated problems/challenges. Possible teaching approaches. Role of supervisors, tutors and students.

5.E-learning Tools in POPBL

Awareness/education on e-learning (lecturers & students). Advantages of e-learning. Virtual Learning Env. (VLE) (Moodle) Choice of appropriate tools and its application. Challenges Managing VLE.


Monitoring student progress electronically

login Reflections and feedback fr supervisors/facilitators

Student profile Project profile Gantt Chart

tracking of literature accessed

Issues and Problems

Internet availability and accessibility Other supporting infrastructure Attitude towards integrating eTools into T&L: how to overcome Time & work load of supervisors Teachers readiness Challenges

6.Evaluation Method & Assessment

Alternative vs conventional. Formative vs Summative Assessment. Rubric development. Principles of good assessment. Project/Group assessment. Designing good assessment for POPBL

Overall program evaluation Lecturers feedback. Student feedback. Continuous Improvement. Conclusion.

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